My Iron Suit

Chapter 1372: Surrender to pioneers?

It turned out that the pioneers were not just the three they had seen before, but at least dozens, maybe even more, and each of them controlled hundreds of monsters, whatever Only a pioneer army of monsters will invade the earth, and it will be a devastating consequence for human beings!

However, at this time, these pioneers with great power seemed to be very panicked. They stood in front of the fan-shaped console and extended four arms to continue to operate, but the surrounding towers and the ring did not respond. !

At this moment, whether it is the fifty mech pilots in the war room, or the general commander of the command center, Mori Asako, and others can not help but wonder.

What happened in this month?

Why are fifty UAVs in the pioneer's base, surrounded by countless monsters, kept intact to the present, and directly penetrated into the territory of different pioneers, and even appeared directly in front of them!

Is it possible that Chen Mo and the pioneer reached a peace agreement, or that Chen Mo turned to the pioneer? !

The idea was just thrown behind them in a flash in their minds.

If it is other people, such as Newt, it is still possible. As for Chen Mo, the guardian of the aliens who has guarded the earth for thousands of years and killed countless invading aliens, it is impossible to succumb to aliens!

However, since Chen Mo's giant mecha was made by him, he was not affiliated with the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force. His mecha video acquisition and communication system was not under their control. Unless Chen Mo took the initiative to contact them, they would not You can't even contact Chen Mo.

However, when fifty mech pilots went online, Jarvis also reported to Chen Mo for the first time. Chen Mo understood that the wormhole opened the signal to recover, and immediately connected all the drone armor communication systems, Shen Sheng Ordered.

"All nuclear bombs have been deployed and detonated three minutes later, and all mecha drivers immediately disconnected their nerves!"

Hearing Chen Mo's familiar voice, everyone's heart must be first, but after listening to Chen Mo's words, everyone couldn't help but feel shocked.

General Quan and Asako Mori said that they looked at each other immediately, and they both saw a trace of excitement and excitement in each other's eyes!

He actually deployed all the nuclear bombs!

They could not imagine how Chen Mo did this.

It stands to reason that with the powerful strength of the pioneers, Chen Mo simply did not have the opportunity to fully deploy the nuclear bomb. He could only let the fifty mechas carry the nuclear bombs as far as possible, and detonate the nuclear bombs on the spot after being destroyed. The best result.

Under the siege of countless monsters, fifty drone armors want to deploy the 20 nuclear bombs they carry separately according to the best deployment plan, and it is almost impossible to achieve the maximum explosion effect.

After all, the pioneers and their army of monsters are not decoration.

But having said that, from the video footage of the drone A they saw, the pioneer monster army really seems to be a display!

This may be the reason why Chen Mo can achieve the current level.

During this month, obviously a lot of things happened that they did not know.

But now it seems that the situation is much better than they thought!

Although Chen Mo has been out of contact this month, fifty Mecha pilots have not forgotten that Chen Mo was the commander of this operation. They learned that the nuclear bomb had been deployed. Although they were surprised, they still cut off according to Chen Mo ’s order. Nerve connection with drone armor.

After two minutes, the nuclear bomb will explode, and the drone armor obviously cannot survive. If they continue to maintain nerve connection, when the drone armor is destroyed, they will inevitably undergo strong nerve stimulation, causing them severe pain, convulsions, and syncope. It even has the feeling of dying, although it will not be life-threatening, but it will have a great impact on their spirit. In this case, it is obviously not wise to continue to stay connected.

However, although they cut off the nerve connection and could not continue to control the drone armor, it does not mean that they have completely lost contact with the drone armor.

The remote control terminal of the UAV A and the UAV A still maintain a signal connection. Through the holographic helmet of the combat uniform, they can still see the picture in front of the UAV A.

Fifty mech pilots stood there silently, watching the picture in front of them with all their attention.

The command center, General Quan and others all looked at the screen in front of them with a serious face. They were so excited that they could even feel their heartbeat.

For more than 20 years, human beings have lived under the shadow of monsters and are under tremendous pressure that may die at any time. Today, they may completely get rid of the threat of pioneers and monsters and usher in ultimate victory and peace!

In the Pioneer World, Chen Mo glanced at the distance and was still suspended in the air, emitting a light ball of dim yellow light. Without hesitation, he directly teleported back to the giant mech.

Just like the infinite gem, since it can't be taken away, then there is nothing to regret. Anyway, this was originally an accidental discovery for him. This time, he had already gained enough from this pioneering world tour.

Driving a giant mecha, Chen Mo directly activated the thruster and quickly flew towards the wormhole opened above, and soon flew out of the exit at the other end through the long wormhole.

After passing through dozens of meters of deep water, the giant mecha directly broke through the sea and flew into the air, glancing at the mechas and warships guarding the wormhole. Chen Mo directly turned his direction and flew towards Mo Yulan base.

Flying in the air, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a lot easier ~ ~ Compared with the dim, narrow and repressive pioneer world, the earth is much broader and more beautiful!

The wormhole was quickly left behind by Chen Mo, and he left all fifty drone armors in the pioneer world.

Chen Mo needs to use them to confirm whether the pioneer world is completely destroyed. He doesn't want to open the wormhole suddenly ten years later. The surging monsters will completely destroy the unprepared humans!

While flying, Chen Mo asked Jarvis to tune out the video footage of the drone armor, and all of them appeared in front of his eyes. At the same time, a holographic projection model of the pioneer underground world also appeared beside it, evenly distributed on it. With a thousand red dots, the entire underground space is completely covered.

Each red dot represents a nuclear bomb. According to their explosion range, the entire underground world will be completely shrouded, and there is no place to escape!

Among these 1,000 red dots, there are also scattered 50 blue light dots. It is the fifty UAV armor located in each pioneer territory. They will witness the destruction of all pioneers with their own eyes!


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