My Iron Suit

Chapter 993: K. Matt!

Immediately afterwards, Claire discovered a stand that was not far from the side of the crowd. He immediately walked over and removed a tablet with a sci-fi appearance, a metal frame and a transparent screen.

After looking at the tablet, Claire’s voice became angry.

"They are experimenting with survivors!"

Claire saw photos and materials of many survivors on the tablet. They all wore uniform white clothing, and all the data recorded in the data were some body data!

Everyone heard the words and couldn’t help but get angry.

They took the survivors out to experiment with them as mice!

Claire was constantly looking at the survivor's information, and soon she saw a familiar face inside.

"K. Matt! She is here!"

Claire said with some excitement, she finally found the companions who were taken away!

K. Matt is exactly one of the partners she is most familiar with in her original team!

"Get them all!"

Alice heard the words and walked to Claire's side.

Claire immediately operated on the tablet, and soon the flat floor was cracked, and the octagonal area in the middle slowly rose in a cold steam, but below it. It is a cylindrical glass cabin, and in each glass cabin, there is a survivor in white!

All the survivors closed their eyes and stood motionless in the glass cabin, like specimens packed in test tubes!

Their chests were all fitted with a ruby-like mechanical spider, and several wires on the head and wrist were attached to the top of the glass compartment.

According to the number, Claire quickly found K. Matt in many glass cabins and couldn't wait to run to her.

"She is here!"

Looking at K. Matt, who had his eyes closed in the glass cabin, Claire said excitedly.

Alice and K. Matt are also old friends. They are also very concerned about her situation. They followed Claire and then went to the glass compartment of K. Matt, and said.

"Put her out!"

Claire immediately operated on the tablet. Soon, the front half of the glass compartment was rotated backwards. It was as if it was asleep. K. Matt, who was standing inside, was also awakened at the same time, opening his mouth and breathing hard. It’s up.

However, her consciousness did not seem to be very clear. The door was just opened. Her body was soft and she fell out. Alice and Claire quickly stepped forward to hold her and let her sit on the ground.

But K. Matt, who was awake, violently resisted, and stretched out his arm and tried to push Alice and Claire, who were leaning against her, while the body kept hiding backwards. It didn’t seem to know the two. .

"K. Matt, it's okay, nothing!"

Alice tried to calm K. Matt, but it didn't have much effect. Looking at a group of people around her, K. Matt's eyes were full of panic and fear, like a frightened child.

Claire quickly thought of the scene when she had just met Alice, and her eyes could not help but fall on the mechanical spider on K. Matt's chest!

If she guessed it correctly, K. Matt's reaction was due to the mechanical spider, which should be continuously injecting a drug that can cause amnesia to the inside of the body.

She immediately handed the tablet in her hand to Alice and said.

"I want to take that thing off her! You must first let everyone else out!"

Alice immediately took the tablet and went to the side to operate. I plan to find out the original team members and let them help other survivors.

There are more than 2,000 people in this ship, but it is difficult to rely on them eight people.

Claire was kneeling on the ground and looking at the flustered K. Matt, softly pacifying.

"Listen to me, we are your friends, now, I need your help! Let me take this thing off!"

After the initial panic, K. Matt found that the sudden emergence of strangers did not hurt her, Alice and Claire have been warming up, so although the heart is still a little fear, K. Matt's emotions gradually Calm down, watching Claire uneasy, but did not continue to fiercely resist.

When Claire saw it, he reached out and took off the mechanical spider on K. Matt's chest.

The three pairs of sharp metal limbs that had been pierced and attached to the chest skin were pulled down, leaving six holes in the clothes on K. Matt’s chest. After leaving the body, the mechanical spider was Suddenly moved, the six metal feet swung rapidly and seemed to want to climb back.

Claire looked at the mechanical spider in his hand in disgust, and immediately slammed it on the ground.

However, the strength of this mechanical spider is much higher than that of Claire. It is not directly broken as she imagined. Instead, there is nothing. After leaving her palm, she quickly moved six. The metal foot quickly rushed toward K. Matt, who was sitting on the ground, and wanted to climb back to her chest!

K. Matt was also scared, and his face turned back and forth, just sitting on the ground, where she could hide.

The speed of the mechanical spider is very fast Before Claire responded, it had climbed to the foot of K. Matt, but waited for it to jump to K. Matt, accompanied by a gun The agile mechanical spider slammed the white smoke on the ground.

K. Matt couldn't help but stop the action of avoiding. He looked up and saw the tallest of the people. The Chinese youth wearing a suit was slowly putting down the pistol in his hand.

Claire nodded gratefully to Chen Mo, and then stood up and some of the frightened K. Matt stood up.

Chen Mo did not go to Claire, who was comforting K. Matt, and turned to look at other people, and said.

"Remember to take all the mechanical spiders on the chest of all survivors and destroy them!"

Chris and Luther West all heard the words and nodded.


Then everyone dispersed and walked toward the glass cabins opened by Alice, helping the people inside to take off the mechanical spiders on the chest and shoot them directly.

With their help, Alice didn't have to deal with it personally.

After K. Matt was removed from the mechanical spider, the mood was obviously normal. The look at Claire also softened, and it seems that the memory has begun to recover.


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