My Iron Suit

Chapter 1180: Fairy warrior and earth female scientist!

Latest website: Odin looked at the lively crowd below and continued to Sol.

"What you should do now is not afraid of the attacks of dark elves, fearing that they have attacked Asgard by a small warship, but you should continue to enjoy and celebrate your victory, and go among the soldiers and have a drink , Orgy all night with them! "

Sol tried to persuade him, but was interrupted by Odin waving his hand.

"Well, no need to say any more! If you are worried, you are optimistic about her and the aether in her body, I believe you can deal with those dark elves alone."

Odin said a glance at Jane Foster and continued.

"And isn't that what you've always wanted? She will stay in Asgard and be with you until the ether is removed!"

When Sol heard, he was not at all happy, because he heard the meaning implied in Odin's words.

They now have no way to remove the ether particles from the simplified Chinese. Continuing this way, one day Jane's vitality will be completely absorbed by the ether particles. When the host dies, the ether particles will be able to be taken out naturally!

In this way, although Jane Foster would stay with him, he would not be able to reach it for decades. He would die and leave him before long.

Odin seemed to be fulfilling him. In fact, he just wanted to wait until Jane Foster died, to recover the ether particles, and at the same time completely cut off the mortal relationship between Thor and Jane Foster!

Sol glanced at Jane Foster for an unknown reason, and looked at Odin angrily, saying excitedly.

"What if I find a way to take the ether out of her! And let her have the same long life as us?"

Odin nodded disapprovingly.

"No problem, if I can really do what you say, I will definitely not object to you being with her again!"

Sol glanced deeply at Odin and said in a deep voice.

"It's a word!"

When Sol finished speaking, he turned around and strode away, and some inexplicable Jane Foster gave Odin a strange look, and quickly followed Chen Mo, and left Sol Palace with Sol.

"What shall we do now?"

Out of the palace, Jan Foster asked Thor.

Originally thought that getting evidence could persuade Odin to be vigilant. I did not expect that Odin was so proud and arrogant that he did not listen at all!

Chen Mo was not too surprised by this. What he did before was to try as much as possible. It was the best to succeed in persuading Odin. Failure was also expected, and he did not expect Odin to be like Sol. Follow the good.

Odin actually has reasons to be arrogant.

His father, Boll, led Asgard's army to defeat the dark elves, and almost destroyed them. As a victor, Odin was naturally qualified to despise these defeated men.

In addition, Odin also led the Asa Protoss to fight the North and South, relying on the force of tyrants to defeat the major powers, unified the Nine Realms, is the true Nine Realm master, the supreme **** king!

Asgard's army is also the strongest combat power of the Nine Realms experienced in the war!

Although the Nine Great Powers were in turmoil due to the destruction of the Rainbow Bridge before, it is now calmed down under the strong suppression of the forces of Saul and Asgard.

With the momentum of victory and confidence in his own strength and the fighting power of Asgard's army, Odin naturally will not look into the dark elves who have been hiding for 5,000 years like a bereavement dog!

However, Sol is not as arrogant as Odin, even if he has confidence in his own strength, but this matter is related to the life and death of Jane Foster, he has to deal with it carefully!

Hearing frowningly, Saul said, at Jan Foster's question.

"Asgard's army only obeys the orders of the father, and I can only temporarily command them during wartime. After returning to Asgard, the military power will be automatically released!"

Having said that, Sol turned to Chen Mo and said.

"It now seems that we can only rely on ourselves!"

Chen Mo nodded and looked at Saul slowly.

"Or we should join the carnival below."

When Sol and Jane Foster heard the words, they both looked at Chen Mo with astonishment. When are they still carnival?

When they both looked at Chen Mo in puzzlement, they heard Chen Mo explain.

"Since Odin cannot be persuaded to strengthen Asgard's defense in an all-round way, then we are ready to do our best to launch all those who you trust and prepare them to respond to the attack of the Dark Elves at any time. Be caught off guard! "


When Sol heard his words brightened, he said excitedly.

"Even if it is not possible to mobilize the army directly, as long as some people are prepared, even if the dark elves come, they can respond quickly!"

Looking at the immediately bustling street outside, Sol's face also relaxed.

"It looks like we really need to join the carnival!"

"Not us, it's you!"

Just as Sol was about to take the two with him, Chen Mo suddenly corrected.

Seeing Sol's confusion, Chen Mo took a look at Jan Foster and then asked Sol.

"Are you sure you want to take Jane with you?"

Although Sol was reckless, but he was not a fool. He was reminded by Chen Mo and immediately thought of the fault. One of his friends and combat partners, the fairy palace warrior Shiv, had always been interesting to him. If he took Jane to go Seeing her, Sol felt uncomfortable when he imagined the scene!

It's all right not to accept her love, it's not right to bring Jane to her to stimulate her, and he doesn't want to cause Jane's misunderstanding.

And Chen Mo wasn't sure what would happen to the two women when they met together. In case two people did not agree, they would fight directly ...

Think of Jane Foster's two slaps in a row when he just woke up in the medical room ~ ~ Sor doesn't think she will show weakness because she is not as strong as Shef!

Once the two really got into a fight, he couldn't do anything, but stood in the middle as a meat shield to separate them.

Imagine the scene where he was caught in the middle after the two were fighting, Sol could not help fighting a shiver!

Fortunately, Chen Mo's reminder was timely, otherwise it is very likely that he will get out of control tonight, and he will definitely suffer in the end!

Women's doubles were performed by a fairy palace warrior and a sturdy earth girlfriend who did not agree with each other. Even if he was a thunder god, thick and thick, he could not stand it!

However, Sol couldn't help looking at Chen Mo with the eyes of a monster. This guy had never been to Asgard before. How did he know this?

Noting that Jane Foster was watching him with some doubts, Sol didn't dare to ask Chen Mo directly the doubts in his heart, but quickly turned to explain to Jane.

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