My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4187: Fallen Way, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After the return of Heiyi Suzhen, her skills were greatly enhanced, and the power of thunder was added with the poisonous fire of the sun. Now Chen Yang and her are in a state of spiritual cultivation. After the fusion of their magic powers, they have gone from quantitative change to qualitative change!

In this way, the Great Golden Pill becomes even more terrifying!

This is also the reason why Chen Yang’s Great Golden Elixir took much less time to condense than Master Hongmeng’s energy crystal ball, but was able to defeat the energy crystal ball in the end!

But everything has pros and cons!

The more powerful the Great Golden Pill is, the more powerful it will be to consume the mana of Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen!

Chen Yang couldn't hold on for long, so he had to defeat Taoist Hongmeng quickly.

The Dharma Divine Fist comes out!

The power of this punch exceeds the limit. Even if Taishang Daozu comes, he will not dare to parry this punch!

What's more, at this time, Jueqing also tried his best to kill the Black Hole Divine Fist. You know, Jueqing's power is still higher than Chen Yang.

Hongmeng Dao Master has only one way to die at this time!

But...will Master Hongmeng really be defeated?

At that critical moment, Taoist Master Hongmeng smiled coldly and said, "I'm afraid it's not that easy to defeat this body of mine." As he spoke, he could see his hands quickly forming seals.

Then, gray mist came out of his mouth! This gray mist was extremely thick and instantly drowned Taoist Hongmeng.

"Son of a bitch!" Chen Yang couldn't help but yelled when he saw this.

Because Taoist Master Hongmeng actually used... the Great Fate Technique!

That gray mist is the power of great destiny.

Master Hongmeng himself knows the Great Fate Technique, but now that he has borrowed his body, he cannot cast the Great Fate Technique. Unfortunately, Luo Feng himself knows the art of destiny.

What's even more terrible is that Luo Feng has the blood of the first heavenly god, and his longevity is simply endless!

Dao Master Hongmeng is not afraid of the consequences at all, so he can squander Luo Feng's life endlessly.

After Chen Yang's Dharma Divine Fist struck into the gray power of destiny, he felt that the divine power entered the Hongmeng Swamp. The Hongmeng Swamp seemed to be endless!

Divine Fist continues to fight forward!


Then he felt that the other person's lifespan was burning crazily.

Obviously, Taoist Master Hongmeng would have to spend countless lifespan to receive Chen Yang's punch.

Chen Yang has been forced to this point and absolutely cannot retreat.

At that moment, his body straightened up, and his whole body entered the mist of fate.

In the mist of destiny, there is no limit.

Chen Yang had divine power in his body and the Great Golden Pill in his hand. He immediately rushed toward Master Hongmeng with the Great Golden Pill in his hand.

Jueqing also knew that it was a critical moment and must not give in, so he rushed into the mist of fate.

Hongmeng Taoist burned Luo Feng's lifespan mercilessly. As for the consequences that burning his lifespan would bring to Luo Feng, he certainly didn't care. While using the power of fate to block Chen Yang and Jueqing, on the other hand, he quickly absorbed the energy of the universe to restore his own strength.

Seeing this going on, with one thing going down and the other going up, Chen Yang and Jue Qingqing will still be defeated!

Especially Chen Yang, if Chen Yang can maintain the power of the Golden Elixir for a long time, he will naturally have nothing to fear! But his mana is being consumed violently. Once his offensive slows down, there will be no chance of winning!

Chen Yang was extremely anxious. At this time, he also wanted to use the Great Fate Technique.

But since the last calamity fire exploded, he has not summoned the Great Fate Technique again. At this time, it was simply too late.

Jueqing also knows the importance of it...

I saw his eyes blood red in the mist, roared loudly, and then actually performed the Great Fate Technique!

The strong power of fate burst out from Jueqing.

Jueqing's destiny power is much more authentic than Hongmeng Taoist's destiny power.

I saw Jueqing driving the divine power of destiny and quickly wrapped Chen Yang and him.

With the help of the divine power of fate, the two of them quickly broke through the mist of fate of Master Hongmeng and came to the front of Master Hongmeng.

Dao Master Hongmeng was slightly distracted, and then he gathered his divine power of destiny and formed two divine fists of destiny to kill Chen Yang and Jueqing.

Chen Yang immediately stopped in front of Jueqing.

As a result, the two divine fists of destiny attacked him.

He was not afraid at all, so he attacked with the Dharma-Xiang Divine Fist!


With one punch, the two gods of destiny were punched into pieces.

Chen Yang's Great Golden Pill has reached the point of tyranny that can destroy the saint. At the same time, both his and Hei Yi Suzhen's mana will be exhausted!

At that moment, Chen Yang didn't care about anything else, so he quickly punched again.

The Dharma Divine Fist shot out quickly, directly shattering space and time.

But the Hongmeng Taoist just sneered, and at the same time he retreated violently... while retreating violently, he unleashed the endless mist of fate.

The voice of Master Hongmeng also came from the mist.

