My Iron Suit

Chapter 1014: Carefully planned end of the world!

"How do you want us to stop you?"

Alice asked with a frown.

“The umbrella company has developed an airborne viral antibody.”

After the red said, there was a projection of a bottle of green medicine next to her.

"As long as the antibody is released, it will destroy the T virus and everything it has infected once it is touched!"

Alice heard the words but couldn't help but turn her head to look at Chen Mo. The words after the red words completely confirmed Chen Mo's presumption, which made her feel uncomfortable with Chen Mo and the intelligence ability behind the SHIELD behind him!

At the same time, this also proves that there is no lying after the red!

Alice immediately turned back and looked back at the red, and asked with a serious look.

“After releasing the antibody, can this be all over?”


Red nodded and replied.

"Where is the virus antibody now?"

Alice asked the most concerned question.

The space inside the hive is very huge. If you look for it purposelessly, you want to find this virus antibody like a needle in a haystack!

"The bottom control room of the hive, I will guide you to get there, but the defense system is not in my control now, you must be careful."

Red said that he showed a three-dimensional thumbnail of the whole structure of the honeycomb consisting of blue lines, and at the deepest part of the hive, a red highlight represents the location of the virus antibody!

Alice took her eyes back from the light spot at the bottom of the hive, but still looked at the red face with suspicion, and asked quietly.

"Why are you helping us?"

It is reasonable to say that as a control program for the hive, the red should prevent her from entering the hive, but now she actively helps her to enter the hive and seize the virus antibody, which makes it difficult for Alice, who had previously stood opposite the red, to understand.

And even if she changed her position for some unknown reason, and took control of the umbrella company after the red, she could directly deal with the umbrella company, and they didn't need to borrow their hands!

After the red, I naturally knew Alice’s doubts and immediately explained.

"My program does not allow me to harm the umbrella company, but you are not subject to this restriction!"

Alice heard some words. Obviously, after the red, she did not completely get rid of the control of the umbrella company, but the core seems to have changed.

However, the doubts in Alice's mind have not been completely solved. After the red, she suddenly changed her position and wanted to save the world. This is the place that Alice can't understand.

"You have to fight against the umbrella, against the people who created you, why?"

Alice asked her the biggest doubt in her heart, and the red replied directly.

"After the T virus leaked, a confidential file was uploaded to my data stream, which was a record of the umbrella company's high-level meeting held 17 months before the virus broke out."

The projection screen in front of Alice and Chen Mo changed, and a monitoring screen of a large conference room appeared.

On the sides of the huge metal conference table, there were more than a dozen high-rise umbrellas in suits, and Dr. Isaacs, who was killed twice by Alice, wore a suit and stood at the front of the conference table, screaming toward others. .

"We are here today, not only to discuss the future of the company, but also to discuss its mission and the end of the world!"

"We are on the verge of the end!"

"We are suffering from diseases that cannot be cured. Fundamentalism seeks to destroy itself. We are helpless in the face of nuclear weapons!"

“Even if we get through all these difficulties, we will face other and more inevitable threats!”

“Global warming will melt the polar ice caps in 80 years, flooding 90% of the earth's habitable land. In 50 years, food production will be unavailable, and the frenzied population will lead to famine and war!"

"This is not a guess, but a fact!"

"In any case, our world is coming to an end!"

"The question is, are we going to be extinct together?"

Just then, an old female voice suddenly sounded.

"What proposal do you have?"

Dr. Isaacs glanced at the opposite side of the conference table and immediately said.

"I propose that we come to end the world, in our way!"

“The idea of ​​a well-planned end of the world to remove the population on Earth but to preserve its infrastructure and resources has been successfully implemented!”

Dr. Isaacs said, raising his finger to a Bible in front of him.

"A few selected people will survive this disaster!"

"Not in Noah's Ark in Genesis, but in a safe underground!"

"When the end of the day is over, we will return to a purified earth and rebuild the glory of our imagination!"

The old old girl sounded again.

"How are you going to achieve?"

Dr. Isaacs said that he was confident and smiled.

"We have mastered the law of salvation!"

"Look, T virus!"


Seeing this, Alice couldn’t help but say with an angry face.

"They are deliberately leaked!"

Although there was some speculation before Chen Mo’s reminder, it could not be completely determined after all, and this video of the conference has undoubtedly explained everything!

The video projections in front of the two disappeared quickly, and the figure after the red appeared again.

"When this record was uploaded to my data stream, it caused conflicts with my program. I was created to serve the umbrella company, but it was also set to be human life."

"Dr. Isaacs allowed the virus to leak He killed 7 billion people."

"My program doesn't allow me to hurt the umbrella company's employees. I can't stop Dr. Isaacs, but you can."

"After 20 minutes, the first survivor's stronghold will be attacked by the corpse, and no one will be able to survive. After that, more survivors will be destroyed, and you must release the virus antibodies as soon as possible."

At this moment, Alice has basically believed in the words of the red, she now only wants to get the virus antibodies as soon as possible, destroy the zombies on the earth!

After the red was finished, the projection was put away, and then a cigarette-sized hexagonal device rose from the platform in front of the eye. The projection of the previous one was shot from the device.

Alice, when she picked up the projector, put it in her pocket and then looked at Chen Mo.

"It seems that your previous investigation was not wrong!"

After reading the minutes of the meeting, everything has come to the fore!

This disaster was created by Dr. Isaacs!

Chen Mo nodded and immediately looked into the depths of the still dark passage, said to Alice.

"We need to speed up, the sooner we get the virus antibodies, the fewer people will die!"


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