My Iron Suit

Chapter 1178: Malekis!

After seeing Jan Foster's expression ease, Chen Mo said immediately.

"Let's go!"

After Chen Mo said, he directly started the battle suit and flew over to the rock platform in the center of the space. When Sol saw it, he reached out and hugged Jane Foster, turned the Thor's hammer, and flew with them.

"Have you been here before?"

Sol looked at the surroundings and said to the two.

This space hidden deep in the Golden Palace, he also came in for the first time.

To be precise, no one has entered for 5,000 years since the last deity King Bohr sealed the etheric particles here.

Jan Foster went to the towering tall boulder and looked at the two boulder tightly pressed together, and said to Sol.

"Yes, the Ether particle was between these two boulders!"

When Sol heard, he could not help coming forward, and immediately noticed the round imprint on the ground around the boulder, and said immediately.

"This boulder should have been teleported directly from Rainbow Bridge."

Watching the two walk around on the platform, Chen Mo had to speak to stop them.

"The space channel may open at any time. You'd better not disturb it, so as to avoid accidentally passing through the channel, the space here is not stable, and the wormholes generated are very short, and the opposite side may not be the earth!"

"Yes, let's not mess around."

Jane Foster was so impressed by the words that he immediately held Sol and stood beside Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at the time, more than four hours have passed since they crossed over, and it shouldn't be too long before the channel opens again.

Chen Mo immediately took out the detection device Jane Foster had used from the space and gave it back to her.

After Jane Foster got the detection device, she found that the reading above fluctuated violently, almost to catch up with her approaching the wormhole before!

And even if she was standing there without moving, the readings on the device rose rapidly.

"The surrounding space is indeed unstable. It seems that wormholes are opening!"

When Sol heard, he turned around and looked around curiously, trying to find the wormhole, while Chen Mo stood there calmly, waiting for something.

As the prompt sound of the detection device became more and more urgent, it quickly reached the state when it was sucked into the wormhole last time, but Sol did not find any trace of the wormhole, and no other abnormal situation occurred.

Sol couldn't help turning his head to Jan Foster and whispered.

"You thing really works?"

Jane Foster glared at Sol angrily, then lifted the device in his hand, slowly moved left and right, while observing the changes in the readings above, trying to find the most unstable position in space.

When Sol was a little impatient, and he was going to look up and look around, not far from the three, near the square boulder, a hazy ripple suddenly flashed on the normal rocky ground, and then The size of the baby's fist was as small as the black drone emerged from the ground and quickly flew to Chen Mo and hovered.

Both Sol and Jane Foster looked at the black miniature drone that had emerged from the ground in surprise.

Chen Mo took out his Transformer version of the holographic smartphone, and a video has been sent from his drone to his phone.

Chen Mo clicked to play, a light curtain was projected from the top of the phone, and a holographic virtual screen was formed in the air.

Knowing that this should be evidence in Chen Mo's mouth, Sol and Jane Foster's attention quickly shifted from the drone that had been drilled out of the ground to the virtual screen.

The first picture is a black desert, dark, desolate, and silent. In addition to the dark mountains in the distance and the black weathered rocks exposed on the ground, there are many huge steel wrecks scattered on the ground!

"Here is Wat Algem! Of the nine kingdoms, only everything there is black, and there is nothing, no creatures exist!"

Sol looked at the scene and couldn't help talking.

"But those wrecks ..."

Chen Mo didn't say anything, but as soon as the picture turned, Sol soon knew what those huge wreckages on the ground were!

I saw the picture shift from the ground to the sky, and the sky blocked by most of the black clouds appeared to them.

I saw a place in this thick cloud suddenly surging, something seems to be hiding in it!

Immediately afterwards, a huge black blade, like a giant sword, suddenly pierced the clouds and popped out!

As this giant sword continued to pierce, it finally penetrated the clouds completely, revealing the entire huge body!

This stalk descended from the sky and pierced the sky with a huge sword, but it was a huge black T-shaped battleship!

The long hull below looked like a sharp blade, and continued to pierce the ground after penetrating the clouds!

Soon, the black battleship landed on the ground, and the sharp tip at the bottom was inserted directly into the ground, where it stopped just like a pitch-black sword inserted into the ground without a hilt!

Immediately, a black cabin was accompanied by red light, and moved from the top of the battleship along the long "sword ridge" toward the ground. The door opened and a gangway automatically extended to the ground.

In the eyes of Sol and Jane Foster's attention, two figures came out of the cabin door, looking at the dress and the ears on the head, the identity of these two people was ready!

"This is the Dark Elf?"

Jane Foster could not help asking.

Sol nodded his head, watching the two men striding down the ramp in the picture slowly.

"It should be right ~ ~ These two people are similar to the recorded dark elves in all aspects! Appeared at this time in Walterheim, there should be no one except the dark elves!"

"But how do we know if it's Malekis?"

Jan Foster asked in confusion.

Sol recalled the story he had heard about the dark elves and said to Jan Foster.

"Among the dark elves, all the soldiers are wearing white masks. Only the few people at the highest level will directly reveal the appearance of Malekis and his generals."

Speaking of which, Saul once again gestured to the two men in the picture who kept walking forward a certain distance and continued.

"The one behind him must be the General Dark Elf, and the only one who can walk in front of him is their leader, Malekis!"

In this video, it can be determined that Malekis and the Dark Elf are still alive! Remember the website URL, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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