Chapter 154: A man’s face

 Early on the second day.

 Fu Jiuxiao is riding on a war horse, and his lieutenant is a local from Xiushan.

At this moment, I happened to be back with him to visit relatives, and I was hurriedly running towards the team, cursing.

“You bitch, you stomped on your nose and slapped your face. Why did you learn to scratch people?”

 “I really like him!”

"Can she scratch the big man's face? My face was scratched to pieces!" The deputy general wiped the blood on his face, turned to Fu Jiuxiao and saluted.

“Your Highness is a joke. That **** of mine is a shrew, and I didn’t deal with her until I got back.” The nail marks on the man’s face were particularly obvious.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who was aloof and solemn, glanced at him and frowned slightly.

 “How can you beat a man’s face?”

“The man is the head of the family. If he talks east at home, the woman cannot go west. If she is allowed to stand, she cannot sit. How can a woman trample on a man’s status?”

"She slapped you in the face, couldn't you think of something else?" His Highness raised his eyebrows.

The deputy general immediately shrank his neck. Your Highness is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. How have you ever seen a shrew among the people?

Your Highness will marry a wife in the future. She will naturally be gentle and beautiful. How dare you be rough with His Highness the Crown Prince?

 “Set off and return to camp.”

The prince walked at the front and glanced with slightly raised eyebrows. Seeing that no one dared to look directly at him, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw two slaps on the young man's handsome face, one on the left and one on the right.

 Fu Jiuxiao left with a swollen face.

 There was a small slap mark on his face.

Although Suisui is small, he is strong.

He burned Suisui’s precious hair, and Suisui turned around and slapped him, making his face look hideous.


 A man’s face cannot be lost!

He immediately turned cold, his breath was exhaled, and he yelled angrily, maintaining his dignity as a man.

 Raised his hand high and slapped himself.

 Hit it myself.

 It’s not that shameful.

Fu Jiuxiao felt that he at least had a bit more status than Vice General Li. The deputy general's face was scratched to pieces, but he did it himself!

Fu Jiuxiao raised her chest and raised her head, inexplicably feeling a little more proud.

At this moment, before dawn, Suisui was dragged up to school by Mr. Lin.

Suisui had a droopy face and was carrying a big box when he left.

 My face always smells bad when I go out.

“It’s really hard to go to school every day... I can’t work it alone.” Suisui clutched the drumsticks with sleepy eyes and knocked on the doors along the way while walking.

Even the dog at the door was kicked awake by her.

 The acting city lord has woken up to go to school, why don’t you get up and work hard? !

Sui Sui passed by the deserted City God's Temple, thought about it, and woke up the City God with another finger of divine power.

The city god's aura leaked out, and all the ghosts within a hundred miles trembled in fear.

I saw the baby, who was less than waist high, standing in front of the majestic city **** with his hands on his hips.

"Uncle City God, it's time to get up and work... Suisui has gone to school!" The baby with a milky voice was filled with resentment.

After speaking, he folded a paper kite slowly and blew gently towards the kite. The kite's wings suddenly fluttered and it flew up vividly.

 “Go tell my uncles and uncles to get up and work. The dogs are up, can’t they afford it?”

The kite's wings trembled, weighed down by the resentment in her tone, and then flew heavily toward the sky.

 At this moment, dogs all over the city are barking.

The white tiger followed her feebly, its eyes lifeless, as if it had been dragged out of its den by her.

 When she arrived at Lu Mansion, the whole city woke up from their sleep.

The porter yawned, opened the door, and was startled when he saw the tomorrow round in the east. "The sun rises very early today..."

"Miss Suisui, please come inside. Mr. Lu is already sitting in front of the hall." The concierge respectfully invited Suisui to come in.

Suisui took a breath.

"Is he such a pervert? I'm just here for enlightenment!" Suisui paused when she entered the door, turned around and wanted to leave.

The concierge hurriedly stopped her: "No, no, the old man fell ill at night, and he was in so much pain that he didn't sleep all night. I'm not preparing lessons for you, so don't run away. If you run away, where can you find someone?" The concierge stamped his feet anxiously. .

This good guy.

 She didn’t want to go to class when she was full.

 I feel hungry and don’t want to go to class.

 I feel sleepy and don’t want to go to class.

 I feel so bad that I don’t want to go to class today.

 I don’t want to go to class if I’m in a bad mood.

Mr. Lu asked her when she wanted to take classes. She said: when she is tired of living.

Mr. Lu was so angry when he accepted this student that he almost forgot about his status as a high official in the dynasty and a veteran of three dynasties, and spent the whole day coaxing the child.

The concierge coaxed her in after he had finished talking.

Suisui was carrying an oversized box, and Mr. Lu was dozing with his eyes narrowed when he walked in.

Originally, I thought I would have to endure the pain again today, but I didn’t expect the sun to rise extra early today.

 The moment the sun appears, all his ailments will disappear.

Mr. Lu opened his eyes and said, "Come on, bring any gifts."

Suisui’s hand holding the food box stiffened, and then she silently handed the food box to Mr. Lu. The little girl felt aggrieved and said: "This boxed rice is particularly delicious and fragrant. I heard that my senior brother is not good at eating it, so I specially sent it to you."

The eyes are particularly sincere.

 with with with with food with Lu family!

 The food prepared by the royal chef brought back by senior brother is really delicious.

 She really wanted to recognize him as her godfather.


 She even found the biggest food box!

The little guy forced a smile on his face, but his heart was filled with tears.

 Is this a food box? This is her happiness today!

“Senior brother is very happy that you are interested. Let’s study the Thousand-Character Classic today... Suisui, where is your book?” Mr. Lu looked at her kindly.

 After resting all day, he can still teach!

 He can still teach!

He who is so angry must hold on!

Suisui paused, touched the back of his head, and looked up at his seventy-year-old senior brother.

“Senior brother, I folded a beautiful paper kite on the way.”

Mr. Lu looked at her and nodded: "Well, what about your book?"

Suisui looked at him inexplicably: "I told you, it turned into a paper kite and flew away."

Mr. Lu's chest kept rising and falling, breathing heavily: "I'm not angry! I'm not angry at all! Back then, the emperor couldn't hold up the wall with mud, but I came here! Now I'm teaching a four-year-old baby, and I'm still teaching Can’t?”

“Senior brother, what’s wrong with you? Do you blame Suisui for not taking you with her?” Suisui stood up in a hurry and poured some water for his senior brother.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take you with me next time when I fold the Three-Character Sutra! The Three-Character Sutra is thicker and has more words, so it looks better when folded. Don’t be angry.” Suisui looked concerned.

 Lao Lu’s hands were shaking even more.

Mr. Lu tightly covered his forehead. It was over. He seemed to have caused trouble for his master.

Master is in danger of death, the coffin boards may not hold up!

“Suisui, when will you grow up? It’s been a few days and you haven’t even learned the first sentence of the Three Character Classic.”

“Are you really not suitable for studying?”

“If you learn how to recite a few sentences, I’m afraid you’ll have to have a Man-Han banquet to celebrate. The emperor didn’t even have this kind of treatment back then..." Mr. Lu smiled mockingly to himself.

Unexpectedly, Suisui suddenly pricked up her ears.

Full! Chinese! Complete! Seat!

 (End of this chapter)

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