My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 107: Ziwei Emperor's Star Fate

Chapter 107 Emperor Ziwei’s Star Fate

 The yamen servant came very quickly.

 They came to save the kidnapper.

 If he doesn’t come, he will be beaten to death by the angry villagers.

Normally, the yamen servant's eyes are in the sky, but at this moment he is smiling carefully and apologetically: "Don't worry, everyone, there are already a lot of missing children around, and he will be investigated strictly. He is designated as a Qiu Hou Wen Zhan, everyone, don't worry. …”

After saying that, he kicked Guaizi, who was lying on the ground with bruises all over his body and was only breathing.

“You idiot, who would you kidnap? The village chief?” Even the government officials thought he was unlucky.

 The whole city was almost mobilized today.

 Two or three thousand refugees were just searching around, and there was a steady stream of refugees arriving.

Wangjiacun also went around asking people to help, and Magistrate Zhu was so frightened that he ran away.

The villagers were afraid that they would be angry and smash the government office.

The kidnapper cried with tears streaming down his face. All his teeth were pulled out, leaving a **** mouth.

"But you must not let them go. The man who killed a thousand people just said a blood sacrifice, and he may have killed many children." Wang Youcai looked ugly. The incident of losing the child had been spread for a while, and he was afraid that many children had been harmed.

 Today I just happened to steal from the village chief and was caught.

"Don't worry, I will give everyone an explanation. Everyone...put down your weapons first." The yamen servant wiped his sweat.

 I’m scared to death.

This unlucky kidnapper, why is he so unlucky?

"Don't worry, the prefect has also ordered the county magistrate to investigate strictly and send him to the city for trial overnight." The Yamen officer assured loudly, and everyone looked a little better.

"Please take me away, take me away. I am full of evil deeds and deserve to die. Take me away. Don't leave me here..." The man spat out a mouthful of blood and cried. Pulling on the officer's clothes.

I have never prayed like this before, praying that I would be caught!

 If he falls into their hands, his life will be worse than death.

 Why is he so unlucky? He actually arrested a village chief.

  Arrested a village chief who was only four years old!

 What’s even worse is,

Even if he was beaten to death, he never expected that it would end like this!

 He thought about being caught kidnapping a child, but never thought that the whole city was arresting him! And there was a steady stream of people coming over to join in beating him, and he almost fainted just thinking about it.

The yamen servants felt pitiful when they saw it.

It was so tragic, thousands of people surrounded and beat me.

The yamen officer pulled him up, and the woman was half-crazy out of fear.

"Kill her, kill her, be sure to kill her. Kill her for the trouble caused by the Lantern Festival!" The woman muttered, and suddenly rushed towards the girl with double pupils like crazy.

The child was so frightened that he squatted on the ground and trembled all over.

 Shooting sound…

 An arrow pierced the woman's heart directly.

Yan Lang stood on the city wall and said calmly: "The arrow slipped..."

 Yamen? ?

I clearly saw you shooting accurately!

 But he couldn't say anything.

 There are many people on the other side.

 He is naive, but not stupid.

"All the children have found their relatives, but no one has come to pick up this child yet." The government official was about to take the child back, but saw that the child was avoiding him in fear.

 Then he hid behind Yan Suisui.

Yamen servants didn’t dare to pull him.

 It’s almost like courting death.

 Behind her stood a group of strong men, all with weapons in their hands. This was not looking for death.

"Then... then I'll ask the village chief to help me find it, and I'll take the kidnapper back." After saying that, I quickly picked up the kidnapper's toes and dragged him away.

Mother, I’m so scared to death. "Ahhhh..." The kidnapper's shrill cry could still be heard vaguely.

Wang Youcai is very old, and looking at Suisui at this moment, he was crying with snot and tears.

"You are going to be lost. How can I explain it to my ancestors? I am the sinner of the old Wang family and the whole Wang family village."

“Little ancestor, you won’t be able to lose it next time. I’ll send you four people every day. No, I’ll send eight people to follow you!” Wang Youcai burst into tears. His hands and feet were weak that day.

 Lin's eyes were already swollen from crying, her belly was high, the soles of her feet were covered with snow, and her mouth was turning purple from the cold.

Yan Hansheng blamed himself so much that he slapped himself several times, leaving slap marks on his face.

"If you lose me, my mother will die." Mrs. Lin hugged her and cried out.

Suisui was filled with guilt and regret.

"Mother, it's Suisui's fault. Suisui reckoned that she would be in trouble today..." Before Suisui could finish her words, Mrs. Lin covered her mouth.

"You can't tell." Mrs. Lin always felt that Suisui was a lucky star, and saying something out loud would damage Suisui's good fortune.

"Mother knows, mother knows, mother is just worried about you." Mrs. Lin couldn't stop crying, her stomach was twitching from crying.

Suisui hurriedly put her hand on her belly, and Lin felt a warm breath passing through her belly.

 The baby in the belly suddenly became quiet.

 Brother Wang knelt down with a snap.

"It's all my fault. From now on, I will be the village chief's exclusive bodyguard." Brother Wang said in a sullen voice. He almost became a sinner in the village.

Wangjia Village had only had enough to eat for a few days, and he lost the village chief.

Wangjiacun was really shocked.

I have seen people abducting children, but I have never seen people abducting village chiefs.

 Fortunately, Wangjiacun is still looking forward to a good life after he was found.

 Following the village chief, we really ate well and gained weight.

“Thank you for your hard work today, Suisui invites you to dinner during the Chinese New Year.” The Chinese New Year is only a few days away.

 Everyone immediately cheered.

The little girl squatting on the ground looked at her with envy.

I envy her being supported by everyone, envious that she is loved by everyone, and envious that she can dominate everything.

" father said that I am an unlucky person and he will not come to me. I..." The little girl was frighteningly thin, but her eyes were so bright and burning.

 The burnt area occupies half of the face and looks horrifying.

“Do you want to go back to the village with me? You can have food and clothing.” Xiao Suisui looked at her with a smile.

 Gentle and cute.

 The little girl looked at her blankly, as if she wanted to imprint this look into her heart.

"I...I want to be your maid, my name is Jiajia. If you are willing, Jiajia will go with you..."

Jiajia pursed her lips. She not only saved herself, but also saved her heart.

 No one knew that she was actually preparing to die today.

  Before he could, he was taken away by the kidnappers.

“It’s just...Jiajia is an unfortunate person, Jiajia is afraid..."

Suisui was startled for a moment, and suddenly felt very sad when she saw the deathly aura between her brows.

"No one is unlucky. If you can meet Suisui, then you are lucky. Come with me. If Suisui has something to eat, you will have something to eat. Suisui will support you! Suisui is rich. "Yeah!" Suisui felt very uncomfortable.

Girls are all cute little fairies, how can they be treated like this?

Yan Suisui took Jiajia's hand, and Jiajia took a step back slightly, falling behind Suisui.

From now on, she is the master and I am the servant. I am willing to serve her throughout my life.

 The faint purple star in the sky suddenly shined, surprisingly bright.

 (End of this chapter)

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