My Iron Suit

Chapter 1371: Signal recovery!

While fifty drone armors were dispatched, Chen Mo controlled the pioneer bishop, using the main console to lock the consoles of other cardinals and ambassadorial pioneers, preventing them from releasing monsters on the monster circle .

The pioneers are of a strict hierarchy. The pioneer bishops are equivalent to the kings of the pioneers. The other pioneers are equivalent to nobles with different ranks. Although they all control their own monster troops and territories, they are still ruled by the pioneer bishop.

The master console of the Pioneer Bishop also has the highest authority of the consoles of other pioneers, and can directly mobilize the monsters under their control.

Fifty UAVs were unimpeded and quickly dispersed to all parts of the underground world, and each of the 20 nuclear bombs loaded on it was placed at a predetermined location.

All nuclear bombs have been activated, and the countdown starts when the drone arm leaves, and eventually they will detonate together at the same time!

Pioneers in other territories soon discovered these drones that invaded their territory, but when they wanted to release monsters to intercept, they found that the console was out of control!

All the monsters are locked in the ring of the monster tower, and they can only watch the drone armor flying in the sky and roar upward, but they can't move.

Without the monster army, there is no way to get the drone armor alone by the power of the pioneers, only to watch them drop strange things, and then quickly go away.

Soon, Chen Mo received Jarvis's report.

"Master, all nuclear bombs are in place, and the detonation counts down for five minutes!"

Chen Mo heard that he immediately ordered the pioneer bishop to open a wormhole to the earth.

With the operation of the pioneer bishop on the main console, the wormhole embedded in the rock above the head, the heavy petals at the lower end gradually opened immediately, exposing the long space passage inside.

At the same time, on the earth, the command center of Mo Yulan base also discovered that they were once again connected to the drone armor!

The harsh alarm immediately sounded at the base. Fifty mech soldiers who had been in combat readiness quickly entered the drone armor control device. The generals Quan, who had been waiting for the news, also came to the first time. Command center.

"Throw out all the images of drone armor!"

General Quan quickly rushed into the command center and ordered directly.

At the next moment, under the operation of the female officer, a huge ring-shaped holographic projection screen projected around the circular command center, and the video images of fifty drone armors were all presented in front of everyone.

Just like what they saw when the signal was cut off a month ago, the dark underground space, the high tower, and the giant ring of monsters!

It looks no different from a month ago!

There was neither battle nor destruction, and there were even a lot of 50 mechas without any damage.

Everything seems to be the same as it was a month ago. If they did not experience this month's anxious waiting, they all thought that the signal was only briefly cut off, and the drone armor had just passed through the wormhole and entered the pioneer world.

Could it be that the time in the pioneer world was suspended? Or is the time flow rate different?

With full of doubts, their eyes could not help but swept through the fifty pictures surrounded by them, and soon they found a difference!

At first glance, the video images of each mecha are very similar at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that there are big differences. The surrounding terrain, the size and layout of the tower, the type of monsters, and the light in the environment. Brightness is very different.

And it seems that the weaker the light, the smaller the surrounding towers and the number and size of monsters!

However, because these drone armors remain stationary, they have no way to observe the surroundings well.

"Is the driver seated?"

General Quan could not help but asked anxiously.

"The driver is in place and is making a neural connection!"

The female officer quickly reported back.

After anxiously waiting for more than ten seconds, the fifty still pictures that were still still finally moved, and the voice of the female officer sounded at the same time.

"General, all pilots are connected!"

General Quan immediately ordered the news.

"All drivers, all turn towards the light source!"

With the command of General Quan, fifty pictures moving randomly around the command center stopped at the same time, and then turned side by side, and a light ball with a faint yellow light appeared in each picture. .

The people present at the scene could not help but widened their eyes, the size of the light ball in each picture was different, which means that the distance of the fifty mechs from the light ball is also different, they are located in the underground world Different locations!

But around them, they are still full of towers and rings full of monsters. The pioneers ’territory and the monster army are much more than they thought!

According to a rough estimate, all these monsters on the tower add up to at least tens of thousands!

From the training room to the unmanned aerial combat room, fifty mecha drivers who had just connected to the mecha also looked at the light ball suspended in the distance in shock.

When they came to the pioneer world through the wormhole, they also saw this artificial sun-like light ball, but the perspective and distance at that time were obviously completely different from now!

The crossing a month ago was short, but for all of them ~ ~ is a magical experience that can never be forgotten in this life.

The light sphere suspended in the air, the surrounding towers, rings and monsters are deeply imprinted in their minds, and at this time their position is obviously not the place they had just passed through the wormhole.

They couldn't help but look at their surroundings, and even when they were shocked to find that there was no other UAV armor besides themselves.

That is to say, they are themselves surrounded by hundreds of monsters. Although they have not broken the shackles, as long as the pioneers release the shackles, they will soon be able to rush in front of them, will be helpless The mecha trapped in them torn into a pile of steel fragments!

But what puzzled them was that the surrounding monster circle remained motionless, and all the monsters were firmly bound to the circle, unable to move, and when they saw the figure of the pioneer in the distance console, Even more surprised.

Although they do not recognize the difference in appearance between the pioneers, they can also easily see from the size and crown of the head that the pioneer in front of them and the one they saw before entering the wormhole are not the same!

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