My Iron Suit

Chapter 992: Amazing cabin!

Alice heard the words, and she turned her head and looked at Chen Mo.

"Go and see it!"

After Chen Mo finished, he turned and walked straight toward the stairs leading to the deck.

When Alice and Claire saw it, they no longer struggled with traps. They immediately clenched their weapons and followed Chen Mo.

The people lined up in a row, carefully descending down the stairs, the cabin below the deck did not seem to be illuminated, the light coming in from above could only illuminate a small area around the stairs, the lower the light, the light around it. The darker it is, the darker the cabin is darker!

The people who had been prepared for a long time had flashed their flashlights from their bodies, and several bright beams of light were shot from the stairs into the dark cabin!

Under the illumination of the flashlight, the scene in the cabin is displayed in front of everyone.

Rows of containers were placed neatly in the cabin, blocking the sight of the crowd, making them unable to see the entire cabin!

Down the stairs, everyone can only see the containers, the walls of the cabin and the inner deck under the feet are rusty, no matter how you look, it seems to be just an ordinary freighter.

But everyone will not be taken lightly, Alice, Claire and Chris are pointing at the front with a gun, the other hand holding a flashlight under the gun, and Luther West and Angel Otti A few people took the rifle directly and put the torch on the gun.

The crowd followed Chen Mo’s body and walked through the narrow passageway in the middle of the container, walking towards the depths of the cabin.

All the people cooperate with each other, and each of them observes the front and rear, including the two sides of the container. The team is slowly moving, and the light beams are constantly being shot around. As long as there is a little wind and grass, it will be discovered in the first time!

Just along the way, the surroundings are always quiet, and no abnormalities are found!

Not only did everyone's heart not relax, but it was even more raised. It is definitely not just an ordinary cargo ship. There is definitely something they have not found!

And soon, they found an exception!

When they passed through the two rows of containers, the front was no longer a neatly arranged container, and a thick steel gate appeared in front of them, blocking them from going.

On the seemingly ordinary, rust-covered steel gate, there is a red and white umbrella pattern that Alice is familiar with!

Umbrella company!

"Sure enough, they!"

Alice looked at the sign on the door, her face hated, and said coldly.

Just as everyone clenched their weapons and watched their nerves, the originally closed steel door suddenly rang, and the six exposed mechanical bolts moved in a mechanical transmission, one by one, followed by the thick one. The steel gate ruptured from the middle and slid toward the sides.


After a mechanical lock, the door was fully opened, and a deeper and darker space appeared in front of everyone.

The light from the flashlight shines in, only to see a regular geometric pattern on the ground, but nothing can be seen in the depths!

Some suspicious Alice couldn't help but look at Chen Mo, who was standing next to him, asking for his opinion.

Chen Mo noticed Alice's gaze, and said that he did not return.

"Let's go in!"

Indeed, it’s already here, don’t you go in and go out?

Alice no longer hesitated, and immediately followed Chen Mo, holding a pistol and preparing for the gods to slowly enter the door!

Just after everyone entered the gate, the originally opened door suddenly moved again, and soon closed again, and locked again!

In the end, Luther West and Angel Ortiz heard the movement behind them, quickly turned and pointed the gun at the door, but it was already late.

Looking at the closed door, everyone did not panic, this time boarding, they have no back road, they can only do forward!

As the gate closes, the surrounding space is completely immersed in darkness. It seems to be more closed than the outer container area. There is no trace of light coming in. The flashlights in the hands of several people are sweeping around, except for the door behind them. I can't see anything!

It seems to be just a huge confined space, nothing in it!

Just as everyone was concentrating on the alert, a dazzling light suddenly illuminates from a distance, and then, with the sound of a series of electrical appliances turned on, the light spreads rapidly from afar. The crowd quickly discovered that the dense lights on the top of the cabin were lit one by one!

As the light was illuminated from far and near, the darkness of the original darkness in the cabin was quickly expelled, the whole space became bright and white, and the situation in the cabin was clearly presented in front of everyone!

This space is very large, it is tens of meters wide, hundreds of meters long, and the area is almost half of the entire ship!

Above are hundreds of neatly arranged lights, and the bare hull frames can be seen directly on both sides!

From the top to the bottom of the space, all the places are white, even the floor is like white marble, smooth and bright!

But the floor is not completely smooth, and the top is carved with neat octagonal lines, which look like a square floor with an octagonal pattern, neatly paving the entire floor.

Standing in this wide and empty space, everyone's face could not help but reveal a doubt, here is a bit weird!

Claire constantly looked around for trying to find the trail of survivors, but nothing.

"Where are people going?"

Claire asked without doubt.

"do not know."

Chris also did not find anything. He couldn’t help but shook his head and replied.

Just when everyone had no clue, Chen Mo suddenly said.

"Look at those floors!"

Everyone heard the words and looked down at the floor under their feet. After careful observation, Alice first discovered the problem, and even frowned.

Alice immediately crouched down, looked at the number in the center of the floor under her feet, and turned her head to look at the number on the other floor next to it, and the face instantly cooled down.

"I think I know!"

Claire and others heard their eyes on Alice, but they heard Alice's voice with a hint of chill, coldly.

"They are at our feet!"

Claire and others heard that they immediately understood that the survivors were kept under the floor, and this huge space was not the empty space they looked like, but a prison where the survivors were held!


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