My Iron Suit

Chapter 1373: Alien nemesis!

Mo Yulan base, command center and war room are all extremely quiet at this time.

As the countdown number on the screen became smaller and smaller, everyone could not help but hold their breath, staring at the picture in front of them without blinking, for fear of missing anything.

At the moment when the number becomes zero, everyone only feels that the whole world is suddenly quiet, and then, a dazzling light appears on all screens, illuminating this dim world like daylight!

In the underground world, thousands of nuclear bombs arranged everywhere detonated at the same time, and the dazzling light like the sun suddenly burst out. A huge hemispherical shock wave carried strong radiation and terrifying high temperature and expanded outward quickly. At this point, the monster tower and the ring collapsed instantly. The monsters fixed on the ring were quickly scorched, carbonized, and then blown away by the shock wave into a piece of fly ash!

Faced with a sudden explosion of nuclear bombs, the busy pioneers in front of the console simply had no time to react. They could only stare at the intense light that had never been seen before, and they were swallowed by the explosion and turned into ashes in the next moment.

Innumerable huge pillars supporting the space under the ground were broken in shock waves, and the rock dome at the top collapsed directly under the tremendous power of the explosion. In the strong shaking of the earth's shaking, countless huge rocks smashed from the air and smashed this underground The space is completely buried.

And all these pictures were transmitted through the drone armor. Chen Mo, General Quan, General Asako, Shao Liwen, and the fifty armor pilots in the war room clearly saw the whole of this huge and huge explosion. process.

Because Chen Mo focused on arranging nuclear bombs in the center of the pioneer ’s territory, all of the monsters were turned into fly ash under a super-strong nuclear explosion at close range despite the strong defense. Destroy everything!

Under the powerful force of nuclear explosion, the steel-made drone armor did not last long. The fifty screens in front of everyone quickly dimmed and lost their signals, but they found out that in all the screens, , There is still a piece still on.

This is the territory of the pioneer bishop where the wormhole is located. The signal of the drone can only be transmitted through the wormhole. In order to ensure the normal transmission of the signal during the explosion, Chen Mo purposely delayed the explosion time here by a few seconds.

But just a moment later, with a dazzling light bursting out again, everyone watched the monsters and pioneers being enveloped by the huge fireball of nuclear explosion, the next moment the picture was interrupted instantly.

At the same time, in the outer sea of ​​Tokyo, surrounded by many mechas and warships, the wormhole that had been maintained for a whole month suddenly shrank quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was completely closed and disappeared on the seabed.

At the Mo Yulan base, everyone looked at the screen that had been completely dark in front of them for a long time without a word.

Witnessing the entire explosion process with their own eyes, they knew that the world of pioneers had been completely destroyed. The underground space collapsed during the explosion. The towers, rings, monsters and pioneers were all wiped out. The dark clouds for many years have finally completely dispersed!

At this moment, everyone only felt that the burden that had been suppressed for a long time finally dropped, and the whole person became extremely relaxed and comfortable in an instant.

From this moment on, they no longer have to worry about monster attacks, they do n’t have to worry about the destruction of human beings, they do n’t have to be awakened by nightmares every day, all their worries have finally passed!

And all this is because of one person!

The tall figure of Chen Mo could not help but emerge in everyone's mind.

Morimako couldn't help but think of what Chen Mo said after she rescued her.

He said he would counterattack the pioneer world and wipe them out completely!

At the time, Moriko did n’t believe that they were very difficult to resist the monster ’s attack, let ’s talk about counterattack!

But now the facts are in front of him, he really did!

This man who has guarded the earth for thousands of years, once again defeated the alien invaders, saved the earth, and completely destroyed the pioneer family together with their world!

After the Dark Elves, another powerful alien race perishes in the hands of Chen Mo!

Moriko does not know how many aliens have been extinct by Chen Mo so far.

In the giant mech, Chen Mo counted himself.

Not counting the werewolf who was killed by him in the legend of the night. In alien words alone, three races have been extinct by him.

Chitarians, dark elves, pioneers.

Each of these finally possessed extremely powerful technology and power, but in the end they were all destroyed in Chen Mo ’s hands, and their technology, treasures and spacecraft all fell into Chen Mo ’s hands.

For human beings, Chen Mo is their guardian, and for these alien races, Chen Mo is the nemesis of these aliens, a brutal and violent genocide!

If there is an interstellar animal protection organization, Chen Mo will definitely be brought to the interstellar court!

Chen Mo is still very supportive of animal protection itself, but if he encounters a similar situation next time, Chen Mo will still hesitate to wipe out the entire race of the other party without hesitation!

Chen Mo has the necessary respect and kindness for the creatures that normally exist in nature and the universe, but for alien invaders who try to invade, rule, or even destroy humanity, Chen Mo, as he has always done, becomes A brutal and tyrannical genocide!

For the enemy, Chen Mo has been adhering to the concept of cutting the grass and eradicating the roots. Whether it is the Chitarians, the dark elves or the pioneers, as long as they survive, the future will definitely come back.

In the past, the reason why Malkis was able to nearly kill Frigga, and almost took advantage of the celestial bodies to destroy all nine kingdoms with ether particles, is precisely because the original **** Boer failed to completely destroy the dark elves.

Malkis took dozens of dark elves and only one dark elf warship, like the dog of the bereavement, dormant in the depths of the universe for five thousand years, when almost everyone had forgotten them, they suddenly It popped out and attacked Asgard directly, and almost ended up!

If it were n’t for Chen Mo ’s involvement, not to mention what would happen to the last nine nations, at least Queen Friega would die in the hands of the cursed warrior.

This time, Chen Mo apparently succeeded in exterminating a hostile race again.

Jarvis analyzed all the video files returned by the mechs and concluded that all monsters and pioneers were killed directly in the nuclear explosion center, all devices such as monster towers were destroyed, and the entire underground space was also A thousand nuclear bombs completely collapsed under the tremendous power of simultaneous explosion. The whole world was deeply buried deep underground. The pioneer civilization was completely wiped out by this huge nuclear explosion!

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