My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 124: County defense battle

Chapter 124 County Defense Battle

Suisui looked into the distance.

 She cannot trust County Magistrate Zhu.

 Magistrate Zhu was extravagant and frivolous, and never regarded the people as human beings.

As a precaution, she also informed Li Shenzhi of the matter. Li Shenzhi was the prefect of Wangshan and had more energy than Magistrate Zhu.

 Li Shenzhi knew her ability and she spoke very straightforwardly.

 The barbarians invaded on the fifth day of the first lunar month.

 But the more troublesome thing is that Li Shenzhi probably has too much time to take care of himself.

Wangshan is the closest to the border, and I'm afraid the main battlefield is not far from Li Shenzhi.

The villagers of Wangjiacun have slowly run out of the escape holes. Everyone is surviving the disaster, crying and hugging their relatives.

"Don't drag the food out yet. Keep it where it is for now and have someone guard it. To prevent Beidi from attacking the village again, you will be caught off guard." Yanchuan shouted sharply.

 Everyone responded one after another.

Lin Qing was already extremely busy at the moment.

 Fortunately, the guards have eaten well in the past six months and have maintained strong health, otherwise it would be difficult to survive the winter.

"Eighteen people died, and the most seriously injured one was Brother Wang. A fatal wound penetrated his sternum. If he wakes up tonight, he can still survive this disaster." The best golden sore medicine in Lin Qing's hands is Suisui. It was given, and paired with the ginseng slices left by Suisui, it can barely protect itself now.

Wang Youcai's eyes were red, and the elders in his family didn't say a word.

 Wang Er is his nephew.

Suisui looked at his medicine jar and gently put a few drops of pure spiritual spring into it.

"Suisui, you scared me to death. What will my mother do if she loses you?" Mrs. Lin stumbled out in despair, her hair was messy, and her eyes were swollen.

Hold Suisui tightly, her body was trembling.

"Thanks to Suisui, we survived this calamity. If Suisui hadn't let us keep the sky fire, if Suisui hadn't dug an escape hole, if Suisui hadn't let us strengthen our bodies and learn boxing, if not Suisui hadn't let us If you learn ice skates, if you are the same, you will die here!" Everyone looked at each other in shock.

The snow at the entrance of the village has turned red, which is shocking.

Everyone in the **** team was wailing all over the place. The villagers cleared out several houses and took care of the wounded nearby. They all helped bandage and boil medicine.

“We originally had six horses in our village, but now we have one hundred and twenty. Now we have one hundred and twenty horses.”

“The other party probably plundered grain along the way, and there were sixty-two carts of grain.” One cart weighed a thousand catties, which was close to seventy thousand catties.

 There is also a lot of meat.

 This is an extremely huge number.

"There are eight hundred and twenty people with weapons and eight hundred and twenty sets of escorts. There are four thousand six hundred taels of silver." This was all obtained by touching corpses.

It is estimated that they also robbed the proceeds along the way.

"How many people are there in the guard team on duty now?" Suisui pursed her lips tightly and sighed inwardly when she saw Lin's pale face.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

"Eighteen people died and 390 were injured. There are about 200 people left who can be on duty. Six archers were injured, and most of them can be on duty." Yan Hansheng replied loudly.

“There are not enough guards, let’s take over. They are all old men, and they practice on weekdays. We have been protecting them for so long, it’s our turn.” The men in the village stood up one after another.

“If you are worried, you can form a group of five villagers and five guards. Add more defenders, and let’s work together to get through this!”

“You can’t let old people and toddlers go to the battlefield, right? A small village chief can do it, we can do it!” I have to say that Suisui really stimulated everyone.

“If you want to sign up to receive weapons, you can also choose a suitable armor.”

 Everyone cheered immediately.

The statistics were compiled very quickly. They were the former Juren Village, the former Linshui Village, the former refugees, and the old men of Wangjia Village. A total of 600 more people were selected.

 There are exactly 800 people, with exactly one set of weapons and armor.

 The rest was given to Yanchuan Wang Youcai and others, who were all the backbones of the village.

The village was filled with cheers, just waiting to get through this and usher in a bright tomorrow. Yanchuan glanced at Suisui secretly, but Suisui remained silent and did not speak.

"I'll go with you." Yan Chuan decided.

"They must be divided into two groups, those who seize the city will seize the city, and those who seize the food will seize the food. No one will come tonight. Even if there is an accident, the village can deal with it. I will go with you."

 “Where to go?”

Wangjiacun was brightly lit, and Mrs. Lin always felt that Suisui didn't look well.

Wangjiacun was clearly victorious, but Suisui didn't look happy at all.

 Wang Youcai and others fell silent.

“I want to visit the county town.” Suisui avoided Lin with her eyes, but her tone was extremely firm.

“Village chief, we finally escaped death, what do the county affairs have to do with us?”

“Village Chief, what will happen to the village if you leave? Our village cannot live without you.” Now Yan Suisui is the reassurance of the whole village.

 Everyone suddenly became anxious.

“And when we are in trouble, the county magistrate didn’t come to help. Why should we help them?”

 “Yes, that’s right!”

“We have saved ourselves several times. It was you, the village chief, who saved us!”

 Everyone looked a little angry, and worried that Suisui had narrowly escaped death.

When Mrs. Lin heard this, she burst into tears.

Hands holding Suisui tightly were shaking.

“If Suisui has always been as indifferent as everyone said, we will be the first to die today.” Yanchuan looked calm.

 Everyone was startled.

“It’s hard to say that if Xiushan County is captured, the villages within it will still not be able to escape the disaster. Tonight is the evidence for us to kill Beidi.”

  “It will only increase the crime and the death will be even worse.”

With a glance of Yanchuan's warm eyes, everyone's hearts sank again and again.

Lin's arms relaxed slightly, and Suisui stepped on the ground.

Ms. Lin turned around, with her back to Suisui, holding back her sobs: "Let's go."

"Mother knows that mother should give you a wider...broader sky. But you have to promise mother that you will come back alive!" Suisui should not be detained in the backyard, she has her mission.

  also has her persistence.

Her ears will definitely be admired by others in this life!

 Lin's tears were streaming down her face, and Suisui pursed her lips tightly, tears flashing in her eyes.

 “Let’s go with you. There must be someone to protect you along the way.”

"I have taught them their skills, and I will go with you." Yan Lang immediately got off the watchtower and climbed on his horse.

 Fortunately, there are several horses in the village that were obtained from Heifeng Village. Everyone has practiced them, and now they can barely travel.

 Yanchuan gave a rough count.

 He, his second brother, Jiajia, and twenty guards from the village went with Suisui.

Wang Youcai's head was spinning with anxiety: "Village Chief, you must come back. If it weren't for you, no one would be able to protect Wangjia Village. If something happens to you, how can I be worthy of my ancestors!" Who is missing? , Wangjiacun cannot lack Suisui.

If it weren't for his age, his companions would cause trouble to everyone, and Wang Youcai would have to accompany him life and death.

Yan Hansheng and Yan Ming also wanted to go together, but Lin's condition was not good and they had to keep someone at home, so they had no choice but to stay.

 Everyone was riding horses, and Suisui was riding a white tiger, galloping all the way towards the county town.

 (End of this chapter)

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