My Iron Suit

Chapter 952: Above the wall!

Seeing Luther West rushing up, Bennett smirked a smug smile and slammed the right hand of the rope to the wall.


"you dare!"


Luther West was shocked and screamed in anger, and even Jin Yong, who had been following Bennett, changed his face and quickly stopped.

But Bennett was prepared, and Luther West wanted to rush to stop it, and it was too late to wait until he rushed to Bennett. The rope had been thrown out of the wall by his hands.

"You bastard!"

Luther West rushed to the wall, but could only watch the rope fall into the corpse, and immediately turned his head and angered toward Bennett.

Others quickly rushed to the wall and looked down, but there was no shadow of the rope.

Immediately, everyone’s eyes on Bennett became unhealthy.

Bennett shrugged his shoulders as if nothing had happened, and said indifferently.

"Well, the rescue operation is over, we can go back!"

Immediately, Bennett crossed Luther West directly and looked at Christo behind.

"Christo, hurry to cook! I am hungry!"

Luther West angered his face flushed, staring at Bennett with his eyes, and wished he would throw him down the wall, but the reason made him unable to kill Bennett!

Bennett had already seen Luther West and others, and in his eyes, they are the fools of a group of women!

As long as they don't directly deal with them, they can't really hurt him at all, which is why he has no fear.

Looking at the angry face of Luther West, Bennett said disdainfully.

"It’s your business to save people, but you don't have the right to let other people take risks with you! You will kill us all! This is not your own place, I have the right to stop your stupid behavior! Or, you You can jump down and see if you can find the rope and save him again!"

Just as everyone was angry with Bennett's selfishness and shamelessness, a black shadow suddenly flew up from the outside of the wall and slammed into them.

Everyone turned around and looked at it, but saw a familiar iron hook hanging on the fence!

Luther West reacted violently after a brief embarrassment, and then showed a look of joy!

This iron hook is the one that was just **** by Bennett and tied by him!

At this time, there is only one person who can throw this iron hook under the wall!

He is still alive!

Luther West instantly left Bennett behind, and quickly ran to the hook to prepare for help.

However, he just had his head out of the wall, and he saw a black figure crawling up from below at a very fast speed. In the blink of an eye, he came to the front!

Luther West quickly stepped back and saw the place where Chen Mo climbed up the rope.

Just as Luther West returned to the front of several people in Angel Ortiz, a strong black figure quickly turned up from the wall and fell lightly in front of everyone!

All five of them were wide-eyed and looked incredulously at the figure that suddenly appeared on the side of the wall.

The tall and sturdy body is no less inferior than Luther West, who is from the NBA star, and brings more grandeur and strength to everyone!

A black suit on his body was worn on his body, and it was spotless, and there was no wrinkle. He couldn’t see that he had just experienced a fierce battle, and there was no such awkwardness in Bennet’s suit. feel.

It seems that he should have been like this, even in this end of the crisis, his body seems to never feel embarrassed!

Just like the desperate situation that was enough for them to die in an instant, Chen Moquan was calmly and unrestrained, and finally stood on the wall without any injury!

Throughout the process, Chen Mo has been extremely calm and calm, even when walking through the corpse, it is also extremely calm and easy!

The suits that were quite straight did not make them feel awkward, but they even brought out the strength of Chen Mo’s strength, which made them unable to show the figure of 007 in the movie at the same time!

And in their view, this master who has only survived the corpse sea should be more powerful than 007!

The blade's generally sharp gaze, the majestic and cold face, against the tall and majestic body, is even more imposing and powerful!

However, Luther West and Christo did not produce the slightest fear. On the contrary, in addition to the worship of the powerful power Chen Mo showed, they felt an unprecedented sense of security!

With such a strong master to join, their safety will certainly be more secure!

Now is the end of the zombies, the rest of the humans are not many, in addition to Bennett such a selfish and indifferent guy, all humans will instinctively embrace the group to warm up, work together to fight against the powerful zombies!

The mysterious superpower is risking his life and rushing through the corpse to come here. It is obviously impossible to deal with them, except for this prison that can block the they are almost Nothing!

If you want materials, what is in the city is that there is absolutely no need for Chen Mo’s skill. There is no need to spend so much effort on them.

As for this prison, it is actually a "prison"!

For them, although they can temporarily block the zombies, they also cut off the road they fled. When the rest of the food in the prison is finished, they will only have one dead road!

The zombies that took advantage of the whole city were attracted by them, driving away from the city, hiding in sparsely populated areas is the most sensible choice!

Therefore, it is easy for a few people to judge that Chen Mo’s arrival is absolutely not malicious. The bigger possibility is to save them!

So looking at the fierce and aggressive Chen Mo, Luther West is not only not afraid, but excited in his heart!

In this end of the crisis, the strong represent the hope of survival, and there is such a strong presence as Chen Mo, and they have no reason to be unhappy.

They may even get rid of this cage, rush out of the prison and survive in a safer place!

However, contrary to the excitement of a few people, there was a person who was completely changed after Chen Mo appeared!


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