My Iron Suit

Chapter 1320: Gifted!

Seems to be only a 5% difference, but in fact, even a 1% difference can bring a significant difference in strength. The difference in combat effectiveness brought by this 5% is definitely more than the previous angry obsidian and The vengeance wanderer is much bigger!

Not only Jack and Knight, but also General Quan, who had long guessed in his heart, and Mori Asako, who had great confidence in Chen Mo, couldn't help but be shocked.

The two knew Chen Mo's special identity and magical abilities, and one guessed his unusual performance from the performance of Chen Mo and Mori Asako, but Chen Mo's performance today is still far beyond their expectations.

When everyone was shocked by his performance, Chen Mo in the mech was eager to try.

Although the nerve connection was easily completed and reached an astonishing 100% connection, Chen Mo, who drove the mech for the first time, still did not make a mistake, but he tentatively raised his hands and made a boxing fight on the chest Action, clenched his right fist in the palm of his left hand.

With the movement of Chen Mu in the cockpit, the revenge wanderer also moved almost simultaneously.

The huge steel arm slowly lifted up in the sound of the majestic mechanical movement, and bumped together in front of the chest, emitting a huge roar.

In the process of raising his arms, Chen Mo could clearly feel another feeling different from himself, including the weight of the arm and the resistance to movement, which are much greater than his own.

At the same time as the two punches collided, in addition to the tactile sensations of his own hands, the steel body connected by the brain waves also brought another kind of strength feedback to Chen Mo.

In the command center, Moriko and Jack watched the iconic moves made by the vengeful wanderers, and could not help but be a bit stunned.

He can really manipulate the Vengeance Wanderer alone!

And looking at the smoothness of the revenge rover's movements, obviously it is not barely supported!

Immediately afterwards, they saw the vengeful wanderer stepping forward, striding forward in the boom!

After confirming that he can easily control the vengeful wanderer, and there is no problem of uncoordinated movements, Chen Mo controlled the mech to leave the berth and walked towards the gate of the base.

It looks huge on the ground. It is comparable to the mech space of a stadium. Chen Mo, who controls the Vengeance Wanderer, looks like a small room, and there are many insect-sized villains on the ground. Chen Mo can't wait to go out and feel this mech!

With the pace of the Vengeful Wanderer, Chen Mo can clearly feel that the entire cockpit is rising and falling sharply, even if there is a buffer system, this kind of shaking is still very obvious. If it is ordinary people, they will feel dizzy like motion sickness soon. rise.

This is just just walking, and the shaking of running and fighting is more severe, so the mech hunter has very high requirements for the driver's physical fitness and anti-vertigo ability.

However, although the shaking was fierce, the mechanical arm behind Chen Mo fixed him firmly in the driving area to help him offset most of the body movement caused by the shaking. He only needed to control the posture of his own body.

So even if it rolls over, Chen Mo doesn't have to worry about hitting the cockpit wall.

While watching Chen Mo control the Vengeance Wanderer, he walked towards the gate with significantly more flexible, smooth and rapid steps than when driving with Jack and Knight, and Moriko and others in the command center could not help turning their heads toward the holographic projection. .

Normally, manipulating the mech is more intense than standing still, and the burden on the nerves and the body will increase a lot, but the data displayed on the screen at this time has hardly changed.

Connectivity is still 100%, everything is normal, nerve pressure is normal ...

If it weren't for seeing the Revenge Wanderer striding outwards, and only looking at the data displayed on the screen, they would think that the Revenge Wanderer was still standing there.

However, after the amazing 100% neural connectivity just now, everyone at this time was not as surprised as Chen Mo easily drove the mech alone.

But in their hearts, they could not help but associate Chen Mo with genius, super brain, and talent.

Beyond that, they couldn't find other reasons to explain.

A huge neural load that is enough to damage a driver ’s brain, seriously injured or even died, does not seem to exist for Chen Mo. The Vengeful Wanderer is under his control alone, but it is more important than Jack and Knight when driving. Much more flexible.

In fact, the excessive nerve load is nothing more than that the information fed back by the mech exceeds the tolerance limits of ordinary people's brain, nerves and mental forces, so only two people need to share.

And Chen Mo's physical strength, mental strength, nerve strength, reaction speed, and mental strength are more than ten times that of ordinary people. The burden that is difficult for ordinary people to bear is very easy for him.

With his strength, even if the mech's nerve load is further strengthened ten times, Chen Mo can safely withstand it.

Controlling the Vengeful Wanderer, Chen Mo quickly walked out of the base gate and came to the outside square.

The original large square at this time also appeared much smaller in front of the vengeful wanderer more than 80 meters high, probably only the size of a basketball court, but it was enough to show it.

So next, the staff on the base square was surprised to see that a giant mech ran in front of them, jumped, raised their legs, punched out, and made various simple movements, as if they were exercising. Ringing in the base square.

Fortunately, the base square is dedicated to strengthening the ground ~ ~ plus the mech's own buffer and Chen Mo deliberately controlled the intensity, otherwise this square was already shattered by the revenge wanderers.

Moriko and others also watched the actions of the vengeful wanderers through the surveillance video outside the base. Although the rumbling noise was blocked by the soundproof glass of the command center, the severe vibration passed through the walls of the base. Come in.

Had it not been for the ground to be intact and not damaged, General Quan would have spoken to stop Chen Mu long ago.

However, unlike the embarrassed staff on the square, they can guess the purpose of Chen Mo, nothing more than adapting to revenge wanderers. Obviously, Chen Mo is not used to driving large mechs for the first time.

But Jack and Knight's faces were a little more exciting.

Why Chen Mo's first attempt at driving was smoother and faster than when they were driving.

Compared with the revenge tramp operated by Chen Mo at this time, the revenge tramp they drove was like a dull fool!

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