My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 108: Burn incense for an old friend

Chapter 108 Burning incense for an old friend

“It’s strange that the Ziwei star, which should have been extinguished in accordance with destiny, suddenly shines again.”

“And they are also surrounded by a tiny little star whose name is unknown...” The national preceptor stood outside the courtyard. His white hair looked elegant and handsome, but the compassionate look in his eyes made people dare not blaspheme.

“Master, Jiaojiao is awake.” A young novice came to report.

“The girl vomited blood again last night, and the wound on her face worsened again.”

"I'm afraid that during the Spring Festival this year, I won't be able to go to the palace to pray. The injury on my face..." In previous years, Xiao Fubao would take the palace to pray.

 Her status in Dai Viet is very high.

"Then she will be kept in the Huguo Temple. The Buddha's blessings in the Huguo Temple can make her injuries better. As for the injuries on her face, she is a blessed treasure destined by destiny and a beloved daughter of heaven. Her face is the first time for her. I want it." The Imperial Master gently pressed his eyebrows. I don't know why these blessings have backfired so much, but I haven't found the reason yet.

 The wounds on his face were split open again and again, fearing that they would leave scars.

I'm afraid I'll have to keep her in Huguo Temple for a few years.

At the moment, the capital city is in a state of panic, but Yan Suisui, who is far away in a remote border pass, is extremely happy.

 Because it’s New Year’s Eve and it’s New Year’s Eve!

 She went up to the mountain and brought back two wild boars.

“These two wild boars don’t look like they come from the top of our mountain.” Old Mrs. Lin was a little surprised. The colors were different.

“Huh, all the wild boars in our back mountain have escaped. I went to Juren Village next door to catch them.” Suisui looked proud.

Yan Ming looked helpless. The pigs in our mountain were so frightened that they moved away overnight!

 Escaped overnight!

How can people not be afraid of you when you catch a person gathering wool from a mountaintop?

  "One side will provide meals for the refugees, and the other side will provide meals for the village. Remember to let the refugees patrol..." Suisui has already made a rule, asking the refugees to patrol on their own initiative.

 In the original book, the city was attacked after the year.

She actually told Fu Xiaoxiao in a subtle way that Sister Fu was from a wealthy family and she would definitely have the opportunity to tell the higher-ups.

Suisui sighed, so what if the border was ready.

Hundred thousand troops could not take care of this barren mountain village.

"Mom, I also want a plate of meat, and I also want to sacrifice it." Suisui stepped on her little feet and picked out a plate of her favorite braised pork.

 Hands on a few sticks of incense.

"Hey, Suisui, where are you going to worship your ancestors? Just do it at home. Stove King Bodhisattva and the ancestors are at home." Mrs. Lin shouted loudly, but Suisui went out with the meat.

 “I’m going to sacrifice my old friend.”

 The little girl put three incense sticks in the stove.

 The lit incense floats straight to the sky, reaching the highest point.

 The braised pork was placed in front of her. After thinking about it, Suisui secretly took a piece and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Daddy Tiandao, let me taste it for you." The little girl's cheeks were like a little squirrel, her cheeks bulging high.

“Daddy Tiandao, have you ever missed Suisui? You must bless Suisui and bring order to things, and bring clarity to the world! Don’t miss me, the meat in this world is so delicious. I don’t want to come back to eat the incense burner yet…”

"Bah, bah, bah...what a pity, well, you don't have a good taste." Suisui stole another piece of meat to eat.

 After speaking, he cut off the incense again.

 “My family is poor, God will forgive me.”

Then he lit the half of the incense stick again: "Guanyin Bodhisattva, I'm sorry, I want to admit my mistake to you. The pure water in the jade purification bottle was drunk by Suisui, and the water in it was Suisui's foot washing water. I will admit my mistake to you next time I come back. ”

"The lotuses growing under your seat and the fish in the pond are all eaten by Suisui. They are not eaten by the golden boy...don't blame them."

 After speaking, he pinched off the incense.

“There are a lot of old friends, and I’m in a hurry. Let’s talk about it next time…” the little girl muttered.

 Hands that pinch incense are not merciless at all.

"Dragon Girl, Dragon Girl, I'm sorry, Suisui accidentally broke off your dragon horn last time. When Suisui comes back, I will glue it on for you! I don't know if this thing can be glued..." The dragon horn is still in her space. It's gathering dust. The ears of ears cut off the incense again.

When Yanchuan came back, he saw the little girl squatting under the wall, thinking non-stop.

 “What is she doing?” Yanchuan asked.

 “I’m catching up with old friends.” Yan Ming was a little embarrassed. From the moment Suisui started lighting incense, the white tiger at home started to tremble all over.

 It seems like something great has appeared.

 It is clear that there is nothing.

Yanchuan was speechless.

  "What kind of friend is she catching up with? And she wants to talk while lighting incense and candles?"

 Her friend seems to be a bit remarkable. It's really cool to be her brother!

Jiajia lowered her head slightly and followed her step by step with her face slightly covered, always a few steps away.

By the time Suisui finished chatting, the bowl of braised pork was already empty.

 When Mrs. Lin went out carrying an empty bowl, she looked surprised.

 “Has the Bodhisattva come down to eat meat?”

"Hiccup..." The little girl burped secretly. The Bodhisattva does not eat meat, so she did not dare to spread rumors.

 Lin nodded her head helplessly: "Eat less, there are still good things today. You have to stay up late at night, and go out to please people at dawn."

 Children in the village go out to make fun of themselves on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

 “It would be great if we could celebrate the New Year every day.” Suisui couldn’t help but sigh.

“You’re celebrating the New Year every day, so you won’t eat like this, little greedy cat.” Mrs. Lin gave her a handful of candies.

A Yue followed Xiu Xiu in the kitchen and practiced her cooking skills a lot.

 Lately my mind has become much clearer and I can occasionally communicate clearly.

Yan Chuan is good at writing calligraphy, and people in the village like to look for him to write couplets.

 “Brother Chuan is better written than the word Xiucai. Those who have evil intentions, it would be better for them to die!”

 “People who are celebrating the New Year are talking about what unlucky people do.” Everyone hurriedly changed the topic.

Yanchuan had a smile on his brows, and his whole person was gentle and gentle.

Wangjiacun is rich now, so Suisui asked people to buy a lot of lanterns back. They lighted the lanterns at night and it was very lively.

Various rabbit lanterns and mouse lanterns are hung all over the big trees in the village, in various shapes.

Even Juren Village and Lijiatun next door made an appointment to come and enjoy the lanterns.

Yanming was a money-lover, so he and the villagers set up several stalls. The villagers followed suit and actually made a lot of money.

 The village is busier than Lijiatun with people coming and going.

"Suisui, I heard that Juren Village... wants to be merged into our Wangjia Village."

"Let me tell you in advance. It will probably happen in the past two days." Wang Youcai secretly came over to the branch to speak.

Conflicts have broken out several times in Juren Village. The older generation wants to stick to Juren Village, while the younger generation is envious of Wangjiacun's prosperous life.

 I'm afraid that if I survive the first year of junior high school, the results will come out.

Suisui touched her round belly and rolled it like a ball several times without sitting up.

"Our village won't get bigger in the future, right? There seem to be more and more people here." Now several surrounding villages want to marry girls in, and they all want to marry Wangjiacun.

Wang Youcai hesitated and said: "It shouldn't be too big, right?"

"We can't call it Suicheng from now on, right? Hahahaha..." Wang Youcai made a joke.

 (End of this chapter)

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