My Iron Suit

Chapter 994: Nuclear bomb!

Alice, who was not far away, saw that K. Matt’s situation stabilized, and then she put down her worry and immediately walked towards the depths of the cabin while operating the tablet.

Chen Mo left Claire to continue to take care of K. Matt, and he turned to catch up with Alice.

After passing through most of the cabin, Alice’s footsteps suddenly stopped!

Her gaze was drawn by several glass cabins not far from the front.

Along the way, every glass cabin that Alice passed was a sleeping survivor, but there were no people in the glass cabins in front, and it was covered with blood!

Alice stopped the tablet and walked toward the glass cabins.

Standing in front of the glass cabin, Alice saw the situation in the glass cabin more clearly.

The blood is in the interior of the glass cabin, and in addition to the blood, the glass cabin is still covered with a lot of black minced meat!

Alice’s mind could not help but reveal the terrible scene of the survivor’s corpse being locked in. This changed her face instantly, and the tablet in her hand did not stabilize. She suddenly fell off the ground and fell.

But then, one hand suddenly protruded from the back and caught the falling tablet.

Alice turned her head and looked at Chen Mo, who was following up, but did not speak, but looked at the ground in front of her face with a serious look.

On the ground outside the **** glass cabin, there was a very obvious blood stain. Alice looked in the direction of the bloodstain and found that it extended to another steel gate not far away. in front of.

"It seems that someone is waiting for us."

Chen Mo looked at the blood that disappeared at the gate, and spoke in a slightly mocking tone.

This is obviously a bait to attract prey, want to lead them behind the door, but although the two know that it is a trap, the face is not afraid!

Looking at each other, the two saw the same war from the other's eyes!

But when Alice was ready to walk toward the gate, Chen Mo cried her.

"First wait!"

Alice turned her head in disbelief and looked at Chen Mo, but she saw Chen Mo turned and shouted at Chris not far away.

Chris handed over a survivor who had just stepped down from the open glass cabin to Jin Yong, and he soon came to Chen Mo.

He handed over the tablet that controlled all the glass cabins in his hand to Chris and told him.

"You take them here to save people, and I and Alice go inside to see."

When Chris reached for the tablet, he also saw a few blood-stained glass cabins and blood on the ground.

But thinking of Chen Mo's strength, Chris nodded and said seriously to the two.

"Be careful!"

When Chris finished, he took the tablet and walked over to others. Chen Mo turned to look at Alice and said.

"You can leave now!"

For Chen Mo's arrangement, Alice didn't have any opinions, but it wasn't that she was excited when she was excited.

Alice looked at Chen Mo and nodded lightly. Then the two men walked side by side to the front door, and the closed door quickly opened automatically.

What appeared in front of them was a huge space about the size of the "cell" where they were held behind the survivors, but the inside was no longer empty.

On the right side of the space, five tilting rotor helicopters unique to the umbrella company are parked in a row.

This is a large helicopter similar to the real-world V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor. It is more advanced. The propeller engine at both ends of the wing can be rotated. It can fly at the same speed as a normal propeller plane. The helicopter takes off and takes off vertically.

However, both of them noticed that there was no activity above the cabin, and the door for the aircraft to take off, but the cabin wall on the left side, corresponding to the position of the five aircraft, has a very large large door, which is marked with Numbers from one to five.

Moreover, these aircraft are not parked directly on the ground, but are fixed on a mechanical platform. The front of the platform closest to them extends a track that spans the entire cabin and connects to the left side. On the other platform in front of the door.

It seems that this seems to be a fast takeoff platform like the catapult on the aircraft carrier!

When Alice saw these planes for the first time, she could not help but appear in her mind.

This guy last time was riding such a plane and fled from the umbrella company Tokyo base!

At this time, the five planes in the apron were only the one in front of them, and the lower ejecting platform on the lower side extended the track. Obviously, it was ready in advance and ready to take off at any time!

This is very similar to the acting style of the sinister guy!

He always prepares himself to retreat in advance!

Although Alice had always thought that he had been killed in the last crash, but now want to come, even her ability to erase the super power can survive, not to mention the strength of the T virus, the strength Not a weaker guy in her heyday!

It is very likely that Wesker is set to set this trap!

Thinking of this, Alice’s face is full of hatred!

If the umbrella company is who is the most hated person of Alice, it is non-Wesker!

Her replicas were completely annihilated in the hands of Wesker, and her own super powers disappeared because of the injection of immune sera by Wesker. She and Wesker are not only public venge, but also have a private hate!

Just as the two men observed the situation in the apron, the doors behind the two suddenly shut up like the previous one, separating them from the outside.

However, the two people who had been prepared for the time were not flustered. Alice’s gaze swept around in a circle, but it was quickly attracted by a thing on the wall next to it.

This is a thing like a metal box. On the wall above it, there is a red radiation sign, and there are several warning signs below!

Alice’s mind couldn’t help but recall the huge explosion that took place at the Tokyo base after Wisker’s escape.

That kind of powerful explosion can only be caused by nuclear weapons!

The one she saw in front of her eyes should be the self-destruction device of this Arcadia!

A nuclear bomb!

Alice’s mind flashed an idea in the blink of an eye, and the corner of her mouth could not help but show a cold smile.

Immediately, Alice went straight up and took down the nuclear bomb!


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