My Iron Suit

Chapter 1013: After the red!

Constantly, the **** dogs that flew from the air fell from the air to the ground, and soon they piled a body in front of Chen Mo!

Although Alice's shooting method is not as good as Chen Mo, but it is not bad, the submachine gun keeps spurting the fire tongue, the intensive bomb rain pours toward the **** dog, and also resists the **** dogs in front!

However, under the killing of the two, the surrounding **** dogs have not only not reduced, but more and more!

Chen Moke did not intend to waste time here, immediately shouted at Alice, and they both shot while rushing toward the channel!

Chen Mo’s own strength is enough to deal with these **** dogs, and Alice, who is not weak after the recovery of strength, did not have any danger under the cooperation of the two, and rushed all the way to the passage.

Just after the two men rushed into the passage, the densely infernal **** dogs blocked the passageway completely, but the strange thing was that they did not rush in with the two, but just stopped outside the passage, not afraid After a few sounds, I slowly retreated.

"How did they stop?"

Alice looked at the departed **** dog and asked with a puzzled look.

"Maybe they are scared!"

Chen Mo regained his gaze from the departed **** dog and replied in a loud voice.

Alice heard the words, her brow could not help but wrinkle.

"afraid of what?"

Chen Mo turned and looked at the deep passage inside, and said slowly.

"Afraid of the following things!"

There are also ranks in the zombies. The weak zombies have instinctive fears of powerful zombies. They dare not approach. Obviously, some more powerful zombies are hidden in the hive, making these **** dogs afraid to approach!

Although I have been using a pistol to kill it, Chen Mo also saw the strength of these **** dogs.

Their strength is worse than that of the Werewolf in the form of the Beast in the Night Legends. The speed and strength are almost two to three times that of ordinary people. They can make them feel fearful and their strength should be above Alice!

Of course, here is only the physical strength, with weapons and rich combat experience and skills, Alice to deal with her physical quality, even a little stronger zombies have no problem!

At the same time, in the control room at the deepest part of the hive, the middle-aged people looked at Chen Mo and Alice who entered the passage, and they screamed.

"Close the hive!"

As the voice of the middle-aged man fell, the "closed program start" prompt appeared on the channel door sign displayed in the corner of the screen, and a red progress bar lighted up!

In the passage where Chen Mo and Alice are located, a steel gate with a thickness of seven or eight meters is in a mechanical sound, and slowly closes from the sides toward the middle, wanting to close the passage!

Chen Mo and Alice saw each other and looked at each other. They immediately stepped up and walked through the narrower passage in the middle before the gate closed!

The two stopped in front of the gate for a while, and the gate behind them suddenly closed. If the two had just slowed down, they must have been caught in this heavy gate by the heavy gate!

Even Chen Mo, whose physical quality is far superior to ordinary people, is hard to resist such heavy pressure by the strength of the body itself!

Of course, even if I was really trapped in the middle of the gate, I couldn’t get it out in time. Chen Mo also had countless ways to get out of trouble!

Just as Chen Mo and Alice were ready to move on, the original lights in the passage were suddenly extinguished, leaving only the red emergency lights emitting a faint light, and the otherwise dim channel became darker. It’s up!

However, Chen Mo and Alice's vision are far superior to ordinary people. By the dim light of the emergency lights, the two can still roughly see the situation around them.

Worried that someone deliberately cut off the power supply and prepared to launch an attack, Alice quickly lifted the submachine gun in his hand and looked at it with vigilance!

"Look over there!"

Chen Mo’s voice suddenly sounded, and Alice looked at Chen Mo’s gaze, but saw a red beam on a table in the center of the inner channel. The beam was intertwined in the air to form a sign similar to the umbrella company. Red and white horizontal virtual light screen!

Alice saw Chen Mo and carefully leaned over.

As the two approached, the beam of light that hit the air quickly spread out. Above the horizontal screen, a virtual image of a little girl was projected, which was the red color that appeared before the bottom of the hive!

After Alice saw the red, the look was cold.

She and Red are also considered "old acquaintances", and the initial leak of the T virus occurred in the hive.

At that time, in order to block the hive, the T virus was not allowed to leak. After the red, he tried to kill the mercenary squad and Alice and others who entered the hive. Although they were finally escaped by Alice, the two sides also settled. !

After a long period of time, Red has been assisting in the pursuit of Alice under the command of the umbrella company.

At this time, after seeing the red at the entrance of the hive, Alice’s expression would not look good. She looked at the red rear projection that was suspended in front of her, Alice said coldly.

"Are you coming to warn me?"

After the red did not answer Alice, but said from the opening.

"My satellite shows that there are 11,471 human beings on the surface of the earth. The umbrella company has sent a clean-up team to carry out the final clean-up operation on a global scale. The aircraft you dispatched can save a small number of ~ But most of them will disappear in three days!"

Alice said with a look of anger.

"What do you want me to say, say you won? You almost wiped out humans!"

"No, on the contrary, I want you to stop me."

After the red words, Alice couldn’t help but look at Chen Mo with a look of incomprehension.

Chen Mo then gestured to her to continue listening, Alice immediately pressed the doubts in her heart, and turned back to say after the red.

"I do not believe you!"

"In view of our past, you believe me and I am surprised."

After the red, the words were slowly said.

"But unless you stop it, I will kill it! Most people can't survive!"

Without the intervention of Chen Mo, these people really can't survive the attack of the Qing dynasty team and countless zombies!

However, although Chen Mo has sent personnel and planes from the seabed base to rescue survivors, the personnel at the seabed base are limited, and all the survivors cannot be rescued in a short time. If the cleanup team sent by the umbrella company continues to act, attracting Large groups of zombies are besieging, survivors of the surface will still suffer heavy casualties, and those who have not had time to be saved are destined to survive!


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