My Iron Suit

Chapter 1397: Variety!

David turned his head slightly to look at Rena, and Reina also just looked up at David at this time, and their eyes met.

Reina felt the hotness in David's eyes, secretly happy at the same time, but she also couldn't help but looked away with some shyness, and looked at the female agent beside her, the shame in her eyes quickly disappeared and replaced It is thick pride.

Everyone was surrounded by herself, and Rena didn't hide it, and didn't deny it, but said aloud with a smirk.

"You can try, rest assured, I don't mind!"

Others couldn't help but cheer.

"Hey, Nicole, try it! Rena said that she doesn't mind!"

"Yes, Nicole, we support you!"


Nicole, her female agent, could not help but blush, her skill is still not as strong as that of Rena!

At this moment, David walking in front suddenly turned his head and looked at Rena and said.

"Sorry, I mind! I am a dedicated person!"

Others heard the words for a moment and then shouted more excitedly.

"Oh, Rena, the boss is confessing to you!"

"Poor Nicole, it seems you have no chance!"

"Don't be sad, Nicole, there are still many good men in our office, what do you think of me?"



Looking at the noisy crowd, David could not help but have a light smile on his face.

Guys, you have not let me down, and I will not let you down, wait, I will take you to realize our ideals!

Thinking of the wonderful expressions of several people who knew the existence of SHIELD, David couldn't help but show a smirk.

Not only the SHIELD, but also the super soldier serum and super ability, this group of guys should be happy and crazy?

But Los Angeles ’bad guys are going to suffer. In order to accumulate merits and increase the level of agents, this group of guys will probably wipe out the entire Los Angeles criminals, and not even a small fish.

No, I can't tell them now, otherwise these wolf cubs will know it, and his superpowers don't know when they will get it.

Did n’t the Secretary say that the reserve staff would go through rigorous observation and review, so let me observe them and test them again.

While David and his group of people were having fun, the FBI Los Angeles branch was in a tense atmosphere.

From last night to now, this series of things happened is too dramatic.

David, who was suppressed by George for a long time, turned over, which undoubtedly exceeded everyone's expectations.

But the facts lie ahead. Although David did not admit that he was George who fell, but who are they? FBI! A little analysis will know that this must be related to David, otherwise he has always been stable and he can't be uncharacteristic last night, and turned directly to George.

It seems that they still underestimated the guy David. It is worthy of being the fastest FBI star who has risen to the supervising agent at the fastest speed. It has been silent for so many years.

Many people couldn't help but remember whether they had offended him before, for fear that David would strike them. Some people who had relied on George's suppression of David and had fallen into the rocks had even lost their hearts, even when they met David He dared not look directly at his eyes.

Even Director George was killed by David. Who knows if he has any handle in his hand. In case he angered him and was stabbed by him, the George that was taken away is a lesson for them!

No one thinks he can come back safe and sound!

The era of George is over!

The era of David has just begun!

From this day on, the treatment of David and his criminal investigation department at the Los Angeles branch completely changed.

The ordinary agents and the civilian staff of various departments have long been fed up with George. They admire David who brought him down. In the past, he had to keep a distance from them because of George ’s suppression of David. Now they are gone. This concern was very enthusiastic about David and his agents.

And those who are in the middle and upper levels of the branch, who are not very clean, are afraid that David will overthrow them, and they dare not find them again. Some people even detour when they see them.

Reina and others clearly felt this change. All departments' needs for them were completed at the fastest speed. The efficiency was unprecedentedly high. The previous excuses, delays, and even troubles never happened again. They once surrounded them. The obstacles around him seemed to disappear completely overnight.

Even the deputy director, Daniel, who temporarily replaced George to preside over the work of the branch, had unparalleled support for their work, and the attitude was unprecedentedly kind, making them unable to doubt that Daniel was the one with a stinky face they knew before, it seemed Does anyone owe him a mean man like money?

Not only the crash that George handed over to them before that was impossible to investigate was taken back, but a bunch of big cases were brought out for David to take back and choose at random. This is the treatment that only the secretary ’s heart has. It can be said that it is what you want to do!

It should be known that before this, the cases were selected by other groups first, and the cases that no one was willing to take over were picked up, and even some cases that other groups could not handle the elimination would be handed over to them.

Not only that, they are also allowed to use a variety of weapons and equipment, MP5 submachine guns, M4A1 carbines, and even grenades, as long as they apply ~ ~ approved above, Rena even suspects that they look at an armored vehicle, it is estimated Daniel will agree.

In fact, Daniel was also afraid of David in his heart.

Since David was able to kill George, he was not much cleaner than George. If David was rushed, he would probably repeat the same mistake and end up like George.

Not to mention, he can become acting deputy director, and he is expected to be turned right, all of which dragged David's blessing, otherwise he can only be kept under George, it is difficult to have a day.

In this respect, David is a big help for him, he should also thank David for being right.

So he upholds the idea that as long as David does not come to provoke him, he will treat David and his gang as his ancestors. They do n’t like to fight crime, then let them work hard with those criminals. Just desperately, it is best to die a few each time, all dead, he will be completely at ease!

He did not give David their full support in terms of missions and weapons.

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