My Iron Suit

Chapter 953: has a problem!

Bennett was just smug because he stopped Luther West from helping Chen Mo. At this time, Chen Mo, who should have been killed by him, came to him and thought about the consequences of Chen Mo’s killing the zombies. Spicy, Bennett's forehead could not help but see a layer of fine sweat!

Just when Bennett hesitated to turn around and flee immediately, Chen Mo did not seem to see him at all, striding straight from him, walking towards Luzer West, who stood together. .

Looking at Chen Mogao's back, Bennett couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then quickly responded. Chen Mo has been shooting and killing zombies all the time. Under the cover of gunshots, he simply It is impossible to know what happened on the wall just now!

Maybe he will be grateful to himself for throwing the rope to him!

Chen Mo did not care about Bennett’s delusion. He stopped in front of Luther West’s four people. His sharp eyes swept through the faces of the four people, and then he nodded lightly and said quietly. .

"You guys are not bad, don't hesitate to come and save you!"

When I heard Chen Mo's words, the four people were all excited. It seems that they guessed it correctly. The reason why this master took great risks to break through the corpse and rushed to the prison was really to save them!

And listening to the meaning of Chen Mo's words, their previous help is also seen in his eyes, and a few people can't help but be grateful. If they just listened to Bennett's idea and stood by from the very beginning, I don't know if Chen Mo will turn away and give up the rescue!

"You really came to save us? Great!"

Christo shouted excitedly.

She didn't think so much, she only knew that someone finally came to save them!

Christo and Kim Yong found the rope back to the wall, but they also saw Chen Mo’s heroic squad, and Chen Mo had no ability to save them. Christo had no doubt!

Since he was able to break through the encirclement of countless zombies outside, he came to the prison and naturally escaped with them!

"Are you from Arcadia?"

The strong man Angel Otitz, armed with a rifle, asked excitedly.

Luther West and others even heard it, and looked at Chen Mo without looking forward.

A few days ago, an "Arcadia" cargo ship appeared on the coast and parked. They received a broadcast from the radio on this "Arcadia" and said they were not infected. It can provide security, food and shelter.

Originally, they also hoped that the other party would send someone to save them, but they observed it for several days, but the other party did not have any movements, and even the personal image did not appear on the ship!

When Chen Mo first appeared, they thought it was the rescue team sent by Arcadia. However, when the telescope saw that there was only one person and an unmodified heavy truck, the hope they just ignited could not help again. Go out!

Obviously, anyone who is sensible will not send a person to drive a huge corpse to save people!

However, Chen Mo’s final performance has overturned their original speculation. Although there is only one person, Chen Mo’s strength is comparable to that of a rescue team!

The most important thing is that Chen Mo has personally admitted to save them!

If it is really Arcadia, that would be great!

In the end of this zombie squad, staying on board is obviously much safer than on land, and there is no need to worry about being attacked and besieged by zombies!

Moreover, there should be more survivors on that ship!

Several people who have been trapped in prison for a long time by endless zombies are more eager to return to the embrace of human society!

At least, they will not feel assembled, lonely and desperate as before!

Compared to their prison, Arcadia is the real paradise!

However, in the eyes of several people, Chen Mo slowly shook his head and said quietly.

"It seems that you have received the broadcast of Arcadia, but what I want to tell you is that the ship has a problem!"

"How can it be?"

All four are incredibly wide-eyed.

If other people say this sentence, they will not believe it at all, but because it is said that Chen Mo has just conquered them with strong strength, so although several people are shocked, they are not immediately denied in their hearts, but Qi Qi looked at Chen Mo and waited for his explanation.

It was Luther West’s frowning after Chen Mo’s remarks seemed to have thought of something.

"Except for that broadcast, do you have signs of survivor activity on that ship?"

Chen Mo looked at a few people and asked quietly.

Several people heard the words, could not help but face each other, and finally shook their heads at the same time.

Every day, they arrange people to take turns on the top of the building. They have been paying attention since the ship appeared, but as Chen Mo said, they have never seen anyone appear on the ship so far!

You know, this is not normal!

Even if they are surrounded by zombies, they will often be active in the open space on the roof, walls and downstairs, not to mention that the ship is at sea, there is no threat of zombies, it is far safer than them!

As a result, they have been hiding in the cabin, and no one has ever come out to This is really unreasonable!

Before they didn't even think about it in this way, now, under the reminder of Chen Mo, they quickly reacted!

It seems that Chen Mo said that it is very likely that this ship is really a problem!

Just as Luther West was going to ask further questions about Chen Mo’s ship, Jin Yong, who was standing next to him, suddenly changed his face!

I saw his eyes slammed loudly, and involuntarily stretched his fingers to the back of Chen Mo, full of horror!

At the same time, Chen Mo's mouth is a smile that is not easy to detect!

Not waiting for Jin Yong to scream, a scream screamed in the back of Chen Mo, and the other three heard the words and turned around, and they were all shocked!

I saw that at a distance of less than two meters from them, a zombie was screaming fiercely on Bennett’s shoulder!

Before the arrogant Bennett, there was only fear, pain and despair on his face!

On the wall guardrail behind him, another zombie had just climbed up the upper body and grabbed the fence around his wall and climbed inwards!

Its gaze is directly over Bennett, and it falls on the faces of several of them. The bloodthirsty eyes can't help but see a few people!


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