My Iron Suit

Chapter 1395: Let's go with you!

The next day, the Criminal Investigation Department, except David and Rena, everyone else had arrived, but the expression on their faces was a little dignified.

Several people were standing or sitting in the office area, and no one spoke, but their eyes swept in the direction of the door from time to time.

They also heard about what happened in the hall last night. Although David gave George a slap in the face of other people to make them very happy, but then they began to worry about their boss. Come.

George is not a tolerant and generous guy. David doesn't give him a face and confronts him head-on, he will never be so good!

But when they worried about calling David, they found that his phone had been turned off, and then they called Rena's phone too!

They almost doubted whether the two had eloped, or they were just secretly killed by the angry and angry George!

In the anxiety and worry, it was hard to pass the night. When we came to the branch this morning, the other people looked at them with obvious strangeness, sympathy and even gloating!

Obviously, what happened last night is well known. With everyone's understanding of George, David will definitely not have good fruit to eat. Just call them the diehard fans under his hands, I am afraid they will also be implicated.

Several people are not afraid of this. Anyway, their previous situation in the FBI is already bad enough. Where can it go even worse?

It's really not a big deal. No matter what, many of them have already done enough. If it weren't for David, they would have resigned.

I have to say that although David was not met by Director George and was severely suppressed, but his criminal investigation department is still the most cohesive department of the entire FBI Los Angeles branch, and all this is because of the big Wei's personality charm, or more accurately, is the ideal and belief he has always insisted on!

Those who can still stay under his hands, share the same hardships and struggles with him, all agree with his ideas. Those who like him are like the waves of the sand, and all that is left is heavy gold!

Just as several people were anxiously waiting in the office area, two familiar figures came side by side at the door, and David and Rena finally came!

Several people stood up immediately and looked towards the two, but soon they found something wrong.

In the past, the boss was always the first to come to the office early, while Rena was often late and never saw the two of them work together.

Moreover, with their keen sense, it was very obvious to discover the subtle changes between the two, especially the tantalizing rosy face and the satisfying look of the eyes, making it easy for several people to guess What happened to the two.

There is adultery!

Several people stayed together for a long time and were familiar with each other. They naturally knew that Rena was interesting to their boss, but David never accepted it. Looking at the current situation, his boss not only accepted this time, but also directly She ate it!

Several people could not help but secretly gave David a thumbs up!

Worthy of being the boss, the heart is big, the front foot just turned his face with the director George, and the angry George directly threatened to expel him, followed by the tyrants of their criminal investigation office, and it seemed that he did not take it at all. George's threats are taken seriously.

Sure enough, they were the fearless and resolute leader in their minds!

For David and Rena finally come together, everyone is happy to see it, and secretly blessed in their hearts, if they are usually, they will definitely coax hard, but just in the present moment, they really do not have this mood.

A longest agent who followed David couldn't help but stepped forward and said worriedly.

"Boss, we all know what happened yesterday. George will certainly not let you go. This time I will definitely put you to death!"

As he turned his head, he glanced at everyone, then turned around and said firmly to David.

"We have discussed with each other, and the big deal is over! We will go with you, anyway, we have already had enough of this broken place!"

"That's right! The entire FBI is almost rotten to the bone. We used to stay here because of the boss. We will stay with you if you leave!"

"Yes, boss! We will go with you too!"


Several other people around said excitedly.

Reina, who stood beside David, also turned her head and looked at David. A strong love flashed in her eyes, and she said softly but firmly.

"I will go with you too!"

David's eyes crossed across everyone's faces, looking at the firm expression in the eyes of several people, and a smile of relief appeared in the corner of his mouth.

His veterans have followed him from birth to death, he has long regarded them as brothers, and they have not disappointed him until now.

David couldn't help thinking, what would happen to him and his group of brothers without Chen Mo and SHIELD?

Perhaps he will not impulsively turn face with George, but unless he can finally get lucky and successfully promoted, get rid of George's suppression, otherwise he or his group of brothers, I am afraid that they will be lame in their current position, and eventually either When dying in the task, either the corners were smoothed out, the ideals and beliefs were obliterated, and they became the people they always despised and deeply despised.

Fortunately, he met Chen Mo and joined the SHIELD, and the brothers in front of him have become agents of SHIELD with him in the future!

There, they can fully fulfill their ambitions and realize their ideals and pursuits!

Thinking of this, David couldn't help but smile a little, and said aloud towards the crowd.

"Who said I'm leaving? Have you forgotten our ideals? The ideals haven't been realized yet ~ ~ Where to go! Go back to your place and start working!"

"But yesterday ..."

A detective couldn't help worrying, but was interrupted by David's direct wave.

"I said to start work! Do you understand?"

Seeing David's face down, everyone immediately muttered, and honestly returned to their respective positions, but they obviously did not work, and their eyes glanced at the door from time to time. .

Rena glanced at David and saw that there was no worry on his face, and she didn't say anything. No, after making a cup of coffee, David returned to his place like everyone else.

Anyway, after the madness of last night, now Rena is satisfied, they finally broke through the window paper and came together, even if they were removed, as long as they can be with David, everything is worth it!

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