Chapter 153 Quarrel with the dog

Suisui is very happy today.

 Happy, she wants to celebrate her birthday every day.

"Mom, why can't I celebrate my birthday every day? I want to celebrate four years today, five years old tomorrow, six years old the day after tomorrow..." Suisui clapped her fingers with a look of regret.

"You don't want to celebrate her birthday, do you want to receive a gift?" Yan Chuan looked at her with a clear face.

Suisui grinned, really...

 Let you see through.

 She has never had a birthday in the God Realm!

 Hey, it’s better to be in the mortal world.

 A birthday comes once a year, and you can receive many gifts at one time.

The God Realm celebrates birthdays only once every hundred and thousand years. Suisui seriously suspected that they had nothing to send.

 The gods can live for thousands of years, and if they send gifts every year...

Suisui thought about it for a while, maybe all the gifts from heaven had to be delivered to the four walls of the family.

Suisui’s joyful smile has not stopped today.

 Everyone is so enthusiastic.

 Wang Youcai came to report on her work, and she said smoothly, "Grandpa Wang, how did you know that it's my birthday today? Are you here to give me a gift?"

 Wang Youcai finally gave her a chicken on credit.

When someone came from Lijiatun, "Oh, today is my fourth birthday, not my fifth. I am four years old today~" the little girl said with a surprised look on her face.

 Lijiatun? ?

In the end, Lijiatun didn’t bring anything, so a group of old men squatted at the door and played with mud for a long time, and gave her a little clay figurine.

Until dark, Suisui didn't wait for Fu Jiuxiao.

The little girl sat on the threshold with her chin clenched, and the soft flesh on her little face was so pinched that it was deformed: "Brother Fu, are you not coming?"

 “Did you get stuck by something?”

 “Perhaps the road is blocked by snow?”

 “Perhaps we met a robber on the road?”

 “Maybe he broke his leg.”

 “What if he dies?” Suisui counted on her fingers what kind of accident he would encounter.

 The boy's dull voice sounded from behind her.

"Can't you hope for something good?" The handsome young man glared angrily. If he had come later, she would probably have passed the first seven days.

The young man is wearing a white gown and a black cloak. He has star-shaped eyebrows and sword-like eyes, and is dressed in a pure and elegant style.

Suisui raised her head and was stunned.

 Fu Jiuxiao's figure seemed to overlap with a certain figure in his mind for a moment.

 But when she turned around, she completely forgot about it.

 Because she saw Fu Jiuxiao holding a food box in his hand, and she smelled the aroma!

 “A dog’s nose is not as good as yours.” Fu Jiuxiao looked helpless.

Suisui was extremely proud.

“Of course, am I worse than a dog? No dog in the whole village can compare to me!”

“Every time they bark at me fiercely, I lie on the ground and bark louder than them! No dog in the village can beat me!”

Having a naive look.

Fu Jiuxiao touched her head lovingly. She was such a good girl, but her brain was not working well.

 He still remembered that at the end of the year, the villagers of Wangjia Village went around looking for the village chief.

 Finally, she was found lying on all fours at the entrance of the village, barking like a dog! I got into a quarrel with all the dogs in the village! I can't even pull it open!

 From then on, all the dogs in the village ignored her and were afraid of her!

"Come on, I've prepared a birthday gift for you. If you don't go, your birthday will be over..." Fu Jiuxiao lifted her into the air with one hand.

  Xiao Suisui fluttered twice, as if he was carrying a chicken cub.

Fu Jiuxiao wrapped her in his arms with his coat and flew out with her all the way.

"I have already reported to the capital that you were saved from Xiushan. There will probably be a reward soon. You also captured King Beidi Li this time, I'm afraid there will be a heavy reward!"

"I read Xiushan's request to change its name. From now on it will be called Suimancheng. It sounds like it will be good for a good harvest!" It sounded festive. The entire northwest was Fu Jiuxiao's fiefdom. It was just the name of a city, so he approved it directly.

Xiushan, which has been poor for generations, may see a turnaround this time.

Fu Jiuxiao thought that back then he was demoted to the most barren Xiushan. Now, this may be God's compensation for him.

How could Fu Jiuxiao know at this moment that in just half a year, Wangshan would become a desirable existence!

At this moment, Fu Jiuxiao and Suisui landed on the city wall, which is the highest place in the county.

"Where is the gift? Where is it? Well...I'm not thinking about the gift, I'm just a little curious..." Suisui looked left and right, obviously there was nothing here.

 Fu Jiuxiao rubbed her little head.

  A sharp whistle was blown into the distance.

“Hey, I grabbed some good things for you from Beidi.” Who said that only promoting Beidi would offend Dai Viet? !

 He is also going to Beidi to grab some good things!

Hearing that the fireworks in Beidi were extremely beautiful, he led people to kill them overnight and borrowed a few cars to come back.

Fu Jiuxiao raised his eyebrows.

 The countries in the east are said to be very good at studying food.

Beidi in the west is good at studying fireworks and has cattle and sheep that are tender and not smelly.

 The jewelry and clothes in the north sell very well.

 The fruits in the south are delicious!

 Fu Jiuxiao's eyes were so bright and burning, Suisui's gift will be saved in the future!

 Siguo will never know how Fu Jiuxiao embarked on this path!

I only know that Fu Jiuxiao is particularly bellicose every year during the first lunar month!

 Bang bang bang…

Suddenly, there was a sound in the distance.

 I saw a small light rushing into the sky.


 A brilliant firework exploded in the sky.

The firelight flying everywhere was bright and dazzling, and countless fireworks exploded from every corner, making the sky colorful.

Suisui’s eyes widened.

 "Wow, so beautiful! So beautiful..." It's even more beautiful than what she showed back then!

 When she was first conceived, she was curious and mischievous about the whole world.

One time when I had nothing to do, I released all the stars of Father Tiandao. It is said that meteors have been seen by everyone in the world.

Countless meteors streak across the night sky.

 It looks good, but it took me a month to get it back.

“This, if you release it, you don’t want me to catch it back, right?” Suisui asked cautiously.

Fu Jiuxiao almost laughed out loud, what are you thinking about? ?

"Can't you see clearly? I'll take you to the place closest to the fireworks to watch!" Fu Jiuxiao picked up Suisui, tapped her toes, and jumped into the air.

Suisui stood on the treetop, stunned.

 “It’s close here and the location is good.” The young man looked happy.

Suisui watched helplessly as fireworks from all directions came towards her head.

There was a thud, and then it exploded above her head.

 She didn’t know if it looked good or not if it was close.

However, countless small sparks scattered in the fireworks fell one after another, mixed with soil.

 Dong dong dong…all of them hit the two fools on the head.

“Oh, Suisui, people say that when a girl is happy, her eyes light up. Sure enough, there is light!” Fu Jiuxiao looked happy.

Suisui glanced at him, "Do you know what this light is called?"

 Fu Jiuxiao looked at her puzzled.

"This is called a fierce light. Remember it. Next time you see this kind of light, run as far as you can. This is a deadly light." Sui Suipi said word by word with a smile.

 Fu Jiuxiao shut up for a moment.

Then he asked cautiously, "Suisui, do you smell anything? Did you bring roasted sweet potatoes?" Fu Jiuxiao suddenly sniffed his nose.

Suisui looked at him expressionlessly.

It took a long time before he said leisurely.

 “Is it possible that our hair has a fever?”

 (End of this chapter)

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