My Iron Suit

Chapter 1025: pressing!

Moreover, as the battle continued, Dr. Isaacs was shocked to discover that Chen Mo’s reaction was getting faster and faster, and the speed of change was getting faster and faster. Although the speed of the attack did not change, he gradually pulled back the disadvantage and was evenly matched with him. It’s up!

It must be said that Chen Mo’s ten times of the brainpower of ordinary people brings the rapid learning ability and unlimited potential. It is too powerful. Chen’s progress is almost visible to the naked eye. The analysis and prediction ability of the shooting technique is getting faster and faster. It has reached the level of the battle prediction system!

And continue to improve!

The fighting model of the fighting technique is more optimized and concise than the umbrella prediction system of the umbrella company. In addition, Chen Mo's approximation of the instinct is gradually surpassing the reaction speed of the battle prediction system, which in turn gradually suppresses Dr. Isaacs!

Seeing that the original advantage gradually reversed, Dr. Isaacs was shocked, but he quickly made a decision!

After being slammed out again by Chen Mo, Dr. Isaacs stepped back a few steps, but did not stop to continue the battle, but turned directly to the situation and rushed toward a gate on the side of the control room!

There is a door on each side of the control room, connecting two secret passages hidden in the rock wall, through which they can bypass the two sides of the underground lake and reach the lifting platform on the other side of the lake. Chen Mo and Alice just from the lifting platform. When I came out, I saw two tight iron gates.

Chen Mo looked at the back of Isaacs's escape, but the corner of his mouth was a sneer.

The body shape flashed quickly, but Chen Mo no longer suppressed his own strength. Before the Dr. Isaacs, he was in front of the secret passage.

Dr. Isaacs, who was about to rush into the secret road, only felt that his eyes were black, and he saw Chen Mo appear in front of him. This made him change his face, and he could not help but stop his footsteps and looked at Chen Mo with a look of horror. His speed is so fast? !

His own estimate of his strength seems to have a huge mistake!

From the strength that Chen Mo just showed, he is not Chen Mo’s opponent. He just played him!

Dr. Isaacs saw Chen Mo block his way, his eyes flashed, and he raised his hand and touched it in his arms. He wanted to reapply his skills and threaten Chen Mo with antiviral agents!

Chen Mo did not mean to stop, just standing there, looking at him coldly, with a sneer in his mouth.

The next moment, Dr. Isaacs's face could not help but change!

His hand touched the suit pocket several times, but he didn't touch anything!

What about antiviral agents? !

"Are you looking for this?"

Dr. Isaacs looked up and saw Chen Mo’s hand holding the antiviral agent he was looking for!

Dr. Isaacs quickly understood that Chen Mo had actually taken the antiviral agent away from him when he was fighting with him!

Losing the last refuge, Dr. Isaacs couldn't help but panic, and he couldn't help but step back, and Chen Mo just stood there and didn't mean to do it again.

Dr. Isaacs saw a loose heart, his blinking eyes swiftly swept through the control room, and when he saw Alicia Marcus, who was sitting in a wheelchair not far away, Dr. Isaacs couldn’t help but shine.

Seeing that Chen Mo still stood at the door with the anti-viral agent, and he had already opened a distance. Dr. Isaacs secretly gritted his teeth and violently turned to Alicia Marcus, not far away, apparently intending to Take her as a hostage!

Alice, who stood with Alice Marcus, changed her face and wanted to block her, but her speed was much slower than Dr. Isaacs, and it was too late to stop.

Seeing that Dr. Isaacs was about to rush to the front of Alicia Marcus, his body suddenly suddenly slammed, and his life stopped at less than one meter in front of the two.

Alice looked intently, but saw a black pistol firmly on the forehead of Dr. Isaacs, but the pistol was not held, but floated in the air!

Alice recognized it at a glance, this pistol is one of the ones that Chen Mo put down before!

Alice immediately realized that it was Chen Mo who used the power to control the pistol!

Chen Mo once again showed her a new way of using the power of mind!

Dr. Isaacs felt the coldness from his forehead, and he did not dare to move. Although he had stronger strength than Wesker under the strengthening of T virus, his self-healing ability was also not weak, but there was no Weskerna. The ability to be smashed and can not die!

Wesker belongs to the T virus variant, which has long since surpassed the human sphere, and Dr. Isaacs still belongs to human beings, with human Achilles heel!

If the brain is shot through a bullet, he will not be resurrected like Wesker!

This is also the reason why Chen Mo and Alice came in and let them put down their weapons. Although they can hide bullets, he can't help it!

And even if he is hiding bullets, it needs enough distance to let him react. At this time, the muzzle is on his head. He just wants to hide and it is impossible. The function of predicting the ballistics by the battle prediction system cannot be started. effect!

With the pistol in his head, Dr. Isaacs did not dare to move, slowly raised his hands and said carefully.

" Ok! You won! Antiviral you have gotten your hands, you can save the world!"

Dr. Isaacs no longer had the arrogance of the past, and looked at Alice in front of her face with kindness.

"Alice, I created you! I am your father!"

Alice couldn't help but wrinkled her brows. She looked at Chen Mo with a confused look, but she saw Chen Mo smiled at her and said slowly.

"You are you! You are Alice!"

Chen Mo’s voice just fell. The next moment, Dr. Isaacs changed his face, because he saw the pistol floating in front of him, and the trigger was being quickly deducted!

Dr. Isaacs wants to dodge, but there is no trigger to buckle down fast.


When the gunshots sounded, Dr. Isaacs’s body fell backwards. The blood in the middle of his forehead was filled with blood, and the brilliance of his eyes quickly faded into a dead silence!

The founder of the umbrella company, the actual controller of the umbrella, and the chief culprit in the disaster, finally died!

Another pistol on the ground also floated, and together with the pistol that had just killed Dr. Isaacs, flew toward Chen Mo and fell into his hands.


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