My Iron Suit

Chapter 954: retribution!

The location where these zombies appeared was exactly where the rope that Chen Mo climbed up was hanging!

Obviously, these zombies are following the rope left by Chen Mo, and climbed up behind him!

If the zombies at the beginning of the disaster broke out, naturally there is no such ability, but now it has been nearly a few years since the outbreak of the Resident Evil, and the zombies have evolved in the constant devouring, with strength, speed, intelligence and flexibility far beyond the original. Although the climbing rope is not as flexible as human beings, it can climb up as well!

And all this is not an accident, it is no coincidence, it is Chen Mo’s intention to do it!

Everything that happened on the wall just couldn’t escape Chen Mo’s ear. When Bennett snatched the rope and threw it off the fence, Chen Mo had already sentenced him to death!

So after Chen Mo quickly emptied the zombies under the wall, he did not rely on his own powerful strength and agile hands to directly flip the wall, but picked up the rope that was thrown from the ground and threw it up. After the iron hook hung the guardrail, climbed up the rope!

After boarding the wall, Chen Mo deliberately ignored Bennett and the ropes still hanging on the fence, and used the problems of Arcadia to attract the attention of others, so that they also ignored the problem of zombies. It caused the zombies to climb the wall and bite Bennett's ending!

Now that the purpose has been reached, Chen Mo will naturally not let the zombies continue to climb!

Before other people reacted, Chen Mo quickly turned and lifted the pistol.


First, a shot broke the rope accurately. After the zombie that was crawling inside the guardrail, a paw that had just been extended from below did not wait for the guardrail to disappear, and disappeared with the rope hanging below. Long strings of zombies fell together!

Only the zombie hanging on the guardrail continued to crawl inside.

But then, Chen Mo shot two shots at a very fast speed.

"Hey! Hey!"

On the guardrail, there was a hole in the zombie head that was struggling to climb in, and the claws were loose and fell.

Bennett was kneeling behind his neck and was bitten by a zombie. He was almost headshot at the same time. A **** object splashed Bennett!

Under the huge impact of the bullet, the zombie's body also slammed back to the back, and fell from the waist-high guardrail on the edge of the wall.

Just now, the dangerous situation was solved by Chen Mo. Only the iron hook hanging on the guardrail and Bennett, who was screaming at the neck, reminded everyone what happened just now!

All of this happened only in a blink of an eye. The other four did not even have time to react, and the crisis was quickly lifted by Chen Mo!

And looking at the blood in front of the guardrail, Bennett, who is mourning his neck, the look of the four is very complicated!

I have lived in this last age for so many years. They have already known very well about zombies and viruses. They know very well that as long as they are bitten by zombies, they will die. It will not take long for Bennett to mutate and become a wall and outside the wall. Like the zombies, I only know the monsters that kill and eat!

Although Luther West disdains Bennett's character, he is also very angry about his death, but seeing that Bennett is about to become a zombie, his heart is still a little uncomfortable!

There are not many human beings left in this world. The death of every survivor represents a step closer to the extinction of human beings. Do you know when it will be their turn?

Instead, Christo and Angel Ortiz didn't think so much about Luther West. Looking at the incomprehensible Bennett, I couldn't help but flash a little pleasure!

They have long been fed up with Bennett, so selfish and indifferent, and very arrogant teammates will only kill them!

In particular, Bennett just snatched the ropes and almost killed Chen Mo’s behavior, which even violated their bottom line!

Although they will not take the initiative to kill Bennett, but for Bennett's death, they can not give birth to feelings of sympathy and sadness!

Kim Yong was originally the closest to Bennett. Before the disaster broke out, he was an intern under Bennett.

Although knowing that it is already the end of the world, it is no longer possible to go back to the past, but Jin Yong is still deceiving himself to choose to escape, not willing to face the reality, and does not want to consider the future, but still the same as before the disaster. Following the original BOSS Bennett, he followed his instructions.

This is also the only connection between him and the original normal world!

It seems that this disaster is just a nightmare. As long as he wakes up, he can return to his original life!

He only needs to hide behind Bennett and think about nothing!

But now Bennett is about to die, and it will become the terrible existence that he has been fearing, escaping, and unwilling to face!

At this time, watching Bennett, who is suffering and screaming, Jin Yong has no previous obedience and escape!

Instead, it is a strong anger!

Not only for Bennett, but also for the zombies who destroyed the world and his original happy life!

In fact, Jin Yong did not know, Bennett has always been deceiving and using him. As long as he is in danger, Bennett will definitely not hesitate to launch him first!

He just had been unwilling to think about, but now his dream of knitting has been broken, he has to wake up and face reality!

The anger that has been accumulated for many years by Bennett has also erupted together!

However, Jin Yong did not do anything too aggressive. He just stood there, his eyes fixed on Bennett, who was still screaming, but his expression was getting calmer and calmer.

Now that you have accepted the reality, what he has to do is to live well!

No longer rely on others, but on your own!

Chen Mo's keen sense and the ability to scan the mind, so that he even turned his back to the people, but still noticed the changes of Jin Yong, Chen Mo is actually not too surprised for Jin Yong's change.

Originally in the movie, Kim Yong was not too prejudiced, even some cowardly existence, but he did not choose to follow Bennett when Bennett was preparing to drive Alice’s small plane to stop at the top of the building. Let others leave together, but try to stop him!

This shows that he has his own principles and bottom line, and in Chen Mo's view, this is actually the most important thing for a person!

Strength and courage can be achieved through the exercise of the day after tomorrow, but the principle and bottom line of one person is difficult to change!


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