My Iron Suit

Chapter 1319: Mech Soul!

Mori's feeling that year, Chen Mo also felt at this time!

From the accelerated fall to the loud butt, in the snoring of the mechanical connection mechanism, Chen Mo felt as if he had also been combined with the mech. The previous process of falling fell back to the body like an unconscious soul. He is now this mech soul!

The icy mech seemed to have come alive, and there was a connection and agreement with him.

However, Chen Mo knew that this was more of a psychological effect. This feeling was mainly because this process gave him a sense of identification and control over the mech.

This is similar to the so-called unity of man and car, and unity of man and sword.

With the head of the Vengeful Wanderer completing the self-examination and turning to reset, the female officer behind the console said immediately.

"The driver is in position and ready to start the neural connection."

General Quan looked at the information on the holographic screen to show that everything was ready, and turned to look at Moriko.

Mori nodded, though he was a little worried.

General Quan immediately ordered.

"Start connecting!"

The female officer immediately said as she operated.

"turning on!"

In the cockpit, hints of neural connections were shown on a holographic projection in front of Chen Mo, while an electronic sound sounded in Chen Mo's ear.

"Start neural connections right away, five, four, three ..."

As the countdown progressed, Chen Mo didn't feel nervous, but felt a little excited in his heart.

"... two, one, start!"

At the end of the countdown, Chen Mo's electromagnetic control ability clearly felt that a weak but complex electromagnetic wave was suddenly emitted from the helmet, trying to connect with his brain's own brain waves.

Chen Mo did not use the electromagnetic control ability to block or deliberately defend, leaving the electromagnetic waves generated by the helmet to connect with brain waves.

With the cooperation of Chen Mo, the two quickly established a connection, just like the two walkie-talkies completed the signal connection. This time, Chen Mo really felt that he had contact with the Vengeful Wanderer Mech.

And this connection is two-way!

He felt that he could not only control the mech through the brain wave signals of his body movements, but also felt that the action of the mech was even the state of the body.

This is also the difference between mech and steel suit.

The steel suit is directly covered on the body surface and tightly connected, which is equivalent to wearing an armor, the arm itself can normally feel the feedback of the movement, such as a simple arm forward movement, if it encounters an obstacle in the middle, it is blocked by the wall. The steel suit and arm felt resistance at the same time, so they could stop naturally.

The mech is different. The body is completely separated from the mech. If there is no neural feedback, the arm of the mech is obstructed, but the driver does not feel anything and still maintains the original posture and continues to straighten, which will eventually lead to force. Excessive, imbalanced.

In this way, it is somewhat similar to controlling an excavator. It can only rely on the eyes to see and experience and feel. When it encounters a boulder stuck without stopping in time, it is easy to overturn the body.

The mech's neural connection can feed the body's movements and forces to the brain in real time. When the fist hits the enemy and receives strong resistance, the driver can feel this resistance, adjust the body posture, and continue to exert force. It can also maintain the balance of the body, so as not to directly push yourself to the ground.

This two-way feedback control system will undoubtedly make the mech more flexible, and it can truly exert the driver's combat effectiveness in battle.

But at the same time, this two-way feedback brings more pressure to the driver. While the brain controls its own body movements, it also needs to control the larger and more complex steel body of the mech, which is equivalent to double the load directly. No wonder one One cannot bear the load of driving a hunter's mech, and must be shared by two people.

However, Chen Mo's brain development and mental strength are far above ordinary people, and the huge neural load that ordinary people cannot bear, is very easy for him.

In the command center, Moriko looked nervously at the data on the holographic projection screen and was ready to stop when the situation was not right.

But as the neural connection progressed quickly, Chen Mo's mental and physical indexes were all normal, and there was not even much fluctuation.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the progress bar quickly came to the end, and the green icon lit on the holographic projection.

The female officer, who had been staring at the virtual screen in front of her, quickly reported.

"The neuron is connected successfully, the connection is 100%!"

After speaking, she couldn't help but widen her eyes, looked at the set of data in the center of the screen again with a look of astonishment, reconfirmed it, and found out that she hadn't read it wrong just now, the connection was indeed 100%!

Not only her, but General Quan and Moriko could not help but be surprised. Jack and Knight, who were standing behind, hurried forward, staring at the conspicuous blue number, their faces were full. Is shocked.

As Mech Hunter pilots, they know the significance of this number.

The degree of connection between the driver and the mech represents the degree of control the driver has over the mech. The higher the degree of connectivity, the stronger the control of the mech, the faster the reaction, the more flexible, the better the balance and coordination, and the combat effectiveness. Naturally the stronger.

If the connectivity is below 60%, the mech will be slow and awkward to drive, the reaction speed will be very slow, and it will be easy to be caught. If it is below 30%, it will be difficult to move.

Ace drivers such as Knight and Moriko ~ ~ can only reach 95% of the highest connection, it is very difficult to improve upwards, or it is simply impossible!

Because the neural connection is equivalent to connecting the mech as another body to the driver's brain, even if they have tried to optimize the parameters and feedback information of the mech to make it closer to the human body and improve the fit between the mech and the brain However, after all, the mech is not the human body, and the brain cannot completely accept the mech, and if it is regarded as the real body, it is naturally impossible to reach 100% connectivity.

But Chen Mo is not only breaking this "rule" they are familiar with, but also driving alone!

It had long been known that the original neural connection of the mech was shared by two people. Each person actually only took half the pressure of the neural connection, but Chen Mo is now one person to complete all the connections!

The original crowd was still wondering if he could control the mech alone, but he did not expect that he would give them a bigger surprise!

100% connectivity means that the brain has complete control over the mech and can maximize the performance of the mech!

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