My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 125: Soldiers approaching the city

Chapter 125 The troops are approaching the city

 All the way to the east.

 The further we walked, the more we found devastation and blood all over the ground.

Yanchuan couldn't help but lower his head and look at Suisui.

They were clearly riding on tall horses, looking down at Suisui riding a white tiger half as tall as a man.

 But no one can ignore Suisui's momentum.

  Obviously he is taller than her, but his aura is suppressed by her.

 All the war horses were three steps behind her. If she hadn't driven them as hard as she could, the war horses would have even trembled and dared not move forward.

 He deserves to be the king of beasts.

Only Suisui can control this king of beasts, so he is willing to be a mount, right?

“Based on the traces of coagulated blood on the ground, the army estimated that it passed here an hour ago.”

Yan Lang's face looked ugly, and the light in his eyes became more and more murderous.

 The naked woman lay in a pool of blood with her eyes open.

The man who tried to resist was covered in holes from swords, and it was too horrible to look at.

 The most innocent baby was lifted high with a spear, with a big hole in the middle of his chest. At this moment, it was hanging on the spear, which stood in the snow. The child's eyes were wide open, and the fear in his eyes had not dissipated.

Suisui’s face was reflected in her clear eyes.

Suisui raised her head, cold blood dripping on her face.

A golden flame flashed in his eyes, and it passed by without anyone noticing.

 “Damn beasts, they’re still nothing!”

"The war is ruthless, but children are so innocent. What do they know?!" Everyone was almost driven out of their minds by this scene.

I even thought about whether Wangjia Village would have encountered this scene if Suisui had not been the village chief.

“They say Beidi people are bloodthirsty, and it’s true! They are inhumane!”

“Today is the young prince from Beidi, and this battle will be even more difficult.”

"There are six princes in Beidi. The younger prince is eighteen years old and is the prince's rival. Although he is not old, he is murderous and cruel. All the people who fall into his hands will be worse off than death. He only wants to die."

Yanchuan pressed his eyebrows. He had heard many rumors about the little prince of Beidi.

This person is ruthless, cunning, murderous, and extremely difficult to deal with.

 “Let’s go!” Everyone’s hearts sank.

As we walked forward, everyone became more and more silent.


 The crowd stopped fifty miles outside the city gate.

A dense crowd of Beidi soldiers could be vaguely seen ahead, and the corners of Yanchuan's lips had been pursed into a straight line.

 At a rough glance, we are almost at the gates of the city!

“Damn it, Magistrate Zhu, you must not have taken my words to heart!” Yan Chuan was full of anger.

"Take a shortcut, there is a place where we can pass through the army. Come with me..." This is why Suisui chose to let them ride horses. Although the snowboard is good, it is not conducive to going up the mountain.

White Tiger often goes up the mountain on weekdays and knows every place on the mountain.

At this moment, he was driving Suisui around, and everyone followed him with their horses.

After passing through the thorns and passing through the cave, my eyes suddenly opened up.

"Here... we are already under the city wall." Yan Lang was surprised.

They have jumped over the Beidi army and reached the corner of the county wall.

 But it was really approaching, and everyone's heart sank.

The Beidi army was stationed three hundred meters outside the city. In the middle of the crowd of soldiers, there was a large sedan chair with a light veil on all sides.

 In the center of the looming gauze, sits a jade-faced young man.

The young man has a picturesque look on his face, but his anger is undisguised. There are two trembling maids standing beside him. perhaps…

   Not a maid.

"What's wrong? Is this king going to eat people? Why are you trembling with fear?" The little prince was named King Li when he was thirteen.

“My lord, you are so noble and noble, how can these two border commoners be worthy of serving you?”

"If you ask me, the county magistrate should be allowed to personally serve. The people of Dai Viet, who are so spineless, should let their people see for themselves. Look at how spineless the officials in Dai Viet are. Only in this way can we better serve them. Destroy them." Behind the little prince stood an indistinguishable young man. When he saw the two women, he curled his lips in disdain.

This is a young man from a brothel in Beidi. The young prince loves him very much.

Today, the small magistrate of Xiushan County actually sent two beautiful women to beg for mercy, and he immediately became jealous.

 The little prince loves to kill, and he enjoys the happiness before killing.

Even though the army was already approaching the city, he still wanted to enjoy the panic and anger in the city, as if this would make him happier.

 “Azi, you still understand my heart.”

"Come here, tell the magistrate. If he wants me to spare his life, let him open the city gate, knock three times with one step, and kneel on the ground to beg me."

 “Please don’t kill him, please spare him. I will spare his life.”

"Of course, just spare his life." Use him to tease the entire Dai Viet people, let them see how their magistrate kneels on the ground to pray, and how to abandon the city and flee.

 “Ha, that’s interesting. That’s interesting.”

 “Very interesting.”

"Ask the county magistrate, are you willing to live? I have put my words here today. If he kneels over, I will spare him!" Let a county magistrate abandon the city and flee, and let a city magistrate crawl on his knees. Under my feet, the face of Dai Viet...


 “Come here, kill the lion that feeds me.” The little prince waved his hand.

A cold light flashed.

 The two women fell in a pool of blood in horror.

 A Suan Ni lay leisurely in the snow, its eyes wide open and full of cold evil aura. His stern and majestic gaze is intimidating, his standing is as high as a hill, and his roar of a lion makes people tremble.

 The lion is also called the Suan Ni. The young prince likes to keep large and ferocious animals as pets.

 And likes to be fed to humans.

 In the Beidi Palace, everyone almost turned pale when talking about it.

 This Suan Ni is the most ferocious of all his pets.

When the army came to the city, Magistrate Zhu was so frightened that his face turned pale.

Beidi soldiers outside the city had already shouted loudly, asking him to come out and kneel down to beg for his life.

He thought about abandoning the city and fleeing, but as soon as his master escaped, he was beaten into a sieve by the opponent. How dare he escape privately?

"Sir...Sir, what should we do?" The soldiers guarding the city clenched their weapons. As they got closer, they could still smell the smell of wine mixed with urine on Magistrate Zhu's body.

 Smells like alcohol, I'm afraid it's another time to indulge in dark colors in the house.

The smell of urine is so frightening that I was scared to death when I suddenly learned that the Beidi army was approaching the city.

"Sir, we still have thousands of elite soldiers in the city, and we have just sent people to rush to Fucheng to ask for help. As long as we can hold on until people come from Fucheng, there will be a glimmer of hope!"

“Besides, this place is very close to His Royal Highness the Prince’s garrison. As long as we hold on, we can survive!”

Outside the city gate, Beidi's laughter grew louder and louder: "My lord, if you want to survive, open the city gate wide and abandon the city, and knock down in front of King Li in three steps. King Li will let you live!"

"Our Beidi army of 5,000 people are all elite soldiers. Don't make any unnecessary resistance!"

"If you offend His Royal Highness King Li, it won't do anything for you to kneel down."

  The mocking laughter of the crowd passed through the blizzard and reached the ears of the people.

 Abandoned the city and left, and he was the only one left alive.

 But when the gates of the city were opened, the whole city was waiting to die.

 (End of this chapter)

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