My Iron Suit

Chapter 1006: Submarine base!

Inland survivor Chen Mo will also send a plane to rescue, and there are not many survivors left. It is safer to keep them together in the siege of zombies.

The umbrella base controlled by Chen Mo is located on the bottom of the sea. There is no zombie to arrive at all. It is very safe. The living environment and facilities are enough to support the long-term survival of these survivors.

After the liftoff, all the planes adjusted the angle of the engine, turning the propeller to the front, and the helicopter was converted to a fixed-wing propeller plane, flying at a faster speed toward the northwest.

After a few hours of flying across the Pacific Ocean, this huge fleet of hundreds of aircraft finally reached its destination.

At the foot of a snowy mountain near the coast, there is a thick, cement-filled building in the middle of a snow and ice.

With the advent of the formation of the aircraft, not far from the front of the building, the ground that was originally covered by snow and ice suddenly opened a huge circular passage!

All the planes began to adjust the angle of the engines on both sides. The propeller, which was originally facing forward, slowly moved to the top. Hundreds of black planes hovered over the white snow and ice in the form of a helicopter.

The strong airflow stirred by the propeller fluttered around the snow on the ground. It was like a blizzard. The plane where Chen Mo was in the first place lowered the altitude and slowly descended into the circular passage below.

The area of ​​the circular passage is much larger than that of the plane. As the first plane falls into it, the remaining hundreds of planes have also descended from the passage, and soon all the aircraft are lost in the sky. The opening of the hole was quickly closed again, and everything was restored to its original shape!

Inside the plane, Alice and Claire couldn't help but look out from the cockpit window.

This is a tens of meters in diameter, cast by reinforced concrete, and has a solid steel frame reinforced shaft-like passage, the lights on the wall of the well to let them clearly see the surrounding.

The plane has been falling for a while and then slowly landed.

When they got off the plane from the open hatch, everyone couldn't help but look up and look around.

Below the circular shaft passage, it is a huge underground plaza that looks like an oversized big wrist. The space is very spacious enough to accommodate the hundreds of planes!

Just as everyone turned and looked at the plane behind him and landed on the square, Chen Mo said to Gil Valentien.

"Take them to see where you live."

Gil Valentien couldn’t help but smile and nodded, and immediately turned and greeted everyone.

"Let's go, guys, you will love it here!"

The remaining two thousand survivors on those planes were naturally responsible for other cloned soldiers, and Gil Valention took the lead directly through an electronically controlled gate and walked inside the base.

A hundred meters walked along the white channel full of technology, and finally there was a door in front of everyone. After everyone approached, the door opened automatically. The scene that appeared in front of us was so wide that everyone could not help but widen their eyes. It’s unbelievable.

In front of them is a wide street, the roadside is full of various vehicles, and on both sides of the street, the tower stands tall and extends along the road to the distance, bright street lights, lights on the building And the screen will be reflected here as a white, completely a scene of a bustling city.

Except for the dark night sky and the current time, everything here looks no different from the real city!

In fact, they have not seen such a scene for many years since the disaster broke out!

Even they are almost forgotten what the city looks like!

The original bustling city outside, now only a piece of deserted and broken!

Looking at the bustling streets in front of him, Jill Valention introduced to everyone.

“This is the New York test site. It is about two blocks in size. These buildings can accommodate thousands of people. If you like the bustling city and the lively nightlife, it will be a good choice!”

Speaking of this, Jill Valentien looked at the crowd and continued to say awkwardly.

"But I still recommend the next place!"

Under the leadership of Jill Valention, everyone walked along the road, but their eyes could not help but be attracted by the scenes on both sides. The buildings were different in height and shape, but all were very The clean and tidy building, the many shops on both sides of the street and the dazzling array of goods inside, they couldn't help but want to stop.

However, the area of ​​the test site was limited, and soon they reached the end of the road. As the people approached, a wall in front of them slowly opened to the sides, revealing a door.

Once again, I glanced at the bustling city behind me. Everyone followed Jill Valentin and Chen Mo, and they reluctantly stepped into it.

Through a short passage, a light curtain with a curtain of water appears in front of them.

"This is an image projection, just go straight through."

Gil Valentien finished directly took the light through the light curtain, and when others saw it, they followed the past.

Through the light curtain, the scene in front of everyone changed instantly, and a quiet suburban community appeared in front of them.

It is slightly narrower than the previous city, but it looks like a lot of flat streets, with neatly trimmed lawns on both sides, and a beautiful two-storey villa.

Even the sky can see the blossoming white clouds slowly drifting through!

If you don’t know that they are on the bottom of the sea, they really think it’s in a quiet suburb, and it’s a peaceful place everywhere before the virus breaks out!

Everyone can't help but have an illusion. It seems that nothing has happened. The real world is in front of you!

However, everyone quickly recovered from the shock, and Alice couldn't help but turn to look at the light curtain they had just passed behind.

From the perspective of Alice, there is a blue sky and white clouds behind it. The clouds above are still moving slowly. If it is not too close, the sky extends directly to the lawn on the ground. If it is far away, I can't find it at all, it's fake!

“This is a suburban test site, the largest of all the test sites, but because the buildings are all two-storey independent homes, they can accommodate a small population of only a few hundred people.”


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