My Iron Suit

Chapter 1179: Proud Odin!

Having obtained the necessary evidence, Chen Mo again let the drone return to the earth along the space channel, and reported a peace to Dr. Servig and others, lest they continue to worry.

Watching the drone flew out of its previous position and submerged into the ground again, the three Chen Mo immediately returned to the dungeon along the passage, and watched by the complicated look of Shimen guard and Rocky, left straight and went to find Odin !!

However, just after the three of them left, where the drone just disappeared on the ground, a lot of identical drones flew out one after another, and they scattered along the channel where the three Chen Mo left, forming a signal transfer. The belt transmits the signals from the ground space and the earth on the other side of the wormhole to the upper dungeon through the barriers on the ground.

However, due to the special material of the Golden Palace itself, the signal will still be blocked and cannot be transmitted to the upper layer.

So after walking out of Shimen, Chen Mo quietly released a lot of smaller drones with only the size of nails from the space. As Chen Mo left, they were released by Chen Mo one by one and hidden in the Golden Palace. In addition to being able to transfer signals, it can also help Chen Mo to keep abreast of the situation in the dungeon and the Golden Palace!

In this way, although Chen Mo is in Asgard, he can still keep in touch with the earth, and can monitor the situation in the dungeon and the Golden Palace at any time.

Although Asgard's technology is also very developed, it is obviously not a species with the earth, and the development in many places is extremely uneven. At least in terms of communication and monitoring, it can be said that there is almost no, and Chen Mo is not worried about these micro-robots. The signal will be found.

It's just that this newly created space channel is not very stable and may disappear again at any time. How long communication with the earth can be maintained, Chen Mo does not know.

Saul and Jane Foster didn't know Chen Mo's actions. After leaving the dungeon, they found that the sky was dark, and there were snowflakes outside the Golden Palace.

A hustle and bustle came from afar.

Jan Foster looked through the window at the streets illuminated by magical lights floating in the air, and asked Sol inquisitively.

"What are they doing, so lively?"

Sol glanced out and frowned.

"The battle to quell the rebellion of the nine major nations is completely over today, and there should be a carnival over there to celebrate the victory of the war!"

Knowing that the Dark Elves and Malekis were still alive, Sol didn't think it was a good time for carnival celebrations.

Sol could not help but quicken his pace and hurried towards Odin's palace.

Soon, the three found Odin in the king's palace located in the middle of the Golden Palace.

When the three arrived, he was standing on the large outdoor platform in front of the palace, holding the eternal lance in his hand, and quietly looking down at the crowd who was carnival and celebrating below, a look of pride and pride appeared on his face, and it seemed to return It was the time when the expedition to the Nine Realms was elated!

Sol walked quickly to Odin, glanced at the lively street in the distance, and looked at Odin, solemnly.

"Father, we have found evidence that Malekis is alive!"

Odin didn't respond too much, just turned his head and looked at Sol quietly, and didn't seem to care very much, or he didn't think that Sol could really find any valuable evidence.

Sol didn't care about Odin's attitude, and turned to look at Chen Mo. Chen Mo could not help but frown slightly when he reacted to Odin's reaction just now, but he didn't say much, just took out his mobile phone and released the projection.

When Odin saw the Dark Elf battleship appearing in the video, he could not help moving his eyes and became serious, but when he watched the entire video, his expression was relaxed again, and the three asked at random. Road.

"How did you get this?"

Sol couldn't help looking at Chen Mo, but he didn't understand it.

Chen Mo looked at Odin's relaxed expression and strengthened his feeling just now. It seems that he is probably busy this time, but he still explained to Odin.

"It is now in the period of celestial convergence, a place on the earth has created a space channel connecting Wat Alheim and Asgard. This image was taken by an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the past, and the time is in the ether particles. After it appears. "

Odin nodded his head, slowly speaking.

"Yes, the etheric particles were created by Malekis. There is some kind of induction between him and the etheric particles. After the birth of the etheric particles, it is normal to wake him up. I did not expect that the dark elves really have the remaining sin to survive. ! "

Although Odin's tone was surprised, he did not have the dignity when the ether particles were found before.

Saul didn't notice this, and saw that Odin had agreed with the statement that Malkis was still alive and said quickly.

"Father, they will definitely come back to recapture the etheric particles. We should immediately strengthen Asgard's defense and be ready to meet the attacks of the dark elves!"

Solman thought Odin would nod in agreement, but did not expect Odin to look at Chen Mo and Jane Foster with a stern look, and then turned to Saul.

"My son, the heroic Thor Thor, when did he become as timid and cautious as the Earthlings? It seems that staying with Earthlings makes you as weak as them!"

Odin ignored Jane Foster's angry gaze and watched Saul continue.

"Now the Dark Elves are not the super race that dominated the universe at that time! They now only have one battleship ~ ~ The number will not exceed one hundred people, but they are just bereavement dogs. They are not powerful at all. Opponents of the Asgard! They may not even dare to show up, they just ran to the corner and didn't know which corner to hide, and died! "

Odin dismissed Saul's fear of the Dark Elves attacking Asgard.

All he was concerned about was the etheric particles. He didn't take his mind about the remnants of the dark elves and Malikis that were once annihilated by Bol.

As long as Malekis is not allowed to get ether particles, there is no threat to him.

And Jane Foster, who contains ether particles in his body, is in Asgard. With various defense measures inside and outside Asgard, Odin does not think that these dark elves can come in.

And the defense in the Golden Palace is very strict, the dark elves can't take the ether particles from them!

If Malakis is really tired, he will kill them all, even if he is here, to complete what his father Bohr did not do, and let the dark elves completely exterminate the clans! Remember the website URL, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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