My Iron Suit

Chapter 1396: Done!

However, her eyes were the same as others, and she skimmed towards the door from time to time.

Soon after half an hour passed, there was still no movement outside. Rena could not help but look at the time. Although George was always the last one in the branch, it should have arrived now.

Based on her knowledge of George and yesterday's situation, he shouldn't have been moving until now.

Is he planning a bigger conspiracy?

Some worried Reina could not help but contacted a colleague who was familiar with the administration, quietly inquired, but unexpectedly learned that George had not yet come to work.

Reina could not help but frown, but what the **** is this guy doing?

This abnormal situation made Reina a little uneasy.

When the other people in the Criminal Investigation Department knew about it, they couldn't help worrying, fearing that George would hold on to them with a big trick.

Not only the criminal investigation department, but the entire FBI Los Angeles branch is paying attention to George's movements, waiting for his arrival.

The whole branch was filled with a tense feeling of rain and wind.

Everyone believes that George must be brewing something, and with his arrival, waiting for David must be a fatal blow!

However, this was the whole morning, until 12:00 noon, George still did not show up. Someone found something wrong, tentatively called George, but found that his phone had been turned off.

This time, everyone realized that something went wrong!

Immediately they did not continue to wait any longer, and used their own means and contacts to investigate George's movements.

After all, they are a group of FBIs, with ways, means and connections that ordinary people do not have.

Soon their investigation had a result, and this result was unexpected to everyone!

George was caught!

According to what they learned, George was captured by a group of people in black in the middle of last night, and the identity of the people who captured him was from the Supervision Department of the General Administration!

The Supervision Department is the disciplinary supervision department within the FBI. It can be said that these FBI agents are the least willing to contact them.

Because when the inspectorate comes to you, it means that the East Window incident happened, and no one who was taken away by the inspectorate can come back safe and sound.

Dismissal is light, and more people are sent directly to prison!

And George was taken away by the inspectorate, the result is already obvious.

Many people are well aware of what George is doing in the bureau, and he will not be able to return by this time. What is waiting for him will be a long prison life.

But at the same time, many people's hearts were raised.

Not only George, the director of the branch office, but many of them are also unclean, especially those who walked with George recently, they are more or less directly involved in the things that George did. Now George If they are caught, they are also likely to be implicated and go to jail with George.

When many people were terrified and fidgeted, the news that George was caught was quickly circulated in the branch. The first one in the heart couldn't help but think of David.

George had a quarrel with David in the hall last night and was taken away by the inspectorate that night. No one would believe it was just a coincidence!

Many people saw the situation at that time, and it spread within the Los Angeles branch within an hour.

David has been deliberately suppressed by George for such a long time, and the people in the branch are very clear, but before this, although David did not succumb to George's obscenity, but he has never faced him head-on.

His behavior was very abnormal last night. Most people suspected that he had been suppressed by George for too long, and finally broke out.

However, some people who knew David knew that he was not an impulsive person. The previous silence was nothing more than forbearance. The sudden eruption last night reminded them a lot, and today George was taken away by the people in the inspection department. Confirmed some people's guesses.

David found the evidence and tripped George!

That's why he dared to turn face to face with George. He mocked George fiercely in front of many people, without considering the risk of being retaliated by George.

I am afraid that he had already handed over the evidence to the headquarters at that time, and knew that George would be arrested that night, so that he would be so mercilessly confronting George that he would be able to vent all the wickedness he had accumulated for so long.

Behind this, they were supplemented by their brains to play a trick to pay the courage. It was nothing more than David was forbearing under George's suppression. While dealing with various complicated cases given to him by job applicants, he also secretly collected him for corruption. The evidence, after finally getting enough evidence to bring him down, gave George a fatal blow last night.

When David took everyone out of the criminal investigation to go out for lunch, Reina and others found that everyone's eyes on David were full of awe and fear, and even the look on them was completely changed. Too.

Just when a few people were puzzled, Rena's cell phone suddenly rang, and Rena took out her cell phone and glanced at it, then a sudden surprise and surprise appeared on her face!

Seeing other people looking suspiciously at her, Rena immediately suppressed her excitement and whispered excitedly.

"George was taken away by the inspectorate last night!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard Rena's words.


"Great! This boss doesn't have to leave!"

"This **** is over!"


Rena looked up at David, but did not see the slightest surprise on his face, but saw a victorious smile in the corner of his mouth!

He already knew!

Contact everything that happened last night ~ ~ Rena quickly understood that George's arrest must be related to David!

No wonder he turned impulsively with George directly last night. It turned out that he knew he would be arrested that night!

He is not impulsive, but confident!

Rena's guess is not completely correct, but it is similar, but David's confidence is not the evidence that other people imagined to bring down George, but Chen Mo and SHIELD!

George was arrested, so that a big stone that was crushing everyone's heart was finally removed. The people followed David happily out of the gate and walked towards the nearby restaurant. The relaxed couple could not help but make jokes.

A young female agent approached Rena and asked quietly.

"Hey Lena, how did you feel last night, can the boss's fighting ability satisfy you?"

The female agent seemed to whisper. In fact, the sound was just enough to be heard by everyone. David, who was at the forefront, heard the words and could not help but arouse a smile.

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