My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 105: The hope of the whole village is lost

Chapter 105 The hope of the whole village is lost

 At night.

Everything is silent.

There was a creak, and a ray of light secretly emerged from the crack of the door.

 “Get up, get up, get up for me...”

 “Get out of here!”

 "Cry! Let's see who dares to cry! Whoever cries, I will cut off her tongue!" The man looked fierce and full of gangster energy.

The children shivered with fright when they caught a glimpse of him.

"Uncle, please let me go. If you want food, my father will give it to you. Wuwuwuwu..."

“Uncle, please let us go...”

 The children sobbed quietly and did not dare to scream at all.

The man sneered: "Let you go? Bah! If you want to blame it, blame it on one of you! As long as she is sacrificed to the sky, this natural disaster will be solved!" After saying this, he blocked the girl's mouth.

"Ah..." The woman was tying up the child when she suddenly screamed in fright.

 “Are you seeking death?” the man shouted angrily in a low voice.

"Monster, there is a monster." The woman was so frightened that she backed away. In front of her was the girl with scars all over her body.

 The girl closed her eyes tightly, feeling extremely inferior and extremely afraid of having her secret discovered.

“This girl has double eyes, she must be the trouble!” The woman was both happy and afraid.

 The man held the girl's face and looked closely, his eyes bursting with joy.

“Sure enough, it’s double pupils. People say double pupils are unlucky. I’m afraid this is the disaster! But we won’t know the details until we send them out. It’s better to kill a hundred by mistake than to let one go by mistake. Tie them all up!”

 The man still has no mercy.

 Arrived in front of Yanming and Suisui.

"My sister is frail. You may not be able to support her if you kidnap her. I will go with you. Can you let my sister go?" Yan Ming summoned up the courage to ask.

The woman sneered: "You are worthless. What we want is a girl. A four-year-old girl born during the Lantern Festival!"

"Okay, why are you telling him so much?"

 “Tie them all up!” Suisui blinked her eyes and tilted her head with a lively look on her face.

"I advise you to let me go quickly. Many people will be looking for me later. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave the city." Suisui looked honest.

The woman couldn't help laughing.

“I’ve made inquiries before looking for you. Your three brothers are still adopted girls, so why are we looking for you?” The woman chuckled. They spent a lot of energy looking for the Lantern Festival girl.

Although I can’t find out the details, I can get a general idea.

"Girls like you, one more of you is not more, and one less of you is not less. I couldn't have kidnapped you, but you are lucky to have a few more grains in your family."

Yan Ming blushed with anger: "Bah! My sister is the most precious thing in my family!"

Suisui was also angry. She pinched the soft flesh on her face and said fiercely: "Who is not important anymore? Look at my flesh, this is all proof!"

 “Our family, our village, no one can be missing me!”

 The two kidnappers looked at each other and broke into disdain.

 “You’re still talking big words at a young age. Your family can’t live without you, and your village can’t live without you? What a joke!”

"I'm lost, and the whole village has to look for me!" Suisui puffed up her cheeks. I'm in charge of the whole village's food.

“Bah, the whole village is looking for you? Are you the emperor? You’re a braggart for a little guy.”

"If you are so capable, then I can be the emperor, hahaha." The man couldn't help but snarled.

"Okay, okay, tie him up quickly, otherwise things will change."

The two of them tied the two children up like rice dumplings with one hand in each hand.

"This guy is quite heavy. It's strange that it's edible." The woman didn't lift her up with a single hand.

Suisui's eyes widened: "You can kidnap me or scold me, but you can't say I'm heavy!"

 What can I eat?

 What can I eat?

 Have you eaten your rice?

Xiao Suisui looked unconvinced.

The woman frowned, always feeling that this baby was a thorn in the side. "Okay, put it in the sack." As soon as the two of them put the words in, the man suddenly said.

 “Leave one.”

“Just pretend to be our kids, they look more real.” Then he directly took Yan Suisui out.

 As for why you carried her? Probably because he looks good!

"Little girl, I tell you, I will take you outside later. If you dare to say one more word, I will break your neck!" The man looked fierce and frightened a child. He already had a lot of experience.

Yan Suisui's hands and feet were tied by him, her face was dirty, and she changed into a dusty cotton coat.

His hands and feet are tied, and he is wearing a large coat, which makes it impossible to tell at all.

Yan Ming was stuffed directly into a sack. There was a bullock cart outside the door, which was pulling many items.

There have been many natural disasters recently, and people in the county drag their families and luggage away every day.

It’s not a big deal if it’s causing a few troubles.

 At least at this moment, several people took advantage of the darkness to leave the city.

"Moving? Your girl is really nice." The two of them hid the sack beside them and covered it with clothes and other items. There were still a lot of things inside.

 There was also a family nearby who took advantage of the chaos and left the city.

The man's expression did not change, but the woman pulled Yan Suisui's face closer to her body and covered her face.

“Hai, what a good life the little girl had, it’s good to be able to survive.”

"Hey, the world is not good. I originally set up a stall in the city, but who knew that the world was not good, and even the stall was robbed." The man sighed, looking honest and honest.

“Now I have to drag this guy to move. If we don’t leave, we are afraid of heavy snow closing the mountains and chaos in the city.” The woman looked haggard, with tears in her eyes, and she wiped away the tears gently.

No one noticed anything unusual, and they all sighed deeply.

 It is not easy to survive in these troubled times.

The oxcart made a creaking sound as it stepped on the snow, and everyone followed it out of the city.

Suisui was lying on the woman's shoulder leisurely. She took Bai Hu out today.

The white tiger has a keen sense of smell, so it is extremely easy to find her.


 There were too many people with me, which scared the kidnapper.

“It’s strange, why are there so many people holding torches today, as if they are looking for something?” The merchants who were moving together were a little puzzled.

 “How come there are more and more people?”

The two kidnappers looked at each other, their hearts beating so fast that they almost felt like they were beating out of their chests.

It's impossible. They are obviously just girl movies, and there are no girls with that kind of family background.

 They are so skinny and skinny that they look like they have been hungry all year round.

Only the little chubby dumpling was born exquisitely and was well-raised, but her family was in an extremely remote mountain village in Xiushan Town, and she couldn't be of high status.

 In these famine years, who’s family lost a baby girl and the whole village came out?

 This is also impossible.

These small mountain villages, I am afraid, can only get this kind of treatment if they lose a village chief!

 The man secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As we walked towards the city gate, more and more people appeared, each of them strong and holding something in his hand.

Within just one stick of incense, the street was almost full of people.

“Why is it missing? It’s not good to steal this **** thing from anyone. It was stolen from our village chief!”

“You lost the village chief just after you came out. What do you think of him? Are you blind?” Wang Youcai stood at the city gate and scolded his nephew.

"Can such a big man not look down upon you? You are lost right before your eyes! If you can't get your elm head back, your ancestors' coffin boards won't even hold down!" Wang Youcai was so angry that his lips were numb. It's over, it's over, the Wang family The hope of the village was lost.

 “That is the hope of our whole village!” Wang Youcai’s illness was almost overturned.

 The two kidnappers breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them were holding Yan Suisui's hands, becoming more and more calm and at ease, and their eyebrows became more natural.

Damn it, we really lost a village chief.

 It is probably because the old man is old and lost.

 (End of this chapter)

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