My Iron Suit

Chapter 1027: Start to strengthen!

When the screen says "Download Complete!", Alicia Marcus finally glanced at the picture in front of him and picked up the detonator in his hand!

There are no self-destructing devices installed in the hives that store all the umbrella companies, but the explosives installed by Alice and Chen Mo are enough!

The next moment, a violent explosion erupted in the bottom layer of the hive, which was stored in the upper layer of the umbrella. The hot flames swallowed the rows of neatly arranged sleeping chambers and destroyed them all in the blink of an eye.

The power of the explosion was enormous, and the raging flames sprang from the "honeycombs" and spread all the way to the control room, engulfing the bodies of Alicia Marcus and Dr. Isaacs on the ground!

At this time, Chen Mo and Alice have left the core of the hive and are walking towards the outside along the outermost passage.

Although the explosion occurred in the secret space at the bottom of the hive, the violent vibrations caused by the explosion passed down the earth.

Feeling the sudden shock from the foot, Alice's footsteps suddenly slammed, and the eyes could not help but follow.

But soon, she packed her emotions, continued to move, and followed Chen Mocha to walk outside.

Alicia Marcus is dead, she has to save the rest of the human!

Chen Mo did not react much to all of this.

In fact, when he was in the control room, Chen Mo had already let Jarvis invade the network of the hive, and succeeded in controlling the red.

With the experience of the previous invasion of the seabed base, after dealing with the red with the same core program, Jarvis completed the invasion almost in the blink of an eye. After the red, even if he did not have any warning, he was completely controlled by Jarvis!

When Alicia Marcus ordered the destruction of all the bases of the umbrella company, Chen Mo received the report of Jarvis, but did not stop it.

The submarine base has been completely controlled by Chen Mo, and the self-destruction device is lying in the space of Chen Mo with the Arcadia, but there is no need to worry that it will be blown up by the order of Alicia Marcus.

After controlling the red, Jarvis also found the fighting prediction software locked by Dr. Isaacs from her system, as well as all the technical information of the umbrella company!

Although the system of the seabed base has technical data such as human cloning and memory implantation, it is only that. It is only a test site for virus explosion experiments. It does not contain any technical information. Save too many other confidential information.

As the headquarters of the umbrella company, the honeycomb is the most complete technical data stored.

In the undetected situation, Chen Mo has all got it in his hands!

However, these are just some extra gains. When Chen Mo listened to Jarvis and reported it, he didn't care. The most important thing for him was the improvement of strength, and now it is time to carry out the final reinforcement!

The two quickly got out of the channel and came to the deep pit outside. The group of **** dogs that had chased them had already retired, but when the breath of the two appeared again, they rushed from the surroundings toward the two. .

Alice turned to look at Chen Mo, but saw Chen Mo raised his hand and threw the antiviral agent toward her.

Alice quickly caught the antiviral agent, but she heard Chen Mo.

"You do it."

Alice took a look at the antiviral agent in her hand. She only thought that Chen Mo didn't want to kill her by hand, but gave this choice to her!

Alice holds the anti-viral agent and turns to look at the **** dog that rushes toward them. There is a glimmer of light in her eyes. Without hesitation, she directly throws the anti-virus agent toward the ground!

As long as I can end this, what is the sacrifice of her life alone!

The antiviral agent quickly shattered on the ground, and the green liquid inside it quickly evaporated, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Then, the **** dog that was throwing toward the two in front was like a sudden slashing knife by death, from near to far. The pieces fell quickly and there was no sound in an instant!

Obviously, the virus antibodies in the air have begun to spread, and instantly play a role in contact with the **** dog, killing the T virus in their body together with them!

Alice looked at the falling **** dogs in front of him, and shed tears with excitement!

It works!

Human beings are saved!

This **** doomsday is finally over!

It’s a pity that she can’t see it...

The next moment, Alice felt a strong weakness and dizziness, closed her eyes with satisfaction, and then the body fell down and lay on the ground and lost consciousness.

Chen Mo, who stood by, did not care about Alice. He knew that Alice could not die!

Before Alice broke the antiviral agent, Chen Mo used his mind to isolate the air and surrounded himself. He also isolated the T virus antibodies that spread with the air.

Seeing that Alice has been comatose, and knows that she will not be in any danger, Chen Mo Dang is even ready to start strengthening!

As the last insurance measure, the antiviral agent has evaporated, and the T virus antibody is diffused in the air, and is blocked by Chen Mo's mind. If an accident occurs, he only needs to revoke his mind, so that the virus antibody can function. www.NovelMTL. Com~ interrupt enhancement!

However, in order to prevent the inability to function properly during the strengthening process, the virus antibody was completely blocked, and the reinforcement was destroyed in the middle. Chen Mo did not directly strengthen it. Instead, he took out the steel shirt from the space and quickly completed the dress.

The tightness of the steel shirt is very good, and it can completely block the external T virus antibody, and it can be controlled by Jarvis. If there is an accident, it can be flexibly dealt with, and the dress is released in time, and the virus antibody is used to interrupt the strengthening.

The silence guard Chen Mo is still not removed, and Chen Moshen’s air in Monday is still free of viral antibodies.

Prepare, Chen Mo officially began to strengthen!

Taking out a syringe from the space, Chen Mo opened the armor of the hand and injected it directly.

Chen Mo first injected antibody serum extracted from Alice's blood, containing a virus antibody unique to Alice, which does not kill the T virus, but will eliminate its destructive and other negative effects, making T The virus can coexist with the human body and is perfectly enhanced.

The antibody serum enters the bloodstream, and the perfect blood begins to function and fuses.

Because it is not a virus, it is not harmful, but a beneficial antibody, so the fusion process is very simple, and there is no bad feeling. A silent special virus antibody is melted by perfect blood. And start copying.

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