My Iron Suit

Chapter 1012: Raccoon City!

Alice looked at the ruins of the city below, and the mind of the raccoon city before the end of the world could not help but the original lively town was now completely unrecognizable, completely smashed to death!

The two of the planes did not speak. Chen Mo looked at the wreckage of a circular building at the edge of the deep pit and landed the plane directly on a flat ground at the bottom of the deep pit.

The two men came out of the plane, and Alice looked around and looked at the huge pit around him, and couldn't help but ask Chen Mo.

"How do we get in?"

Chen Mo turned his head and looked at a hole in the cliff on the deep pit not far away, and said.

"There is a vent in the hive, exposed after the explosion, and we are going in here!"

Alice turned her head and looked at Chen Mo's gaze. She soon saw the part of the cliff that was covered by gravel and rubble that covered it, and it was not a conspicuous passage.

The two men even strode toward the hole.

At this time, at the bottom of the hive, the safest room, a man in a black shirt and suit with a gloomy majestic middle-aged man was using a broken ice cone to poke the ice in the ice bucket. Screaming on the side.

"Start security monitoring!"

On the display that occupies the entire wall in front of him, it shows Chen Mo and Alice who have just come down from the plane and walk toward the passage!

“The hive safety system is fully activated and enters automatic operation!”

The answer to him is a little girl sitting at the end of the table!

Only her body with red light and flashing from time to time is obviously not a real person, but a 3D stereo projection!

She is the master intelligent system of this hive base, after the red!

Although the name is the same, the "red after" of the red and sea base with 3D stereo image is completely independent of the two existence!

Each base of the umbrella company actually has an independent control system. When Alice killed the first Dr. Isaacs and found her colony in the desert underground experimental base, the control program was "white after". !

However, as the headquarters of the umbrella company, the control system of the hive, the red behind is actually the core control program of the umbrella company. The "red after" of the submarine base and the "white post" of the clone base are only a relatively independent avatar. The scope of jurisdiction is limited to submarine bases and clone bases!

However, because the hive has been in a closed state before, the red is also in a semi-offline state, even if Jarvis has no way to invade it, so the hive at this time is not under the control of Chen Mo!

In the hive, there were actually no active personnel. According to the original plan, it should be that after the succession plan was completely successful, and the survivors of the ground were all cleaned up, the sleeping umbrellas inside the dormant state would be awakened.

However, after the death of Wesker, the emergency program preset in the umbrella company system was started, and it was completely online after being in the semi-offline state, and the middle-aged people were awakened according to the procedure!

After the red voice just fell, the middle-aged man refused.

"No, I quit the automatic operation, I have to operate the defense system myself!"

As he spoke, the movement in his hand did not stop. He put an ice cube in the ice bucket and put it in the wine glass. At the same time, he reached for the glass bottle with amber whiskey.

Sitting at the end of the table, it looks like a red girl next door, but did not directly execute the command of the middle-aged, but said.

“It’s more efficient for me to control the defense system!”

It seems that she does not want middle-aged people to personally control the defense system to deal with Alice and Chen Mo!

The middle-aged man did not notice the abnormality, and said to the whiskey while pouring the whiskey into the glass.

"Yes? I seem to remember that she lived out from here last time! I don't want to make the same mistake again!"

After the red heard the words, did not say more, directly replied.

"As you wish, the hive defense system is now under your control!"

The middle-aged man picked up the glass and looked up at Chen Mo and Alice, who were walking towards the passageway on the screen, and screamed.

"Let the **** dog!"

Immediately after the red, he said.

"The **** dog is playing!"

With the order of the middle-aged people, Chen Mo and Alice, who are walking towards the passage, quickly discovered the situation!

Hundreds of strong zombie dogs nearly one meter high did not know where to appear, surrounded by two people!

These zombie dogs are taller and stronger than the two heads they encountered on the Arcadia. They look even more awkward. They are zombie dogs, but they look more like lion-and-mortal beasts!

Their variability seems to be higher than that of the zombie on the Arcadia. In addition to the size, the head has also undergone a large variation, and the original look is not seen. It is like a monster from hell. !

Although their heads are not split, but the big mouth covered with fangs can be opened wide, the attack power is not weaker than the split-head zombie, and the bite force seems to be more strengthened!

After being surrounded by the surrounding, these **** dogs rushed directly toward Chen Mo and Alice in the middle of the encirclement, and the speed was much faster than the split-headed zombie!

Chen Mo and Alice had already pulled out the guns when they discovered the statues of these **** dogs!

Chen Mo is still the two dark pistols and Alice directly pulled out the two double-barreled shotguns behind!

These **** dogs have a body shape and a highly mutated fierce shape that makes Alice unwilling to care!

At the same time as the **** dogs rushed, the guns in the hands of the two also rang together!

"Hey! Hey!"

The hundreds of coins shot by Alice's muzzle formed a barrage directly in the air, and several Hell dogs were shrouded in it, and a blood hole was shot in them!

Fortunately, although these **** dogs have strong fighting power, the most common weakness of the zombies is still there, and they will still die after being shot in the head.

Alice’s two shotguns smashed a few shots directly!

Chen Mo's speed is faster than Alice!

When Alice reached out and pulled out two submachine guns on both sides of the thigh, and began to sweep, Chen Mo had already lay down more than a dozen Hell dogs on the ground!

As long as there is a weakness in the head, these fierce **** dogs are not much different from Chen Ma and ordinary zombies!

Although they are very fast, they still can't escape Chen Mo's bullets. A bullet shot from the double guns accurately shoots into the brains of a headed **** dog and harvests their lives!


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