My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 119: Attack on a snowy night

Chapter 119 Attack on a snowy night

 The blizzard doesn’t stop, but it gets bigger and bigger.

If Wangjiacun hadn't reinforced the roof beams, I'm afraid the snow would have crushed many houses.

Three houses in Juren Village collapsed this morning.

“The snow is getting heavier and heavier, why is this day becoming more and more abnormal.” The old people were sitting on the threshing floor, even though the stoves were lit all around, they still could not stop the chill.

“I don’t know if the refugees can survive.”

"Don't worry, the village chief went to the county magistrate to beg for a thousand taels, and reinforced the house for them layer by layer. He also bought enough charcoal fire, so it won't be cold for the time being."

 “Where’s the village chief?” Wang Youcai didn’t see Suisui early in the morning.

“I went to the next village to express my condolences. The old village chief of Juren Village passed away. She said that if she went for a walk, she would find a place to eat.” She probably even got a seat at the table.

 Wang Youcai laughed and felt helpless.

   The village chief is really doing what he likes.

Wang Youcai frowned as he looked at the frozen mountains in the distance.

"Everywhere is covered with ice. What should we do if something happens?" Wang Youcai murmured, not knowing why he felt very uneasy.

 The right eyelid keeps twitching.

When Suisui returned to the village, Jiajia asked her cautiously: "Girl, is there anything big going on recently?" Suisui went over just now. She didn't eat much, but was looking around the Juren Village.

 When he came back, his face was dark and ugly.

Suisui felt heavy in her heart. There were countless lives slaughtered in the original book. She warned Magistrate Zhu several times now.

I don’t know if the other party takes it to heart.

She has sent many people out to check the snow conditions in the past few days. Except for the road from Wangjia Village to the county seat, the snow is extremely thick in other places.

 The heavy life made her somewhat heartbroken.

 She can get back the luck that was stolen, and she can also put everything that has been disrupted back into place.

 But all this can only be done when it involves oneself.

 For example, she rescued Jiajia because Jiajia was abducted with her.

 Involves oneself.

 Even if you are a speaking spirit, you should not get too involved in mortal affairs.

 What’s more, it’s a large-scale incident involving countless lives.

If gods intervene in the mortal world, the mortal world will become the puppet of the gods.

 Hence, there are many restrictions on gods.

"What would you do if you knew that a mass killing was about to begin? Would you tell those people?" Suisui pursed her lips. Her mood was particularly heavy. She knew more and was under greater pressure.

 She is only four years old.

Jiajia smiled frankly: "Even if you spread the word, will those people escape? No!"

 “People always have doubts about things that have not happened.”

"Besides, if it were you, you must have given a reminder, right?" Jiajia looked at her with a smile, her tone full of determination.

Suisui pursed her lips slightly and nodded slightly.

 She had warned Magistrate Zhu several times to get defensive.

He also inadvertently reminded Sister Fu that Sister Fu had connections at the border.

 Sister Fu is reliable and will always be more attentive when it comes to border issues.

 This is all she can do.

 Until dinner, Suisui didn't take a few bites.

It seems that the darker it gets, the more anxious it becomes.

Yanchuan looked tense, but he still braved the blizzard and came back.

"Don't worry, Suisui. The three hundred people in the **** team will stay up all night and patrol a mile away." Juren Village also selected one hundred people to take turns.

Suisui's eyelids twitched, and the little girl stretched out her hand to press her eyes.

“Brother, can you guess who is attacking?”

Yanchuan frowned and his heart sank again and again, but he didn't dare to reveal anything and worry his sister. “Probably... Beidi.” Beidi are nomadic people, and they will plunder Vietnam once they encounter natural disasters.

This year's Blizzard, I'm afraid the opponent has already lost his composure.

Beidi people are brave and good at fighting and are extremely tall. This is why the prince suffered a lot when stationed at the border.

Suisui was about to speak when her eyes suddenly narrowed.

 “There’s danger!” My heart felt like it was being grasped tightly by a pair of hands.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of Yan's house was kicked open.

 The blizzard blew in instantly.

 “Village chief, something happened!”

“Something happened over there in Lijiatun. Our people found a suspicious person near Lijiatun and hurriedly notified Lijiatun, but Lijiatun kicked us out without saying a word.”

"We had only left for half an hour when we heard the sound of killing coming from Lijiatun. The smell of blood could be smelled two miles away..."

"And there is the sound of horse hooves, listen to that sound..."

"Heifeng Village is better equipped than last time, and more... cruel and ruthless!" The person who came to report the news looked pale and bloodless.

 Linshui Village is small, but Lijiatun is the largest village in Xiushan County.

 There are thousands of young people alone!

 Being able to directly pick Li Jiatun to attack shows that the other party is not afraid at all!

Suisui's hands and feet were cold, Jiajia quickly stepped forward and covered her hands with his warm little hands.

 She had previously asked Wang Youcai to search for Lijiatun and try to form an alliance with him.

But Lijiatun only felt that this matter was false, and even ridiculed Wang Youcai for deceiving Juren Village to merge. Now he wants to attack Lijiatun again.

 On the contrary, he was ridiculed by Lijiatun.

Wang Youcai was wearing clothes at the moment and stumbled over.

Behind him were many villagers who were getting up in a hurry, and the refugees were even more panicked.

They have just settled down and don’t want to fight at all!

"Village chief, what should we do? It must be a foreign enemy, a foreign enemy! The **** things, they are here again! There is going to be a war again!" Wang Youcai's words were trembling.

 “He must be here to rob food!” Not just to rob food.

There is a village genealogy in the village, and the first page says that Wangjia Village was relocated to escape the war.

 “Go and report to the county magistrate quickly and ask for reinforcements!” Wang Youcai was a little flustered for a moment.

He has dealt with countless trivial matters, large and small, but he would never dare to think about an invasion from a foreign enemy.

"It's too late, besides... the county town is not much better." Yan Chuan let out a depressed breath.

He informed the county magistrate several times, but magistrate Zhu was busy indulging in his **** and ignored him at all.

Not to mention sending extra manpower, the guards on the city wall were not drunk, they were all protected by Bodhisattvas.

“What should we do? Should we just wait quietly for death?”

"Yes, yes, yes, let's go to the mountains to escape. Escape to the mountains!" When the villagers heard the news, they seemed to be panicked and were in chaos.

“The blizzard is not stopping, and there is a dead end in the mountains! Before the foreign enemies come, we will freeze to death!” Yan Hansheng objected with a stern face.

 Everyone is like mourning for their heir.

 My heart fell directly to the bottom.

At this moment, the sound of Lijiatun’s weapons clashing had reached Wangjiacun.

The screams and wails of Lijiatun and the carnival laughter of Beidi's horses make people feel like they have fallen into the bottom of the valley.

 The original villagers of Linshui Village have long been pale.

 Experiencing this again, my whole body was stiff and I dared not move. There was deep fear in my bones.

 Everyone seems to have forgotten Suisui.

Everyone’s emotions have been pushed to the brink of collapse. There is no escape. The enemy is in front of them. What should we do?

 Yes, in the face of foreign enemies, no matter how capable she is, what can a four-year-old child do?

 (End of this chapter)

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