My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4186: Su Su's return, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang also wanted to use the Great Golden Elixir of the Dharma of Heaven and Earth, but even if he used it at this time, he had already lost the opportunity! The reason why he didn't use the Great Golden Elixir of the Dharma of Heaven and Earth immediately was not because he wanted to put his trump card last. But once the Great Golden Pill is used, it will consume a huge amount of his own mana. If he fails to defeat the enemy at the end of the battle, then he is truly doomed.

He didn't know much about the enemy at the moment, so he definitely wouldn't dare to use the Great Golden Elixir as soon as he came up. That would leave too little room for himself.

But now, it's too late.

The energy crystal ball violently absorbed the power of thunder and the vitality of the universe in the void, becoming more and more powerful and powerful!

Chen Yang continuously used the Great Chaos Thunder Sword, but failed to break it.

Ye Qingming was also anxious, and struck the energy crystal ball with his last palm.


The energy crystal ball shook quickly, sending Ye Qingming flying more than a thousand meters away. Then, Ye Qingming spat out a mouthful of blood.

But at this time, Chen Yang was finally able to breathe and quickly adjusted the breath in his body.

The energy crystal ball stopped chasing Ye Qingming and came towards Chen Yang again.

If this energy crystal ball turns its gun to kill Ye Qingming at this time, the Great Luo Immortal will come, and I'm afraid it won't be able to save Ye Qingming.

This is not because Hongmeng Taoist Master is kind to Ye Qingming, but because Hongmeng Taoist Master now has to deal with Jue Qingming. He locked the energy crystal ball on Chen Yang with his breath, so without his new instructions, the energy crystal ball would not kill Ye Qingming alone.

In the chaotic vortex behind Chen Yang, the infinite divine power of chaos was absorbed by him. Then he continued to use his fingers of calamity and the great chaos thunder fist to blast the energy crystal balls. But the energy crystal ball became more and more powerful, smashing Chen Yang's several attacks into pieces.

Jueqing used the Black Hole Divine Fist to kill Taoist Master Hongmeng with black hole fist shadows all over the sky!

Taoist Hongmeng controlled the energy crystal ball from the air with one hand, turned it into a fist with the other hand, and shot out fist shadows all over the sky and ruthless fist shadows to kill one place.

One against two, with ease!

Master Hongmeng's body turned into a divine beast with golden scales, which continued to grow. While growing, it also rapidly absorbed the energy of the universe and the power of thunder! The strength of his body cannot crush Chen Yang and Jueqing, but he can rely on this body to violently absorb the surrounding energy, forming an absolute advantage.

Jueqing was also anxious, and continued to kill with his supreme divine power! But they can't break through Hongmeng Dao Master's defense!

Taoist Master Hongmeng didn't take Ye Qingming seriously at all. His strategy was to stabilize Jueqing and kill Chen Yang. Once Chen Yang is dead, it will be much easier to deal with Jue Wuqing. He didn't intend to kill Jueqing... because Jueqing was his pawn.

Hongmeng Dao Master is now one man in charge, and he is invincible by ten thousand men!

Although this Luo Feng's body is not his true body, Luo Feng's body is indeed extremely strong. In addition, he swallowed Bai Suzhen...

Hongmeng Taoist's own understanding of heaven, earth, and the universe is beyond imagination.

In this way, terrifying strength exploded.

If it continues like this, Chen Yang is really going to die.

If he had used the Great Golden Elixir of the Dharma of Heaven and Earth from the beginning, he would still be able to compete with Master Hongmeng.

But now, the 10% chance of winning is gone.

It's almost a dead end!

Ever since Chen Yang possessed the power of chaos, he felt that he was already extremely powerful. Even if you meet Yuan Yunzhong, Taishang Daozu, you can still win. He can even defeat Li Changye!

His confidence has been stronger than ever.

Unexpectedly, in a three-on-one situation, he would be beaten so embarrassingly by a Hongmeng Taoist!

This completely destroyed his confidence.

Not only has confidence been destroyed, but most importantly, it is now a matter of life and death...

If this continues, his fate will be the same as that of the purple robe.

Chen Yang was naturally unwilling.

But the energy crystal ball is getting stronger and stronger, almost destroying everything in the world.

Chen Yang desperately used his divine power to unleash the Great Chaos Thunder Fist!


The Great Chaos Thunder Fist and the energy crystal ball collided together and were defeated in an instant. At this moment, Chen Yang felt that his internal organs were about to burst into pieces, and he quickly retreated tens of thousands of meters.

But before he could recover, the energy crystal ball came to kill him like a mountain of mountains and black clouds destroying the city!

Chen Yang secretly shouted: "My life is at stake!"

He really couldn't muster the strength to resist this thunderous strike.

Only then did he understand how much headache and despair the enemy must have when facing his dharma of heaven and earth!

But at the critical moment...

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Chen Yang!

After this figure appeared, his whole body was bathed in thunder, and then he slashed out a bolt of thunder towards the energy crystal ball!

This thunder contains the power of the poisonous fire of the sun. The fusion of thunder and poisonous fire is extremely powerful!


Finally, the energy crystal ball was blocked for a moment.

