Chapter 106 The miserable kidnapper

 “Everyone, stop, everyone, stop.”

Yanchuan stood in the center, his face as cold as ice.

“What does it matter to us if your village chief is lost? How can we still steal a bad old man from your village?” The fleeing merchant nearby was dissatisfied and immediately darkened his face.

Yanchuan glanced at him lightly.

 “You can protest.” Yanchuan waved his hand.

 The city gate opens.

A huge crowd gathered, and countless big men stood outside the city gate with their hands on their hands.

"This man who has killed a thousand swords will not steal from our village chief! If I catch him, I will skin him myself!"

 “Where on earth did the village chief go?!”

 The merchants with their families in the city all shuddered for a moment.

Mom, there must be thousands of people here, right?

"Brother Chuan, don't worry, the refugees are also searching all over the city. They will definitely not be able to escape!" Wang Youcai's mouth turned white nervously, the village chief is missing, it will cost his life!

"Everyone, please line up, untie all the bags, don't resist, you can't resist." Yanchuan's voice was extremely cold, and he didn't know whether Suisui was cold, beaten, or scared.

Just thinking about it, Yan Chuan couldn't help but feel angry.

 The two kidnappers breathed a sigh of relief.

“I don’t know which idiot did it, but he harmed both of us for nothing! What’s the use of kidnapping an old man?” The man’s brows were full of irritation.

“What will happen when the bag is untied and the child inside is discovered?” The woman looked anxious.

Suisui raised her head slightly: "If you let me go now, I might still be alive."

 “Our village cannot live without me.”

 “Shut up!” The man glared, and Suisui sighed quietly.

 Looking at him with sympathy.

There are fewer and fewer people lining up in front, and we are approaching soon.

“I’ll knock them out with medicine, please be careful. I’ll tell you later that these are our daughters and the nieces who are fostered in our house...” There was cold sweat on the woman’s forehead, and she felt a little uneasy for some reason.

Yan Suisui, who was lying on the man's shoulder, was looking at her with a smile and seemed not nervous at all.

 “Performing well.” The man looked at Yan Suisui with satisfaction. This girl is really well-behaved.

 Even looked at himself with a smile on his face, not afraid at all.

that is…

That smile is a bit charming.

Soon, it was the turn of the two kidnappers.

Suisui lowered her head and lay on the man's shoulder. She heard her elder brother calmly say: "What's in the bag at the back?"

The woman immediately put on an honest and frightened look: "They are my children and nieces. The bags are not tied up. They are just placed inside to keep them warm." The woman looked shivering.

“Brother, we are all honest people, how could we do such things as kidnapping and trafficking the old man. Don’t worry...”

 The woman carefully opened the bag, revealing faces.

 Six or seven children are always a bit surprising, and many people are surprised.

Yanming turned sideways, not showing his face, "They are all asleep."

 The woman whispered.

The man grinned with an honest look on his face: "Brother, tell us, what does your old village look like? I'll keep an eye on it for you."

“Hey, this guy who killed a thousand swordsmen, I had to skin him so hard! He’s so old, isn’t he torturing an old man?” the man scolded angrily.

Suisui yawned slightly, and the clothes covering her body slipped gently.

"Look, this is my daughter, she is sleeping. Why don't you tell me what your village looks like? I will look for you on the way." The man looked enthusiastic.

Yanchuan's eyes suddenly looked up.

 Looking at the chubby little figure lying in his arms.

Yanchuan's cold heart suddenly warmed up. His hands and feet, which were originally cold, gradually began to warm up.

 The young man's eyes were slightly hot, and he waved his hand gently. The villagers behind them frowned and approached, gradually surrounding the two of them.

 “My village chief…”

“He has a round face, round body, short head and legs, and a round belly. He has two small knots on his head and two feather bells on his waist, which jingle as he walks.”

 “Have you seen it?” Yan Chuan chuckled lightly, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

 “I’ve never seen it before…” The man still shook his head firmly.

 The kidnapper with a smile on his face…


 The smile is stiff.

This sounds familiar.

 I seem to have seen it somewhere.

“She is four years old...she likes to wear beautiful little skirts. Have you ever seen her before?” Yanchuan looked at the two sweating couples indifferently.

 “Bah, you’re holding the **** thing in your arms!” Brother Wang was so angry that his fists clacked.

"No, no...didn't you say you were looking for the village chief? Why...why are you a four-year-old girl again?" The man's heart was frightened and he stammered.

 There were densely packed heads all around, each holding a guy in his hand. A rough count showed that there were at least a thousand people.

 Thousands of people!

 In his career as a kidnapper, he has never encountered such a battle!

"Our village chief is four years old this year. Do you have any objections? Mother, she is holding her in your arms. She is still your daughter, and she is your mother's age!" Wang Youcai scolded angrily.

A swish sound…

A flying arrow on the city wall was heading straight towards the man. Before the man had time to react: "Ah!!"

 The arrow passed directly through his left hand.

With a shake of his right hand, the little man in his arms fell to the ground.

 “Village chief, be careful!”

 “Suisui, be careful…”

Everyone exclaimed, and Yanchuan suddenly stepped forward and hugged the little baby in his arms, making a squeak...

Yanchuan looked at Suisui cautiously, as if he didn't care about the pain in his arm at all.

 Her heart slowly fell back to its original position, and Yan Chuan felt like he was hugging the whole world.

 “It’s the village chief, really the village chief!”

"This **** thing has the audacity to abduct our village chief! He even said she was his daughter. Bah, how can he give birth to a child as good as the village chief even if he looks like a toad?" The villagers cursed angrily.

"The babies in this car must all be cripples. Take them out quickly, they are all cold from the cold."

“This is Yanming, this is Brother Ming, Brother Ming has also been found.”

“Beat them to death, beat this unscrupulous person to death! Every child is a treasure, and this abducted child will be the death of the parents!” Everyone was furious.

“Even our village chief dares to abduct him! This is asking for death!”

Yanchuan felt much relieved when he heard that his younger brother had also been found.

The third brother is more attached to Suisui. The two of them often stay together. As long as they find Suisui, they can definitely find him.

"Impossible! Impossible. Whose four-year-old milk baby can be the village chief? I don't believe it!" The man was beaten to the head and bleeding, screaming and wailing.

Damn it, he even carried this girl and came to show it to them in person! !

No one told him that their village chief is a four-year-old baby!

"Hurry up, catch up! You've eaten bear bile and you dare to abduct our village chief!" Everyone raised the guy and surrounded him.

 Everyone was dumbfounded.

 The village chief they were looking for turned out to be a four-year-old boy! !

Suisui yawned and a little head with furry hair popped out of her brother's arms.

 “I’ll just say it, the whole village will look for me!” You have to seek death.

  Hey, what a **** devil it is to say something difficult!

 (End of this chapter)

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