"You two, one is about to run out of mana, and the other is about to run out of life. I thought I couldn't kill you with this body. I didn't expect that it took no effort to get it."

Chen Yang was surprised. His magic power was indeed about to be exhausted.

But Jue Qing didn't cast the Great Fate Technique for long, so why was his lifespan running out so quickly?

He couldn't help but look at Jueqing.

Jueqing also looked at him.

"When he killed my family, I used the Great Fate Technique, but it was of no use. My life span is about to run out now, and soon, I will detonate the Fate Fire. Remember, you must kill him for the sake of my family. Revenge!" A look of determination flashed across Jueqing's eyes, and then he activated the final divine power of fate.

His body flashed suddenly and disappeared in the power of fate!

When he reappeared, he was already close to Taoist Hongmeng!


At that moment, Jueqing's entire body was filled with fire, and the fire turned purple and gold...

That's a fierce calamity fire!

This terrifying tribulation fire explosion force exploded in all directions.

Taoist Hongmeng is the closest to Jueqing, so he is the first to be affected!

Even the divine power of destiny cannot withstand the power of this calamity fire explosion.

At this moment, Chen Yang watched Jueqing resolutely go to death, and the scene where he exploded the calamity fire couldn't be forgotten in his mind.

Die for your own generosity…

Die with ruthless generosity...

Why are there always so many hardships and hardships that force people to die?

Chen Yang's power is about to be exhausted, and he has no time to grieve.

He gathered all his power and then unleashed a powerful and boundless Dharma Divine Fist!


Taoist Master Hongmeng was resisting the calamity fire with all his strength. Chen Yang struck with an earth-shattering punch and directly broke through all his defenses.

His body was hit by the Dharma God's fist and quickly turned into countless golden fragments, splattering away in all directions.

Chen Yang quickly crossed his legs and tried his best to absorb the divine power of chaos and replenish his vitality.

He wanted to regain his strength and suppress the fragments before they came together.

This is a race against time and speed!

Fortunately, at this time, Ye Qingming also came over.

Although she was injured, it wasn't too serious.

After she came over, she quickly captured the golden particles in the void.

However, those golden particles were too scattered.

Therefore, it is somewhat difficult to capture them all directly.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

That is, in the corner of the void, some golden particles quickly condensed together, and finally became the Hongmeng Dao Master.

Taoist Master Hongmeng also quickly grabbed the golden particles around him.

Ye Qingming immediately took action towards Taoist Master Hongmeng and pointed.

However, Hongmeng Taoist used the time folding method and released Ye Qingming's finger power into the time folding.

While dealing with Ye Qingming, he quickly absorbed the golden fragments. Seeing that Ye Qingming was unable to deal with Master Hongmeng, he could only compete with Master Hongmeng and quickly grab other golden fragments.

Chen Yang wanted to help, but couldn't! He and Heiyi Suzhen used the divine power of yin and yang to quickly absorb various vitality and replenish themselves.

The golden fragments in the void were quickly divided up by Taoist Master Hongmeng and Ye Qingming.

After Master Hongmeng finished absorbing it, he walked towards Chen Yang.

Ye Qingming was startled, and immediately stepped in front of Chen Yang, blocking the way of Master Hongmeng.

Taoist Master Hongmeng looked at Ye Qingming, smiled slightly, and said, "Little girl, you can't stop me."

Ye Qingming couldn't help but take a step back.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Miss Ye, let's go! His target is not you, and he will not kill you."

Ye Qingming said word by word: "Impossible!"

Hongmeng Taoist Master said to Chen Yang: "I know that you have experienced many dangers of life and death, and you can survive every disaster. But I can't think of a way to survive for you today. If today, I still can't kill you You, that means that among all the Chen Yangs, you are indeed the most unique. If you die today, it means that even the main universe is nothing more than this!"

Chen Yang's body has recovered some strength.

But that doesn't help at all.

Taoist Hongmeng then took action.

Ye Qingming blocked his way, so he pointed at Ye Qingming's eyebrows.

If gods stand in the way, they will kill gods; if they stand in the way of Buddha, they will kill Buddha!

Chen Yang was startled and immediately stepped in front of Ye Qingming.

But at that moment, his vision suddenly went dark.

This person's eyes suddenly went dark, but instead of fainting, he suddenly felt that everything around him had entered a boundless black screen.

"What's going on?" Chen Yang felt as if he suddenly became blind. He couldn't feel the situation around him, let alone see through the boundless darkness.

The body immediately moved, flying thousands of miles in an instant, flying hundreds of millions of miles in a row, but it was still in the darkness.

This situation is extremely strange.

Chen Yang felt that everything was inexplicable and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Heiyi Suzhen could also sense the situation outside and asked, "What's the situation?"

Chen Yang said: "I don't know. This is a bit like your dark element. Is it a trick of Master Hongmeng? There is no need for him to spend so much effort?"

Heiyi Suzhen didn't know Hongmeng Taoist, but she also guessed that the Hongmeng Taoist mentioned by Chen Yang was the same enemy as Luo Feng.

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