Chapter 123 A great victory

Yanchuan hugged Suisui and stood on the watchtower.

 Dozens of archers kept shooting sharp arrows.

Only a hundred people were left in the **** team to guard, and the rest rushed out on snowboards, just in time to defeat the opponent by surprise.

Yanchuan's frown relaxed slightly.

Everyone knows that there is an unbridgeable gap between the well-trained soldiers who have fought for many years and killed many people, and the farmers who can only dig food with hoes.

 Just because they have ears.

Sui Sui taught them how to snowboard.

Suisui exchanged them for Juntiquan to strengthen their bodies.

Suisui taught them how to retrieve their weapons.

Suisui taught them to secretly save a ray of sky fire.

Yanchuan knew that without Suisui, even if he squeezed his brains out today, and even if Yanlang took away ten people with one arrow today, he would not be able to save the situation.

Yanchuan hugged Suisui slightly.

"Let Doctor Lin get ready." Yanchuan ordered, and someone immediately took Lin Qing out.

Lin Qing is a doctor, but they did not let him appear until the situation was clear.

 They are just such a doctor, so they can't use it sparingly.

In the escape hole, Ms. Lin’s eyes were red and swollen from crying, her hands and feet were curled up and she was extremely nervous, and her stomach was slightly contracted due to nervousness.

"Guan Niang, you must not let anything happen to you. If something happens to you, how can they feel at ease on the battlefield?" All the village women looked pale and couldn't help but secretly wipe their tears.

I really can’t think of it.

 The boxing skills and snowboards they practice every day are actually here to save lives.

 I used to complain about the village chief, but now I want to slap myself in the face.

The village chief, who was less than four years old, faced the enemy alone outside, but they were eking out an existence in the escape hole prepared by the village chief.

 Lin’s husband, the eldest son, the second son, the third son, and the youngest daughter were all on the battlefield.

This makes people have to admire and respect him.

Zhou, who used to always compare herself with Lin, couldn't help but have red eyes, and knelt down to gently caress her belly.

 “Look, the child in your belly is so scared.”

"They are all on the battlefield, what good can you do? How do you think they can concentrate on fending off the enemy? Do you think they will be distracted?" Zhou's voice was choked with sobs. The Lin family is the great benefactor of the whole village.

 Before the escape hole appeared, she was even ready to hang herself.

 If a woman falls into the hands of the enemy, her life would be worse than death.

Lin's body was limp in her arms. There was no barrier at this moment. The whole Wangjia Village was united into a strong belief.

"What should I do if something happens to them..." Mrs. Lin murmured in a low voice, almost not daring to think about the consequences.

Old Mrs. Lin held her hand tightly, Lin Qing was also taken out, and her aunt held An Geer tightly.

 Afraid of what noise the child will make when he is young.

  Everyone could clearly hear the sound of killing outside.

 Many people knelt on the ground and prayed to God for mercy and to help the people.

 Help their little village chief.

The enemy troops gradually approached, constantly approaching the entrance of Wangjiacun.

 There were also casualties in the fighting.

Suisui took a deep breath and clenched her fists tightly.

 She added a bottle of pure spiritual spring water to the water used by her uncle for treatment.

Villagers covered in blood were being carried down one after another, which was shocking and made people feel pity.

All living beings suffer, but ordinary people suffer the most.

The woman on the city wall's bow-drawing arm was so numb that she could hardly lift it.

But everyone still gritted their teeth, with blood oozing from their lower lips. They gritted their teeth and kept pulling their bows and shooting.

 The sound of fighting was getting closer and closer, and the Wangjia Village Guards won by a surprise.

Although there were a lot of losses, Wangjiacun's unafraid of death was enough to make a tie, and Suisui breathed a sigh of relief.

 “Seize that general!” Yan Chuan shouted sharply. But Lieutenant General Qin snatched a horse with a cold expression and eyes full of murderous intent.

Today, it turned out that a wild goose pecked his eye and the boat capsized in the gutter!

 His eight hundred soldiers were trapped in this small, barren mountain village!

No one would have dared to think about this before it happened!

  It is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

His main task today is to seize food. If he returns empty-handed, even his soldiers will be lost here, and he is afraid that he will be dead if he goes back.

 I saw him rushing towards here on horseback.

 The spear in his hand was raised high.

Yan Lang's bow was pointed straight at him.

The moment the bow and arrow flew out, the spear in his hand flew straight towards the watchtower.

 The tip of the spear is pointed straight at Sui Sui.

She was in Yanchuan's arms. If he stabbed her, Yanchuan would definitely be killed with one blow.

 In his eyes, Yan Suisui was just incidental, and Yan Chuan must be the person in charge!

With a pop, Yan Lang's three arrows penetrated Lieutenant General Qin's neck directly.


The spear also arrived directly in front of Suisui.

 Aim directly between her eyebrows.

Yanchuan stretched out his hand to stop him without thinking. Jiajia was shocked and hated himself for being so short. At that moment, his heart nearly suffocated.

 The spear reached between her eyebrows.

 Nearly touching her down.

Suisui opened her eyes slightly, looked at the spear between her eyebrows, and stopped.

 A blizzard came suddenly.

The protruding blizzard blocked everyone's sight, and only a bang was heard.

I seem to hear the sound of something breaking, but I can't see it clearly.

Yan Lang rushed down like a madman: "Suisui... Suisui!" Yan Lang hissed at the top of his lungs and rushed over, rolling and crawling.

Jiajia was so frightened that her heartbeat almost stopped: "Little master, little master!"

Both of them touched in the direction of Yanchuan.

 I didn’t know…

Through the blizzard, Yanchuan was still standing there holding Suisui. Yanchuan's expression was dull, as if he was stunned.

"Suisui, Suisui, are you okay? Are you hurt? Tell your brother, are you hurt?" Yan Chuan's voice was trembling. Yan Hansheng outside the wall was already finishing the work, and everyone hurriedly moved back when they heard the voice. run.

 Yanchuan came to his senses instantly. He looked at Suisui deeply.

He frowned slightly and suppressed the fear in his eyes.

 Hands surrounding Suisui were slightly tightened.

Just now, the spear stopped directly between Suisui's eyebrows.

 Standing still.

 Suddenly, it exploded.

"Suisui is fine, I took her away." Yanchuan's voice was slightly tight, no longer as calm as before.

Yan Lang was startled and avoided?

 But there were only ice fragments scattered around, not the spear.

Yan Lang glanced at the ice ballast, which was shaped like a spear.

 But this was not the time to ask questions, so Yanchuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Suisui paused for a moment as she looked at Bingding. Her heavenly father would always prefer her.

"The general is dead, and the rest is just a pile of sand. Suisui, the blizzard has arrived, go and hide underneath." Yan Hansheng felt relieved when he saw that Suisui was fine, and immediately returned to the battlefield.

"Remember to pick up the corpse. Take away the money, clothes, weapons, food, horses, everything." Suisui is a geese who plucking feathers. She just wishes she could pluck the other person clean.

After Suisui finished speaking, there was not much joy on her face.

Just looking quietly in the direction of Xiushan County.

 “I want to go there!”

 (End of this chapter)

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