My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 117: The war is coming

Chapter 117 The war is coming

"New Year's Eve…"

 While the whole family was enjoying themselves, fierce conflicts broke out in the whole village.

“Although there is some surplus food in the village, it can only satisfy the hunger. We can only eat one meal, which can barely last until the beginning of spring..."

“Also because of the weak temperament of our villagers, people often come to beat the autumn wind.”

This is not a matter of whether to give or not, but because there are not many young men in Juren Village and the force is insufficient, the opponent has many people and can only be humiliated.

Where can it be like Wangjiacun?

During the New Year, there are singing and dancing, pigs and sheep are slaughtered, and the aroma can be smelled from across the village.

  Not afraid of anyone coming to beat the autumn wind.

 Finally, there was a big fuss on New Year's Eve.

 The younger generation does not have much sense of belonging to the village. They just want to fill their stomachs and survive, and they are determined to go to Wangjiacun.

 The older generation is unwilling to die.

 The two parties had a great fight.

The old village chief was already sick and lying in bed. The whole village was devastated. When he saw everyone fighting, he died of anger.

"Then... have you discussed the charter?" Wang Youcai frowned slightly.

 It makes no difference to him whether Jurencun surrenders or not.

 But if the other party will bring trouble, he will never allow him to take refuge!

 Liu Pingan took a deep breath.

“Uncle Wang, village chief, I know that your village is united and will not tolerate troublemakers.”

"In the past three days, we have expelled the villagers who were firmly opposed to the family tree. Young people from each family have also persuaded their elders and want to..." Liu Ping'an's eyes were red.

Juren Village has also been passed down for hundreds of years, and will no longer exist in the future.

 It is not said that he sold his ancestors for glory, but Liu Ping'an felt guilty for burying his own generation.

The young man behind Liu Ping'an had firm eyes: "Little village chief, Juren Village has voluntarily merged into Wangjia Village. Please take the little village chief..."

 “Where are your descendants of Juren?” Suisui asked with raised eyebrows.

Liu Ping'an's face turned red. He regarded the name Juren Village as his family's private property.

 He was the one who opposed the most fiercely that day.

If he abandons Juren Village, he will not have any preferential treatment in Juren Village.

Where can I do it?

However, it is the general trend that Juren Village will be merged into Wangjia Village.

“He has left Juren Village and is no longer a member of our village.” He even cursed angrily at the people of Juren Village, showing no integrity or backbone.

Suisui doesn't care how the other party solves the problem, as long as she doesn't get her hands on it.

 “The whole village agrees?”


 No wonder the people here today are all young people, I’m afraid the older generation still have some concerns.

Wang Youcai saw Suisui nodding and immediately said: "The fifth day of the first lunar month is a good day. How about it be merged into Wangjiacun on the fifth day of the lunar month?"

Suisui suddenly sat up straight.

 “Let’s do it tomorrow.” Suisui’s face darkened slightly.

 She now understood why Xiushan County was massacred in the original book.

 Blizzards have started since the end of the year, and the mountains have been closed. Even if there is news at the border, it will be difficult to cross the snowy mountains.

Wang Youcai never questioned Suisui's decision and immediately decided to merge the village tomorrow.

 It is said to be a merger of villages, but in fact it is a unilateral annexation of Wangjiacun.

Although Jurencun felt a little happy, Liu Ping'an had a good temper and immediately said: "Have a good life early."

In the past, Linshui Village was pitifully slaughtered, and the remaining people had nowhere to make a living. Who knows that they are now so fat and strong.

 Life is better than theirs. "Then let's go back and inform the villagers that tomorrow everyone will come to Wangjia Village to open a temple and worship their ancestors." Liu Ping'an stood up and saluted Suisui.

After the Juren village left, the matter was soon publicized.

“Wow… there are about 600 people in Juren Village now. When they are incorporated, won’t we soon become a big village of 3,000 people?”

 “Is this developing too fast?”

"Wang Youcai, you have been the village chief for thirty years and you haven't earned a few acres of land or a few people for Wangjia Village. Now Suisui has doubled the amount for our village! Are you feeling guilty?!" I used to object to Yan Suisui's actions. The village chief is flattering her every day now.

Wang Youcai smoked a dry cigarette and still said the same thing: "I pushed her to this position."

 Everyone's face was filled with anger: Hey!

Suisui rarely has a smile on her face.

"Brother, how many young men are there in the village now? How many weapons are there?" Suisui has asked the village to make many bows and arrows since he took office.

 Young people have to practice for half an hour every day.

 It is not certain that the accuracy is 60%, but it is 50%.

Yanchuan took out the brochure and looked through it carefully, "Not counting Juren Village, there are now 800 adults in Wangjia Village. There are 500 weapons and 60 bows... There are many arrows, and even children can cut them."

“There are three hundred guards and twenty-four archers. The rest of them all know some basic boxing and kicking skills.” After practicing for half a year, everyone has become much stronger.

 “Where are the young women?” Suisui never looked down upon women, and she set down all the rules for men and women to practice martial arts from the very beginning.

Yanchuan looked at Suisui with admiration, but he was actually surprised by it.

"Although women are burdened by worldly things, they can endure hardship more than men and are more persistent. Most of them can't do the work of holding knives and guns, but they do know how to use bows. Even your second brother has praised you several times. Second-rate."

“There are about seven to eight hundred young women in the village, and they all know some boxing and kicking skills. About thirty of them have good bow and arrow accuracy, at least 60 to 70%.” Those women are extremely hard-working, even practicing at night.

This also led to their accuracy at night.

“Those bows are all small and sensitive, thanks to the bow maker Miss Fu hired.”

 “My second brother also taught me well.”

Suisui smiled, her second brother was a natural marksman.

This is the same as cheating.

"From today on, let those who are good at archery, regardless of gender, practice every day. Change the patrol range of the **** to one mile away." Suisui took a deep breath, her brows filled with solemnity.

Yanchuan's smile narrowed slightly: "Suisui..."

Suisui looked at him and said seriously: "Brother, ask someone to remind County Magistrate Zhu tomorrow. He said that after receiving the secret information, the enemy inside and outside will definitely attack the city in three days."

Yanchuan's pupils shrank suddenly.

“Suisui, is this true?” After saying this, he slapped himself in the face. Suisui never tells lies.

“No wonder, no wonder you suddenly came up with so many ideas...”

"As long as the elder brother knows about this, don't tell anyone else." Yan Chuan's face was full of shock, and his eyes were locked on Suisui.

 What will happen in three days has not happened yet, but Suisui can give a warning.

If this matter spreads, it will cause huge controversy.

Suisui will inevitably be at the center of the whirlpool. How can the small Wangjia Village be protected by then?

Suisui narrowed her eyes and nodded.

 Actually, she thought about telling this matter in advance.

 But she has a high chance of being discovered by the capital, and she is also afraid that if the news is leaked and a foreign enemy changes the time, she will miss the opportunity.

 Even the only advantage is gone!

“The escape holes dug in the village should also be inspected.”

Twenty people from the **** team dug holes secretly every day, and Xu Ziyi personally selected twenty of the refugees.

  You are not allowed to leave the village during the digging period, and everything is done in secret.

Even Wang Youcai didn’t know about this!

 It took half a year to dig three escape holes that penetrated the entire Wangjiacun underground, day and night.

 Everything has been prepared for the war!

 (End of this chapter)

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