My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 155: People's hearts are evil

Chapter 155 The human heart is sinister

 “At the beginning of human beings, their natures are good, their natures are similar, but their habits are far apart…”

"Three cardinal principles are the righteousness of king and minister. Father and son are close, and husband and wife are obedient." Suisui raised her head and kept reciting with her little mouth.

 The desperate and collapsed Old Man Lu looked at her blankly.

 It turns out that it’s not inappropriate.

 Just because there is no full banquet between Manchu and Han Dynasties! !

 This little bastard!

 “Senior brother, is it enough for the entire banquet?” Little Milkman’s eyes were bright, and Mr. Lu’s throat was lumpy.

 He remembers…

 I have not yet learned how to be a father and a son, and a husband and wife should be harmonious.

"Have I taught you the following?" Mr. Lu hesitated a little. Is he really old and his memory is declining?

“That’s not the case. Last time I saw you preparing for a lesson, I muttered it once.” Suisui waved her hand.

"These are not important. What is important is, does the Manchu-Han banquet really have so many dishes? Can he cook it by himself? Is it delicious?" Suisui scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously.

"Preparing lessons? Weren't you making clay figurines at that time?" She thought Mr. Lu's lectures were not pleasant, so she dug a lump of mud in and made little figurines.

 In just a few days, I didn’t learn much from the textbooks, but my clay figures got better and better.

“You don’t need to work hard to remember it. Can’t you just listen to it once?” Suisui looked at him with a puzzled look.

Mr. Lu suddenly covered his heart.

He almost gritted his teeth and said: "Disciple rules, saints' teachings. First, be filial to brothers, second to sincere trust. Love everyone... When the road is long, you will bow to each other quickly. If you are silent for a long time, you will stand respectfully." A long list of disciples was prepared for her on the spot. regulation!

Mr. Lu shook his head, his mouth was dry, and he looked at her closely.

 “If you memorize it, there will be a banquet of Manchu and Han Dynasties!”

 Sure enough…

Xiao Suisui, whose eyes were wandering just now, suddenly started reciting with his head shaking!

And every time Mr. Lu paused to take a breath, she paused exactly the same, exactly!

 She even learned how to burp the old man!

Depend on!

 Lao Lu realized later that she had a photographic memory!

Lu Wei was guarding Mr. Lu every step of the way. Even at the door, their eyes widened in surprise.

Suisui looked at them with an innocent face, Mr. Lu rubbed his eyebrows, thinking that after teaching him for so long, it was not as effective as a Man-Han banquet!

Mr. Lu was angry and angry.

“I won’t forget your Manchu-Han banquet! Master Zhou has been an imperial chef for generations, and his ancestors have passed it down from generation to generation. He can do the same job. But there are many dishes for the Man-Han banquet, and you can’t finish it all at once. Is it a waste?”

"It's not like this. Every time you do the seven steps, if you perform well, it will be rewarded." Mr. Lu glanced at her faintly.

“I am also quite famous in the royal family. If you are willing, when you come back to Beijing in the future, I will treat you to a real Manchu-Han banquet. The kind that the emperor eats..."

Suisui’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Mr. Lu smiled slightly, and his heart really felt at ease.

 He had never thought that Suisui was so talented and so rough.

Suisui yawned. She was born with great power.

The law of heaven favors her, how can she have a rotten head?

 Photographic memory is just her basic configuration.

 She is lazy, not stupid!

"That's all, I'm tired today. Come over for dinner tomorrow..." Seeing her talent, Mr. Lu was no longer anxious and waved his hand for her to leave.

After she left, Lu Weiwei came in.

“Mr. Lu, you said you wanted to show Suisui something about the evil nature of people’s hearts. Do you want to see it today?”

  Mr. Lu is extremely satisfied with Suisui.

Suisui can stand on the city wall for the people, and his character is the best among ten thousand.

 But Mr. Lu is also worried that Suisui is too upright and unprepared for the people, and will suffer big losses in the future.

Today, Mr. Lu has prepared two scenes for her.

As soon as Suisui left the gate of Lu Mansion, she found an old lady with a cane standing in the snow.

The old lady's crutch fell to the ground, and she couldn't pick it up after a lot of effort.

 At this time the old lady saw Suisui. Suddenly she smiled kindly: "Child, can you help me? I'm old and can't bend down. Can you help me?" The old man looked at her with an eager look.

Suisui immediately nodded enthusiastically: "No problem."

“Sorry for bothering you, little girl. It’s really **** you. I can’t bend my waist at all.”

Suisui stepped closer and said, "Grandma, you're welcome."

Then he walked behind the old lady, took her hands with both hands, and pulled her down. Then he pressed her **** the back!


Hunted the old lady's waist and bent it down.

"Grandma, have you bent down? Can you bend down?" Suisui looked concerned, fearing that the old lady wouldn't be able to pick it up, so she secretly put more strength in her hands.

With a tearing sound…

 She directly pressed down on the old lady's whole body, and the old lady was split on the spot!

The old lady tried to move, but she couldn't move at all!

I planned to blackmail her, but I blackmailed her to the point where Yan Suisui burst into tears, but the result! !

"Grandma, you won't be able to bend down next time, just like today, do a split! You can pick up anything! You don't have to thank Suisui, this is what Suisui should do, and Suisui will work harder." Seeing that the old lady had grabbed the crutch, the girl walked away with her head held high and her head held high.

The old lady’s legs were spread straight apart and she was sitting in the snow. She tried to stand up and made a creak.

 Damn it, I can’t straighten up, my leg is broken.

 The old lady is about to cry but has no tears. I thank you for your eight generations of ancestors!

Suisui is happily bouncing all the way, helping others, so happy.

 After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, with the support of Suisui, businesses in the city gradually opened. The five shops in Suisui are also decorated with gongs and drums, and they are afraid that they will be opened in a few days.

 Luckily, it is located close to the academy, so its popularity will be extremely high in the future.

The academy recruited six masters, all of whom were poor scholars. They heard that they could be given a house with food, accommodation, and a family to support them, so they came.

Suisui wandered all the way, and when he realized what he was doing, the moon was already rising above the willow branches.

 The two guards Fu Jiuxiao left behind were still following her.

On the way home, there was a slender white figure that seemed to be waiting for something in the darkness.

Suisui felt particularly pitiful when she saw her alone.

He immediately said: "You carry me, and we will **** her home. The woman must be extremely scared when she is out alone at night."

The guard picked up Suisui and carried her around her neck. Suisui also grabbed a brick. If she met a bad guy, she could slap him on the head with a brick.

A few people just followed the woman in white all the way.

 If the woman walks slowly, they walk slowly.

 If the woman walks fast, they walk fast.

 The woman's steps became faster and faster, and even afterimages appeared under her feet.


  started to run wildly.

Suisui and the others were chasing her wildly, and the guards were carrying her, breathing heavily in the darkness.

  The steps of the woman in front were messy and frightened, and she was limping with a sprained foot.

Suisui even heard the woman's whimpering.

 It wasn’t until he saw the woman entering a house that Suisui stopped with satisfaction.

“She was really scared. Fortunately, we followed her. Otherwise, she would have been so scared alone in the dark... Hey, today is another day to help others, let’s go home.”

 At night.

Mr. Lu was silent for a long time as he looked at the old woman who couldn't straighten up and the frightened woman who was pale and sluggish.

 Have people’s hearts been sinister?

 Yes, it is indeed sinister!

Mr. Lu paid a large sum of money to settle the two people properly.

This is the first time in his life that he has lost money. Hey, people's hearts are so sinister!

How can a four-year-old baby be so dangerous? !

 (End of this chapter)

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