But it was only for a moment. The next second, the powerful thunder was smashed into pieces by the energy crystal ball.

Then, the energy crystal ball came towards Chen Yang again.

The person who suddenly appeared was none other than Suzhen in black who had been sleeping in Xiaoyao Hall.

Heiyi Suzhen had already refined the taiyin poison in her body in advance and merged it with the sun poison fire. His cultivation has improved greatly, and he is already equivalent to a quasi-sage.

Originally, she wanted to continue practicing and merge the sun's poisonous fire into a more rounded form. But at this time, she suddenly felt something bad in her heart, and she immediately used her spiritual mind to explore the outside world. After this investigation, it was discovered that Chen Yang was in danger.

At that moment, he ignored everything and appeared quickly to help Chen Yang block this fatal blow!

When Chen Yang saw Suzhen in black clothes appearing, he couldn't help but be wild with surprise.

Immediately he shouted: "Susu, spiritual practice!"

Suzhen Heiyi immediately moved and turned into a bolt of lightning that quickly entered Chen Yang's mouth.

From Chen Yang's mouth, he entered his body and quickly merged with Chen Yang's powerful magic power!

The two of them have practiced spiritual practice countless times, so now it is natural and the integration is seamless!

"Fuck you!" Chen Yang obtained Hei Yi Suzhen's magic power, and suddenly felt that the magic in his body was incredibly powerful. Full of confidence...

The energy crystal ball came to kill him, and he used his big hand to move the thunder, and blasted out with a bang!


Finally, this punch knocked the energy crystal ball thousands of meters away.

The energy crystal ball is still powerful and is coming to kill the enemy quickly!

The energy crystal ball gets stronger when it encounters strength!

Then he killed him with even more terrifying divine power!

In the void, the energy crystal ball bloomed with terrifying thunder.

"The Dharma of Heaven and Earth!" Chen Yang also used the Great Golden Pill, spitting out a breath of essence energy and quickly forming a golden Golden Pill.

The golden elixir is surrounded by thunder!

As soon as this great golden elixir comes out, it immediately absorbs the surrounding vitality at a terrifying speed!

The energy crystal ball came, and the golden elixir immediately hit it.


The two forces collided together, immediately shaking the magnetic field in the void into a frenzy of golden light... But at this time, the Great Golden Pill had just come out, but it was not yet a match for the energy crystal ball. The golden elixir was knocked away...

The energy crystal ball is coming again! Dajindan also killed quickly.

The two energy **** fought desperately in the void, and at first the Great Golden Pill was at a disadvantage.

But as time went by, the Golden Elixir began to gain the upper hand.

Chen Yang felt that the magic power in his body was rapidly depleting, but the divine power in the golden elixir became more and more powerful.

This gave him the passion to kill everything.

Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed the big golden elixir in his hand.

The Dharma Divine Fist is formed quickly!

Then kill with one punch!


The energy crystal ball was hit by the Dharma God's fist and immediately retreated several meters, but then came back quickly.

Chen Yang punched three times in a row, and the energy crystal **** were all knocked back.

At this moment, Chen Yang drove the Great Golden Pill and instantly transformed into a magic sword!

"Kill!" Chen Yang shouted loudly.

The Dharma Divine Sword slashes at the energy crystal ball from top to bottom!


At that moment, the energy crystal ball could no longer bear it and was finally split in half.

Then, all the violent energy in the energy crystal ball exploded out.

Countless energy fragments splashed everywhere like a meteor shower. This time, the sun and moon were really eclipsed, and the stars and rivers shook!

The Taoist Master Hongmeng was resisting Jue Wu's ruthless attack, and the shattering of the energy crystal ball also caused him a lot of damage. He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood...

Chen Yang didn't stop, and in a flash, he came to the front of Taoist Hongmeng.

Taoist Master Hongmeng waved his hand and immediately laid down a barrier of time and space.

The ruthless attack killed him and he fell into the ripples.

No amount of his power could penetrate this ripple.

Taoist Master Hongmeng looked at Chen Yang, his face was already pale, he smiled and said: "The son of luck is really extraordinary, he can actually break my galaxy energy!"

Chen Yang snorted coldly and said: "In all these years, no one has been able to kill me, not even you!" After saying that, the Faxiang Divine Fist blasted out!

No matter how powerful the laws of time and space are under Hongmeng Taoist Master!

But in front of the Faxiang Divine Fist, they all looked extremely pale!

With one punch, all the ripples were shattered!

Master Hongmeng smiled slightly and said: "Your boxing technique is indeed powerful, but it doesn't seem to last long. I learned this technique in my early years. Although it is powerful, it has too many disadvantages. Your magic power is not enough to support it. Even if Even with Bai Suzhen and your spiritual cultivation helping you, you won’t be able to hold on for long!”

"It's enough to kill you!" Chen Yang roared loudly, and then used the Divine Fist to kill Taoist Master Hongmeng!

Jueqing also roared and unleashed the Black Hole Divine Fist!

Counterattack, begin!

Taoist Hongmeng has reached the most dangerous moment. As long as his body is defeated, Chen Yang and Jueqing will not give Taoist Hongmeng a chance to gather together!

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