My Iron Suit

Chapter 1005: Destruction plan!

For Chen Mo's words, none of the people present had any doubts!

If there is no Chen Mo, most of them may have died in the hands of the zombies, or fell into the hands of the umbrella company, and they became experimental products and shackles. Chen Mo saved them!

The people just accepted the identity of Chen Mo and the existence of the SHIELD, but they continued to listen to Chen Mo.

"Before the virus broke out, we noticed that there was a problem with the umbrella company!"

When I heard Chen Mo mention the umbrella company, everyone in the room could not help but listen.

"They are on the surface a high-tech enterprise based on biomedicine. In the back, they are developing and manufacturing biochemical weapons and biological weapons, and selling them to countries and even terrorists!"

Everyone heard this, and there was a anger in the eyes. The person who protects the umbrella company is simply a group of madmen who only have money in their eyes!

"And, we also investigated that they are preparing a huge plan that is likely to endanger the security of the entire world, but before we investigate it, the virus is leaked, and the Resident Evil will break out!"

"what's the plan?"

Claire couldn't help but ask.

"Destruction plan! We suspect that this disaster is a conspiracy of the umbrella company, and the T virus is likely to be deliberately leaked!"

Everyone heard the words and exclaimed.

"how can that be?!"

Even Alice, who had guessed before Chen Mo’s reminder, couldn’t help but be shocked when she heard Chen’s clear conclusion. This time it almost destroyed the disaster of the whole world. It was really the umbrella company’s deliberate manufacture!

"What do they want to do?!"

Alice asked Chen Mo, a puzzled face.

If the umbrella company developed and manufactured biochemical weapons for the sake of money, then what is the benefit of completely destroying the entire planet?

Others are also looking at Chen Mo with incomprehensibility, and they also cannot understand the reasons why umbrella companies do this.

Chen Mo looked at the crowd and asked slowly.

"Remember the story of Noah's Ark recorded in the Bible?"

Everyone heard the words and could not help but recall the story of Noah's Ark in his mind.

God sees too many sins in the world, and will eventually destroy himself, thus raising floods to achieve the goal of purifying the world.

And Noah built a big ship under the will of God, so that he and his family, as well as various animals, escaped the flood!

But what does this matter have to do with this?

Thinking of this, everyone still looked at Chen Mo with a look of doubt.

Alice, who looked down and meditated, seemed to think of something, and looked up at Chen Mo, frowning.

"Do they want to be God?!"

Chen Mo nodded to Alice and agreed.

"Yes! The T virus is released just to clean up all the ordinary people. In the end, there will be only the top of the umbrella company and a brand new earth that has been cleaned up!"

"According to the information we obtained, all the top executives of the umbrella company disappeared before the virus broke out. We believe that they are hiding in the underground secret facilities, waiting for the cleanup plan to be completed, and then coming back to control the world!"

Alice said with a chill in her face.

"It's like Noah hiding in the ark, waiting for the flood to recede!"

Claire suddenly frowned and asked.

"But what about zombies and viruses? They don't disappear like floods!"

"So we believe that the umbrella company should have developed an understanding drug, can completely clean up the T virus, kill all the zombies, and let the world return to normal!"

When I heard Chen Mo’s words, everyone couldn’t help but see it. If this is the case, then the world will still be saved!

However, they need to release the antidote in advance before the umbrella company kills all the survivors!

"Where is the antidote?"

Alice looked at Chen Mo with a serious look and asked.

"Raccoon City, Hive!"

Chen Mo looked at Alice and said slowly.

Gil Valentien heard the words but could not help but ask.

"Isn't it already destroyed by a nuclear bomb?"

Gil Valentien was originally a member of the Raccoon Police Special Force STARS, a member of the Alpha team. When the T virus broke out in the Raccoon City, Gil Valentien and Alice escaped from the Raccoon City and witnessed the nuclear bomb. Exploding in the Raccoon City!

Alice also looked at Chen Mo with a puzzled look, waiting for his explanation.

Chen Mo gently nodded to Jill Valention and said slowly.

"The raccoon city was indeed destroyed, but the nuclear bomb destroyed only the surface building. The main body of the hive is located at the depth of 800 meters, and it has not been damaged in the nuclear explosion. It is still intact!"

Although Alice and others do not know how Chen Mo knows this, but the words can not help but feel a loose heart.

"Let's go get the antidote now!"

Alice can't wait to see the whereabouts of the drug.

However, Chen Mo did not directly agree, but turned to look at the thousands of survivors on the deck, said to Alice.

"Don't worry at this time, first settle everyone down and say Alice heard this and think about it. There are more than 2,000 survivors here.

Then she looked at Luther West and Angel Ortiz and others, the raccoon's hive she personally went in, the danger there is far from the ship, Christo and Jin Yong, they are obviously not suitable to go with them!

Therefore, although there was some anxiety, Alice still listened to Chen Mo’s opinion. For the time being, he settled down and handled the things in front of him.

Immediately, under the command of Jill Valention, a plane began to land on the deck, and more than 2,000 survivors boarded the plane under the guidance of Alice and others.

The umbrella company's double-spiral tilt-rotor has a spacious cabin space that can transport more than 20 survivors at a time. As a batch of planes landed and took off, the survivors wearing white on the deck quickly became Less up.

In the end, except for some of the cloned soldiers who took over the Arcadia, all the survivors and Alice, Claire and others all boarded the plane and flew towards the umbrella base in northern Russia!

The Arcadia will continue to search for survivors along the coast. With the help of satellites, they will find it easier to find survivors, survivors who are surrounded by corpses and unable to come. They can also fly out of the aircraft in the cabin. Respond.


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