My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 120: Well-deserved village chief

 Chapter 120 The well-deserved village chief

 “Are we just waiting to die?”

“God, why can’t you feel sorry for us ordinary people? They want us to die!”

Everyone looked panicked, and some even lost their minds.

 “If only I could have a place to hide…” Wang Youcai murmured in a low voice.

Yanchuan glanced at Suisui, and sure enough...

Suisui is the patron saint of Wangjiacun.

Yanchuan held Suisui on his arm with one hand and saw that the little girl's face was calm and she had returned to her usual calmness.

“Everyone, please pack your things within half an hour and come with me.” When digging the secret tunnel, work was started from four directions: southeast, northwest and northwest.

 Until three days ago, all the secret passages converged in the middle and formed a huge maze.

 Wang Youcai was startled.

“Should we flee overnight? But the enemy has thousands of miles of horses, how can we run fast?”

Suisui’s face was solemn, and although her voice was milky, she was extremely serious.

"I... dug a secret tunnel under Wangjiacun."

“Go and notify the Juren Village and take refuge in half an hour. If it’s too late, we won’t open the door again!” Suisui said with rare seriousness, and with just one sentence, he pulled everyone back from hell.

"Secret passages?"

 “When was it dug? Why didn’t I know?”

“Village Chief, is what you said true?” The pale faces of everyone turned slightly rosy, but the fear in their eyes still lingered.

 The fear of Beidi is engraved in the bones of the people.

 No common people have ever been able to escape the invasion of foreign enemies!

 The killings were often unilateral, with no resistance at all.

"What Suisui said has never deceived anyone? Don't waste time, retreat immediately!" Yanchuan gave the order, and everyone woke up from a dream. They immediately turned around and went home to pick up their children and pack their belongings.

When escaping for their lives, everyone moved very quickly. The food was all packed into the warehouse and they only had to be dragged out.

The blizzard is not stopping, and everyone is extremely busy despite the blizzard.

 Everyone in Juren Village was already crying. They heard that a secret tunnel was dug in Wangjia Village.

 I was so shocked that I couldn't recover for a long time.

 Thought it was a dead end, but it turns out...

 The head of this small village actually took precautions and had already made preparations.

All the old people in Juren Village were blushing with guilt, but the young people they scolded every day were blushing with excitement.

Liu Ping'an even puffed up his chest in a rare move: "Everyone said that I failed to live up to expectations and sold the foundation of Juren Village. I was sorry for the ancestors of Juren Village. Tsk tsk..."

 “If it weren’t for my heroic reputation, our Juren Village would be dead on the spot!”

 Everyone: What should I say? This is probably your only wise decision!

 Before your father died, Jurencun gave you full power to make the decision.

 You gave Juren Village to Wangjia Village on the second day, but you didn’t expect...

He actually got the bet right!

Look at what he can do!

Everyone in Juren Village had little food at home, so they arrived at the entrance of the village earlier than Wangjia Village.

Suisui was already standing in the snow, her little **** covered with a cloak, with a hint of white snow on her hair and cheeks.

Seeing that the number of villagers was gradually increasing, Suisui said solemnly: "The four exits are all located due east, due south, due west, and due north of Wangjiacun."

Yanchuan continued: "Everyone can choose to escape nearby."

“Women, the elderly and children are given priority.”

“The grain is placed uniformly, and the Master will mark the bags.”

“There is a guard patrolling one mile away. If the barbarians approach, they will make an emergency retreat. At the same time, fireworks will be launched into the sky as a warning.”

“No one is allowed to push and escape in an orderly manner.” Yanchuan has already placed response personnel at the four exits.

Nearly three thousand villagers, who should have been frightened and running for their lives at this moment, did not panic at all despite the warning.

 The crowd divided into four directions and entered the secret passage.

Everyone dragged the food in. There were originally thick traces on the ground, but as the heavy snow fell, the traces on the ground were immediately covered up. "Give weapons to everyone, let the young people take the lead, and the old and children hide in the center." Yan Lang said in a deep voice.

 Now there are fifty people who can bow and arrow, twenty of them are young women.

 The woman had never experienced a big scene, and her hand holding the bow was trembling a little at this moment.

 Now the archers are all standing on the wall.

The entire village's escape has come to an end, and there are about 300 people left who have not yet entered.



Suddenly, a cluster of short-lived sparks appeared in the sky, rising rapidly from the ground.

Mits a harsh chirping sound.

Yanchuan's complexion changed slightly.

"The barbarians are approaching! Everyone speed up! If you can't keep up with the food, don't use it! The village chief will make up for the lost food. Everyone will enter the escape hole immediately, and the hole will be closed after the fifty countdown!"

 “All archers in position!”

“Except for the guard team guarding the cave entrance, everyone started to clear up.” Yanchuan quickly issued one order after another.

Suisui stood quietly by his hand, her delicate brows and eyes extremely calm, but no one dared to ignore her.

 The weight of life on her was too heavy, and it didn't matter whether she could turn the tide or not.

Wangjia Village, which should have been massacred, and Xiushan County, which should have been massacred, she will fight with them...

 To live or die together!

In the original book, countless lives were slaughtered, but such a heavy life was mentioned in just one sentence.

When she was really in it, everyone had warmed her. Everyone was not a cold number, they were all people with passionate blood!

Suisui, I want to save them!

 “Fifty, forty-nine, forty-eight…” Xu Ziyi continued to count down.

As soon as everyone heard that the village chief would replenish food, they immediately threw away their pots and pans and crawled into the cave.

I don’t know since when, they have believed the words of the small village chief to the extreme.

 If she said she would make up for it, she would definitely make it up.

 The guards in the distance also retreated quietly. Yanchuan's face tightened. At this moment, all the villagers had entered the escape hole.

 At this moment, the cave entrance is about to be sealed.

There are countless breathable gaps inside the cave entrance, which are all opened in extremely hidden places in each house.

 There is no need to worry about the thin air.

 “Little village chief, come in quickly…”

“Village chief, come in quickly, we are all hiding in.” Mr. Wang and a group of villagers shouted loudly.

Suisui stood beside her eldest brother quietly, not moving at all.

Jiajia also stood quietly behind her.

“Village Chief, come in and hide, the barbarians are coming. They are here to kill people. Village Chief, come in quickly..."

Suisui shook her head slightly.

 “I can’t go in. I have to guard outside to prevent them from taking a step forward!”

 “I’m here, no one can get past me!”

Suisui’s face is no bigger than a palm, delicate and small, but at this moment...

 Her body seemed to be coated with a layer of light.

 Hand waved lightly: "Seal!" Only by being outside can she protect everyone's safety!

Ms. Lin shed tears silently, covering her mouth tightly and not daring to cry out.

She was afraid that if she let go, she would want to bring Suisui in by force!

 Her ears are like eagles soaring in the sky, they cannot trap her!

 If you love her, you should let her fly freely!

Ms. Lin’s whole body was numb with pain.

 “Village Chief!” At this moment, everyone in the village felt a spontaneous respect.

 (End of this chapter)

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