Chapter 118 Expanding again

 The third day of the first lunar month.

Suisui was drowsily asleep, so Lin took her out of the bed.

The little guy kicked his calf in vain and retracted it again.

"It's so cold, I don't want to get up..." Suisui squinted her eyes and hummed, curling up into a ball, which was so cute.

"That's not possible. You are the village chief. No one dares to start until you sit down." Mrs. Lin deliberately arrived half an hour in advance, planning to comb Suisui into a beautiful braid.

  "Well...that's not right, that's not right. Let's change someone." Suisui half-squinted her eyes, looking like a lazy person who couldn't open her eyes.

Ms. Lin burst into laughter.

“Your Grandpa Wang served for decades before resigning. You are only four years old. Is it still too early for you to resign?”

Suisui waved his hands, looking lazy as if no one would want to wake me up today.

It won’t work even if Father Tiandao comes.

 What a shame!

 It’s broken!

 When Wang Youcai was the village chief, he worried every day about who was fighting with whom.

 Whose family is having a hard time, which family is short of food and water, and which family is about to starve to death.

 I scratch my hair every day because of these things.

Who would have known that Suisui's biggest problem as village chief would be staying in bed.

"Get up quickly. Mom has cooked hot pot today. But you can't eat spicy food in the morning. Mom made mushroom soup for you. The soup base is made with old hens mixed with wild mushrooms. It's very sweet. Didn't you say you like it the most? Want to eat hot pot?" Lin stood beside the bed, very calm.

 The little guy covered in the quilt twisted.

 Today's hot pot is not perfect. In winter, people can at most put a pot on the stove and simply heat some dishes.

Suisui’s spiritual consciousness once traveled through the three realms.

 Seeing others eating the spicy and fragrant butter hotpot, her mouth was watering for miles.

 She once told Mrs. Lin about it, but she has never eaten it!

I have made a plan to sell hot pot in two shops and milk tea in one shop after the disaster year is over. It will definitely become popular in Vietnam.

He now pesters Suisui about the decoration and furnishings from time to time, and he draws the sketches himself.

 Lin stood beside the bed and pushed the door and window open a little.

The overbearing aroma suddenly swept through the whole house.

"Wang Youcai sent mutton last time, and your father cut it into mutton rolls. Juren Village sent some fish, and mother made you chewy and delicious fish balls, as well as boneless fish fillets. By the way. , as well as spicy chicken gizzards, tender beef, tripe, and the beef **** made by my uncle... Oh my, those beef **** are so juicy when you take a bite." Before Lin finished reading, Suisui popped out of the bed. Little brain.

 Like a big fat caterpillar.

The little guy who just refused to go out was swallowing hard, his eyes full of anticipation.

Tiandao Daddy is no match for hot pot.

 “Mother, leave some for me, leave some for me.” She turned over and got up, putting on her clothes in twos and twos, which was very refreshing.

Ms. Lin walked behind her, her lips slightly raised, and her brows filled with dismay.

 Hmph, fight with your mother.

She didn't have the conditions to cook food before, but now she is pregnant and can't do anything else. She just reads through various recipes every day.

 Always hooks you up.

 The whole family didn't go out today. They had a hot pot meal with Suisui at home.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't eat too much for breakfast, Suisui would even want to drink the soup base.

 “Save the soup base and cook noodles for next meal.” This old hen mushroom soup is so delicious.

“Okay, let’s cook it when you come back from work. Mom will put some tender meat slices in for you.”

Suisui’s grin grew higher and higher.

 Yanming walked behind Suisui, side by side with Jiajia.

 “We must open a hot pot restaurant to benefit the whole of Dai Viet!” Suisui raised her small fist, full of determination. Yan Ming glanced at Suisui: "Is it because you want to eat it?"

Suisui's face turned red: "Then why do I want to eat it? Such delicious food must be brought to the whole country of Vietnam to try. I do it for everyone's appetite!" After saying that, he kept eating all the way. Went to the ancestral hall.

 “My whole body is as tough as my mouth.” Yan Ming grinned happily.

When several people rushed to the ancestral hall, all the representatives of Juren Village came.

 They were all young people, and Suisui couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Hello young people.

 Old people are rigid and inflexible, while young people are flexible, like her.

There were quite a few people outside the ancestral hall. They were chattering and eating melon seeds and the situation in Juren Village was two extremes.

 Former Linshui Village villager: “At that time, we were laughed at because we were betraying our ancestors by not building Linshui Village and seeking refuge in Wangjia Village.”

“Now the whole village, old and young, is begging to come to Wangjia Village.”

“Hey, they’re celebrating Chinese New Year, and there are four or five waves of refugees coming outside to beat the autumn wind. Not even half of the refugees in our village dare to come near..."

“They are so hungry that they are thin and yellow, and we have gained weight.” The villagers in Wangjia Village were very satisfied.

  It was extremely difficult for Suisui to implement the measures at the beginning, but now the whole village knows the benefits.

 About half an hour later, firecrackers rang out in the ancestral hall.

Then everyone knew that it was done.

“In the afternoon, we will invite the genealogy of Juren Village and incorporate it into Wangjia Village. Then we will report the matter to the Yamen and transfer the land, and it will be settled.”

"Since Juren Village has been included in Wangjiacun, then Huiyan Hansheng, you go over there and pick some young people to patrol. From tomorrow on, Juren Village will also be included in the patrol range."

Everyone in Juren Village relaxed their shoulders slightly and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though Wangjia Village is patrolled every day, Juren Village is actually avoided every time.

 Want to take advantage, Sui Suitou disagreed.

If you want to enjoy the treatment of Wangjiacun without paying anything, just dream!

 She was not taken advantage of.

"Another one, starting from tomorrow in Juren Village, all men and women who are over twelve years old and under forty years old will come out to practice martial arts with Wangjiacun." Wang Youcai stood behind Suisui. These are the rules of Wangjiacun.

Several people in Juren Village looked at each other and were about to speak when Wang Youcai said: "It is the rules of Wangjia Village. If you can't do it, leave."

 Everyone nodded.

Liu Ping'an hesitated and said: "Only half of our village is prime-age. If all of them are elected to join the guard, then next spring..."

“Didn’t anyone tell you? Our village patrol team gets thirty kilograms of grain every month and also gets money!” Yan Hansheng looked confused.

“Thirty pounds?!” The young people in Juren Village were shocked.

 They knew that Wangjiacun distributed food and money to the guards, but they never knew it was so much!

I have asked several times and they seem to be on guard against thieves.

 No wonder they are on guard against thieves. With such treatment, just without asking for money, this food can save your life!

"How many places can our village have? What are the conditions?" Liu Ping'an's eyes were red with excitement. Thirty pounds is barely enough to feed a family of three for a month!

"Five..." Before Wang Youcai finished speaking, Suisui stretched out a finger.

“One hundred. Those who can bow will also be selected.”

 Everyone in Juren Village went back happily.

"If you don't listen to the old man's advice, you will be happy for years..." Liu Ping'an shouted as he walked.

 That night, because there were people patrolling outside, I slept peacefully for the first time.

Everyone in Wangjia Village suddenly burst out with a sense of pride.

In just six months, my village has more than doubled in size!

 The number of people has also doubled!

 It is already a big village that can barely compete with Lijiatun!

 A sense of pride arises spontaneously!

 (End of this chapter)

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