My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 121: Genealogy single page

 Chapter 121 Genealogy on a single page

 “Village Chief, come in quickly, Village Chief!”

Everyone lost the light of the outside world little by little, and watched helplessly as the child, who was no taller than Yanchuan's waist, faced an iron horse alone.

 At this moment, everyone was shocked.

I had goosebumps all over my body.

“She... is a well-deserved village chief!” Wang Youcai said. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the figure of the little person in front of him was getting taller and taller.

 To the point where he cannot reach or look up.

 “You really don’t want to go in?”

Yanchuan asked in a low voice.

"No more. There are still so many uncles and uncles. I want to accompany you all. I want to advance and retreat with you all!" Suisui said in a milky voice, but her tone was extremely firm.

 The delicate eyebrows and eyes looked solemn.

Yanchuan sighed softly, frowned slightly, gently touched Suisui's head, picked her up and sat in his arms.

 His Suisui, his sister.

  Obviously it is the bright moon above the nine heavens, but now it has to resist the thieves who kill without blinking an eye.

A child of only four years old has a burden weighing more than a thousand catties on his shoulders.

 But the rumored blessing was actually Cheng Huan's sire, and he was loved by all in the capital.

Yanchuan didn’t know if there was any connection between Suisui and her.

But according to rumors, the lucky treasure Yuanxiao was born in the same year, month and day as Suisui.

  Every time she is born, the whole world celebrates her, and countless rewards are poured out like water.

 As for Suisui, it’s just us.

That blessed treasure always blessed Suisui on her birthday, but before Suisui was three years old, she would get seriously ill every time on her birthday.

 It's like someone has robbed your luck.

This made Yanchuan have to think more.

 His ears should not be like this.

Yanchuan was unusually silent.

At this moment, the little white tiger, which had already reached the height of its ears, stood quietly beside her.

It is said that people with great luck are favored by all the strange beasts in the world.

At this moment, Yan Hansheng led the people all the way back and saw that the village was empty, so he couldn't help but ask.

 “Is the evacuation complete?”

“The evacuation is over, and all domestic animals such as chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep, and pigs have been taken away.” In order not to take advantage of the barbarians, they had already led the livestock to the mountains.

  You cannot feed them even if they freeze to death, lest they come back to kill your fellow tribesmen after eating.

“The barbarians probably went all the way north and robbed a lot of food. They are well-equipped and it will be difficult to resist them face to face.”

"And... they are extremely vicious and murderous. We villagers have been training them for a while, but they are extremely resistant to killing people." Yan Hansheng clearly understood the difference between ordinary people and soldiers.

What’s more, they are the Beidi people who have been fighting for years and are brave and good at fighting.

They were born on horseback and used to wield swords and guns from birth, and everyone was born with a sense of fear towards them.

“If you take a step back, you will be a close relative of your own flesh and blood. Who wants to step back?” Yan Chuan looked at the 600 escorts.

"Even four-year-old Suisui is resisting outside. If anyone wants to enter the escape hole, you can just say it and I will open the door and let you in now!" Yanchuan's tone was so severe that everyone couldn't help but be shocked. Looking at the furry head he held in his arms, sure enough, the village chief did not go in.

 Everyone looked at each other, and they couldn't help but feel extremely dissatisfied.

 You can’t be worse than a four-year-old child, right?

Even if you escape back, you will not be able to hold your head high for the rest of your life. Life will be worse than death, and your tribe will be brought to shame!

"If anyone dies while defending the village..." Yanchuan was about to say that the village would take care of his children from now on, when he saw Suisui's head popping up.

"From now on, your family tree will have a separate page from you! The village tree will have a separate page for you to record your achievements!" Suisui said crisply.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words were spoken, everyone's faces turned red and their eyes turned red with excitement.

 “Take a page from me?”

 “Damn! Guangzong Yaozu!”

 “There is smoke coming out of the ancestral graves!”

These days, who can refuse to take a page from a family tree? ! Who can refuse to leave a page for him in the whole village's family tree? !

Wang Youcai has been the village chief for thirty years, but he only left half a page!

The women holding the bows were even more shocked.

 “Yes, you too!”

 The woman was almost going crazy with joy!

Women's status is low. In the family, the father-in-law is the main one, and the mother-in-law is the second. They even have to line up behind the children.

Women don’t even have the chance to be included in the family tree.


 The village chief should open a separate page for them!


Yanchuan stared at everyone in a daze, watching as they were directly injected with a shocking power just because they opened a page of genealogy.

They are not even afraid of life and death, and their whole people become radiant.

Yan Hansheng said coyly: "What about me?"

“Same for you, Dad.” Suisui waved her hand. It’s true, men and women can’t escape the temptation of opening a single page of their genealogy.

Yanchuan chuckled. This little guy looked silly, but he actually had a very clear understanding of people's hearts.

What’s rare is that she still has a clear mind and is not changed by the outside world.

“You are really a treasure sent by God to save everyone.” Yanchuan whispered in her ear.

Yan Hansheng continued to report: "These Beidi people have probably set off since the blizzard in the afternoon. We are coming all the way north. They probably harmed many villages along the way." Yan Hansheng's tone was a little heavy. They stood tall On the snow-capped mountains, looking down, the white snow is almost dyed red.

“Part of them went to the county seat, and part of them went to the prefectural city. The prefectural city has a new prefect, so they will probably be on guard. Even Magistrate Zhu...” No one knows whether he responded to this.

“The side we came from is mainly for grabbing food. There are about eight hundred people. Some of them are cavalry!” Everyone felt a little heavy when they heard the number of people.

 But no one intends to back down!

Beidi is tall and mighty, with sophisticated weapons and brave and capable cavalry, while Wangjia Village has more than 600 villagers.

He was still a miscellaneous army who was forcibly pulled up by Yan Suisui and trained for half a year.

 The archers probably have a bit of an advantage, after all, they have a marksman as a support.

 “The worst case scenario is to open a single page, what are you afraid of!” Rarely, everyone was not discouraged at all, as if they had faith in their hearts.

Yan Hansheng breathed a sigh of relief. Morale is the most important thing!

“Now there are a hundred guards left in the cave to prevent any unexpected events.”

There are about 500 people left on hand now.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the other party, these five hundred people are not enough to attract attention at all, right?

Even though he knew that Wangjiacun had the power to resist, he still didn't take it seriously.

To them, the people of Dai Viet are good at literature but not at martial arts, not to mention they are still small farmers who have experienced three years of natural disasters.

To them, these people are like lambs to be slaughtered, and they can take countless heads with one knife!

 Are they on guard? How big of a wave can it make?

 A group of cowards with no training, no weapons, and no morale!

The people of Beidi don’t know that in this battle, they are destined to stay on this land!

 (End of this chapter)

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