My Iron Suit

Chapter 1026: The choice of Alicia Marcus!

Looking at Dr. Isaacs, who was killed in front of Chen Mo, Alice’s face was a glimpse, but then she could not help but flash a little pleasure!

Even if she knew that Dr. Isaacs had made her, Alice still couldn’t have any good feelings for him, but it was full of hatred!

Looking back at what Chen Mo had just said, Alice’s somewhat confused heart was quickly re-established.

What about cloning, she is her, her name is Alice!

The one rushed out of the hive, escaped from the Raccoon City, broke into the clone lab, attacked the Tokyo base, occupied the Arcadia, and finally returned to the Alice of the hive to save humanity!

Even if she has no childhood, she has the past, there are now, and there is a future!

As for Dr. Isaacs who created her "father", he can only say that he made a huge mistake!

A series of heartfelt words from Dr. Isaacs disappeared with his death and Chen Mo’s reminder, and Alice’s eyes on Dr. Isaacs’s body no longer fluctuated.

While sitting in a wheelchair, I was almost caught by Dr. Isaacs as an adult-born Alicia Marcus, but the old face was flashed a detachment!

Turning to look at Alice, Alicia Marcus said with a serious look.

"If you release antiviral agents, it will kill all organisms infected with T virus. Do you know what this means for you?"

Alice nodded calmly.

"I know!"

Chen Mo went to Alice and heard nothing but said that it was only that Alicia Marcus was testing Alice.

Only T-viruses like Wesker, and zombies and various viral variants that rely entirely on T-virus to survive, will be killed by viral antibodies released by antiviral agents, while Alice is just like before. Lost super powers.

Looking at Alice, who was firm and fearless, Alicia Marcus nodded with relief.

"You will release the antiviral agent as soon as possible on the ground. I will let the red team stop the attack on the survivors' gathering place!"

But when Alice was ready to act, Alicia Marcus stopped her and said with a serious look.

"Give me the detonator!"

Alice couldn't help but hear the words of Alicia Marcus. She was going to stay to detonate the bomb and take the initiative to die!

Alice quickly persuaded.

"You can leave with us!"

Alicia Marcus shook her head in a desperate manner.

"I am the owner of the umbrella company. This is what I caused. The consequences should be borne by me! Let's go and leave the detonator to me!"

Looking at the eyes of Alicia Marcus, Alice knows that she is dead, although it is not her plan to destroy the world, but the destruction of the earth does have an unshirkable responsibility, if she can desperately go early Dr. Isaac’s plan to expose, rather than choose weakness and compromise, will not have it all now!

Although she uploaded the video of the conference to the host after the leak of the T virus, it did not help, and the world’s seven billion people died, and the whole world was destroyed. Among them, Dr. Isaacs is the biggest culprit. But she can't blame herself!

The death of seven billion humans has brought her tremendous pressure, and her heart is full of self-blame and remorse. It is precisely because of this that she can resist the previous weakness and choose to fight, although it is too late.

Now that Alice has got the antiviral agent, it is time to end, she can finally get rid of it!

Alice still wanted to persuade, but did not know what to say, turned to look at Chen Mo, but saw him gently shook his head.

For Alicia Marcus, death is actually a relief!

Because of her weakness, the umbrella company has almost destroyed the whole world. Even if she lives, she will be tortured every day, but it is better to be free!

Alice actually understands this. After living for so many years at the end, Alice is also used to life and death.

A deep look at Alicia Marcus, Alice bit his teeth, took out the detonator and handed it to Alicia Marcus, and then turned and strode away!

After Chen Mo and Alice left, Alicia Marcus manipulated the wheelchair to bypass Dr. Isaacs's body and came to the long table.

"Terminate the cleanup plan and recall all the cleanup teams!"

The red holographic projection appeared next to Alicia Marcus, opening the door.

"The order has been issued, the mission is terminated, and the Qing team is returning to each base!"

Alicia Marcus looked at the branch of the global umbrella base and the Qing dynasty team displayed on the big screen in front of him. His eyes flashed for a moment, and then he stood firm again, and said with a sigh of relief.

"After the return of the Qing dynasty team, immediately start the self-destruction program of all the bases of the umbrella company!"

The hive base is the headquarters of the umbrella company, and after the red, it can control all other bases under the umbrella company.

Now, Alicia Marcus has completely wanted to open. Although the umbrella company was created by his father, the umbrella company has now become a threat to human beings. Only by completely destroying it can it be destroyed. Still the world is alive!

"The program has been set!"

Looking at the countdown displayed on the screen I personally put the umbrella into the grave of Alicia Marcus in the heart of the complex, lost, but also felt an unprecedented ease!

Everything is over!

But in the end, she still has one thing to do!

Strenuously reached out and took a small projection device placed on the long table, or put the micro computer in front of it.

The top of the cigarette-sized octagonal device opens automatically, and a contact lens is raised!

This contact lens, like the one worn by Dr. Isaacs, is the cutting-edge technology of the umbrella company. It can not only collect and display images, but also connect with the human body. It can directly operate and control through brain consciousness, which is equivalent to steel warfare. Upgraded version of the clothing helmet.

Only Dr. Isaacs has a set of fighting prediction software in his system.

Alicia Marcus put the contact lens in her eyes and flashed a blue light.

"Neural connection is complete!"


With the consciousness of Alicia Marcus, the screen on the screen in front of her changed, showing a picture of her childhood memories.

Alicia Marcus looked at these precious and beautiful memories, and a smile appeared on the old face.

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