My Iron Suit

Chapter 1321: Excited crowd!

If Chen Mo was driving the Revenge Rovers at that time, the result of that battle in Sydney would definitely be completely reversed, and the furious obsidian who launched the attack would definitely be smashed by the Revenge Rovers directly!

Over time, after a few minutes, not only did Jack and Knight's faces not improve, they became more complicated, surprised, and even skeptical of life!

After performing some basic physical movements for a while, the actions of the Vengeful Wanderer quickly upgraded, sprinting, changing direction, jab, blocking, horizontal kick, knee bump, and even some flips and flying kicks, a series of dazzling The movement saw the command center's eyes widen, and the staff on the square became more and more shocked from the original puzzlement.

And not only the difficulty of the action is constantly increasing, but the speed is also constantly accelerating. Everyone who sees a set of fast combination punches is dazzling. This kind of violent attack is difficult to resist, whether it is a mech or monster!

Although the speed of the Vengeful Wanderer is still much slower than that of a real person, combined with its huge body, the speed of attack and movement is extremely amazing.

Compared with the original speed, it seems to be very flexible, almost the fastest among the mech hunters, and the most flexible saber Athena is the same. The strong winds between the movements swelled around the square, like a helicopter. The strong wind brought by the landing, the clothes of the surrounding people screamed, but still squinted and stared at its movement.

Chen Mo's practice did not last too long. After a few minutes, he had fully adapted to the control of the mech and became familiar with the performance of the vengeful wanderer. Chen Mo stopped and stood quietly in the middle of the square.

The surrounding base staff couldn't help looking up at its huge body with a look of astonishment, excited in their hearts.

The mech warrior is a hero who guards human beings, is respected and loved by everyone, and his status at the base is only under the right general. The powerful power shown by the Vengeful Wanderer just deeply shocked everyone present. People, they could not help but feel the blood boiling, and the eyes of the vengeful wanderers became more revered.

But at the same time, a thick doubt appeared in their hearts.

As the main mech of the base, the strength of the Vengeance Wanderer is very clear, but it has apparently not undergone any upgrades recently. How could it suddenly become so powerful, the speed and flexibility are almost catching up with the saber Athena, combined with itself The powerful strength and defense, as well as the powerful fighting skills just demonstrated, will more than double the combat effectiveness!

If it's not a mech problem, is it the driver?

Someone could not help but emerge the tall figure who had come to the base with Secretary-General Moriko before. If there is anything special today, this person is the only one!

When Mori took Chen Mo to visit the three mechas, many people saw it. They were also curious about this strange tall man. Before, they had never seen Secretary-General Mori to personally take a person to visit the base. Very respectful and surprised everyone who saw it.

Now think about it, the amazing performance of the Vengeful Wanderer may be related to that mysterious man!

However, no one can think that the Vengeful Wanderer is now driven by Chen Mo alone!

When people were amazed, worshipped, doubted, or excited looking at the revenge rover standing in the square, Chen Mo connected the communication of the command center in the cockpit.

"The revenge rover has finished the test and can go!"

Several people inside the command center could not help showing something weird.

It ’s just a test machine that made such a big movement. I do n’t know what it would be like to really fight?

Just dismantle the base?

Under General Quan's order, six four-rotor heavy-duty transport helicopters quickly lifted off the tarmac and hovered over the head of the Avengers.

Six strands of cables were quickly fixed to the shoulders of the mech. As the helicopter slowly pulled up, the huge body of the Vengeful Rover quickly left the ground.

Under the gaze of many staff members on the square, the six helicopters slowly adjusted their directions and hung the Vengeance Wanderer straight in the direction of the northern continent.

Looking at the vengeful wanderer flying higher and higher, and the huge figure gradually crossing the mountain peak, the minds of the people still could not help but emerge the sharp and violent attack it just had, although it was not known what the revenge rover was going to perform this time Task, but people can't help but feel confident about it!

Six heavy helicopters hung the Avengers, and flew towards Siberia at full speed. With the distance between the Magnolia base and the Northern Islands, even if the heavy helicopters were fast, it would take several hours to reach the road.

Chen Mo was not idle while standing in the cockpit. Instead, he called up the detailed technical information of the Vengeance Wanderer through Jarvis.

The PPDC's mech hunter base itself is not only a defensive role, but also a mech manufacturing base. The data obtained by Jarvis from the server of the Magnolia base includes complete technical information of the hunter mech, which naturally also includes the drawings of the Vengeful Rover. And information.

Looking at the drawings, Chen Mo has deepened his understanding of the structure and performance of the Vengeance Wanderer, mech power core performance, maximum output power, overload limit time, power output limit of each part, speed limit, and the structure of different parts of the mech , Equipment, and protection capabilities, power and protection weaknesses, equipped with weapons ...

All the information of the Vengeful Wanderer was mastered by Chen Mo, and Chen Mo's knowledge of the Vengeance Wanderer soon surpassed that of Knight who had been driving it. UU reading books www. uukanshu. com

This also allowed Chen Mo to better drive the Vengeance Wanderer and bring his strength into full play.

While Chen Mo was studying the data of the vengeful wanderers, the helicopter went all the way to the interior of Huaxia and headed north.

The Pacific Rim Defense Forces are joint military organizations of Pacific Rim countries. They have the right to use the airspace of each country. Therefore, the helicopter ’s flight path is directed north to the Northland Islands. In the process, they will cross the entire Huaxia all the way. And Russia.

The flying height of the helicopter is actually very high, but the volume of the Vengeful Wanderer is too large, even at an altitude of more than six kilometers, people on the ground can still clearly see its majestic figure.

Along the way, they passed through many cities, and whenever Mecha flew over the city, Superman Chen Mo could see the excited crowd below.

Even in coastal areas and even cities near mech hunter bases, people rarely see mech hunters, let alone inland where mech hunters rarely set foot.

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