My Iron Suit

Chapter 1004: Who are you?

Under Chen Mo’s orders, Jarvis invaded the base network and easily defeated the base control program. After the red, he gained control of the base!

If the previous Jarvis, although able to beat the red, but it will take a little time, and will inevitably cause the umbrella company to be alert.

However, Jarvis, who has been strengthened after the fire source, has reached the limit of artificial intelligence. After controlling the red, it is only a piece of cake. The personnel of the umbrella company did not even find any abnormality. The control of the base has already changed hands!

Jarvis completely mastered the entire base, and all kinds of materials and equipment in the base were under his control.

This base was originally a submarine base established by the former Soviet Union in the 1980s. It was abandoned after the end of the Cold War, and the umbrella company expanded it into a test site.

In fact, the main income of umbrella companies is not biomedicine, but the sale of chemical weapons!

Because the power of biological and chemical weapons is too large to be tested in the real world, they built several independent experimental sites in the base deep in the sea, where they rebuilt cities such as New York, Moscow, and Tokyo. The environment, and the use of cloned people with memory as a test object, simulate the scene of the virus outbreak, to watch the buyers of various countries, and then sell them to them!

Each test site is an independent circular building with a size of several blocks and a height of more than 100 meters. There are some high-rise buildings, some are quiet residential areas, houses, roads, vehicles and other details. It is no different from a normal city. The projection and lighting on the top of the building can simulate day and night, and with climate control equipment, it can control the weather and create rain, snow and wind!

The clones in the test site were implanted in the memory of normal people. They did not know that they were guinea pigs. They only thought that they really lived in the city. They had wives, husbands and children. They woke up from their dreams in the morning. Say goodbye to the family to go to work, and then be eaten alive in the sudden zombie crisis!

Every time there are hundreds of clones dead!

After Jarvis controlled the submarine base, Chen Mo ordered the first time to stop all trials and terminate the manufacture of clones, but now it has been produced, and clones that have not been implanted for memory are still available. Thousands!

For these clones, direct destruction is obviously not appropriate!

Although they are clones, they are essentially no different from real human beings. There is no difference between destroying and killing them!

Chen Mo is not a umbrella company that regards human life as a mustard, and can't directly deprive thousands of people!

In the end, Chen Mo chose to activate them, but the memories of the implants were all modified, and the thousands of clones were turned into elite soldiers. In a blink of an eye, Chen Mo had thousands of loyalty to him. Warrior!

At this time, the hundreds of planes hovering over the heads of the people were driven by these cloned warriors!

Alice looked at Chen Mo and Jill, who seemed to have been in contact, and asked both of them in a puzzled way.

"What exactly is going on?"

Gil Valentien looked at Chen Mo and saw that he had no objection and explained directly to Alice.

"We were controlled at the base of the umbrella. It was the control program that he invaded the base and rescued us!"

Alice was amazed by the news. She didn't expect Chen Mo to stay with them, and she did such a big thing quietly!

The most important thing is that Chen Mo has the ability to invade the base of the umbrella company. Alice, who has dealt with the red, is very aware of the difficulties after the red!

That is the cutting edge technology of the umbrella company, the world's top auxiliary program, real artificial intelligence!

To invade and take full control of it, you need more powerful technical strength than the umbrella company!

This made Alice think of the amazing power that Chen Mo finally took out, and directly turned Wesker into a flying pistol energy pistol!

All of this has cast a heavy fog on Chen Mo’s identity, and Alice feels more and more unable to see him!

Alice turned and looked straight into Chen Mo's eyes, asking for a serious look.

"What the **** are you?"

Accompanied by Alice's questioning, all the people present also fell to Chen Mo.

Like Alice, they are also very curious about Chen Mo's identity. Now, if they still can't see Chen Mo's identity is not easy, then they can go to feed the zombies!

Facing Alice's gaze, Chen Mo's eyes did not evade, and he said slowly with a serious face.

"Official introduction, Black Chen, Aegis secret agent!"

When Chen Mo mentioned the word "agent", many people present were bright-eyed. The prison survivors who first met Chen Mo, such as Luther West and Angel Ortiz, had long suspected that Chen Mode really Identity is a top agent!

But what is the SHIELD department, why have they never heard of it?

Alice also looked puzzled and asked.

"Shock Shield?"

Chen Mo nodded and said in a positive direction.

“Shenzhen is a secret organization independent of governments. Our duty is to prevent major threats, deal with crisis events and protect the planet!”

Listening to Chen Mo’s introduction, everyone instantly felt that the “Shenzhen Bureau” that had never been heard before suddenly became taller. This is not the equivalent of the US Department of Homeland Security, except that the Homeland Security Bureau protects only the United States. The SHIELD is guarding the whole world!

In this way, everything will make sense!

This kind of secret organization with the purpose of protecting the earth's security must have powerful strength and scientific and technological strength. Although I don't know what the ten-level special tool body in Chen Mokou represents, they can roughly guess from Chen Mo's performance. The ninth-level agent is definitely the best in the SHIELD!

After knowing Chen Mo’s true identity, everyone’s eyes on Chen Mo could not help but become more revered. A powerful warrior who guards the safety of the Earth is worthy of their respect.

As for Chen Mo, is it a lie?

What Chen Mo has done all along has been enough to prove everything!

Lloyd West, who was rescued from the trapped prison, defended the crowd and rushed out of the corpse, and rescued more than 2,000 survivors caught by the umbrella company, even Jill Wah Lentien was also rescued by Chen Mo!


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