My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4185: Earth-shattering change, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Hongmeng Taoist’s words are full of philosophy and truth!

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Everyone is human. You think all living beings are stupid, but you are also one of them. You think you are transcendent, but you may not be transcendent."

Taoist Master Hongmeng looked at Chen Yang, smiled slightly, and said: "You are the true son of destiny in the multiverse, and your knowledge is indeed extraordinary! But there is one thing I need to correct you. I never said that I was detached. I It just means that I have seen through the essence of many things!”

Chen Yang laughed and said: "What is the essence? Even though the beauties who dominate the country are beautiful and delicious, their farts will still stink. This is the essence... but what is the use of such an essence?"

Taoist Master Hongmeng smiled and said: "This is a wonderful thing! It shows that you can also see through the essence of many things. What I pursue is not these simple essences, but the essence of the universe. Can you tell me what the essence of the universe is? What is the essence outside the universe? Can you tell me what is the essence of the formation of all things in the world? "

Chen Yang couldn't help but be speechless.

Hongmeng Taoist Master said: "I use my limited life to pursue the truth of the Tao. This is my persistence. Everyone in the world is drunk, and I want to wake up alone! After I understand the essence of everything, I will pass on this Tao to all generations. Use this to promote the progress of civilization! Such a great ideal only requires the sacrifice of 2,990 people. Isn’t it worth it? I think most people will find it worthwhile. Only the people who are sacrificed will find it not worth it, what do you think? ?”

Chen Yang coughed dryly and said, "I think if I sacrifice you in exchange for the true meaning of the great road, I will feel it is worth it."

"If you can tell me the true meaning of the Dao, and then you kill me, I will be willing to do so!" said Master Hongmeng.

Chen Yang couldn't help but feel speechless, feeling that what this guy said was so **** reasonable! But the key point is, I am on the list of those who were sacrificed, so how can I agree?

He couldn't help but said: "Is this the only way to find the true meaning of the avenue? Aren't there three thousand avenues? All of the three thousand avenues can become immortals! Let's take another path, and I can support you!"

Taoist Master Hongmeng said: "I have tried many paths, and finally found out through research that this path is the path with the least sacrifice! For the sake of the common people and the truth, this is the only path that can be taken!"

Chen Yang said: "If you put it like that, if I don't agree to die, it would seem a bit selfish."

Taoist Master Hongmeng said: "That cannot be said. Selfishness is our nature! And seeking survival is also our nature! Some people are willing to dedicate themselves to the truth, and some are not willing to dedicate themselves to the truth. They are all free choices."

"Yes, it is everyone's free choice to dedicate oneself to the truth. But you cannot not dedicate yourself, but let others dedicate themselves, and then come and ask for the truth you want to know!" Chen Yang said.

Hongmeng Taoist said: "I don't like to argue with others, but I can tell you that I am a person who pursues truth and the Tao. At the same time, I am not a moral gentleman, nor a good person. So, what I do and what I don't do is not You are judged based on morality and good or bad, but based on my needs. Therefore, I must kill you."

Chen Yang said: "I never thought about changing your mind through a few words. But I hope you can promise me something!"

Taoist Hongmeng said: "I can't promise you anything!"

Chen Yang said: "I hope you will keep your grudges between you and me and don't harm my family."

Taoist Master Hongmeng said: "No, no, no...I will kill all your family members. In this way, you will do everything possible to find me. Otherwise, you may do everything possible to hide, which will be very inconvenient for me!"

"You..." Chen Yang suddenly became angry.

Taoist Hongmeng said: "Okay, we have said everything we should say, let's continue!"

The war is triggered again!

Taoist Hongmeng seems to have no special emotional expression, and what he wants to do will never change, even if he is chatting with you in the spring breeze and drizzle at this moment. He can kill directly in the next second!

There will be no murderous intent revealed in his words!

There is no need to guess what this person is thinking. Because he will say it directly!

Chen Yang, Jue Qingqing and Ye Qingming did not choose to take the initiative to attack. The three of them formed a triangle and surrounded Hongmeng Dao Master.

Taoist Master Hongmeng smiled faintly and said, "Then I'll do it first!" After saying that, he pointed to the sky with one hand!

Purple thunder lightning was released from his palm, and this purple thunder lightning rushed into the void, immediately drawing infinite cosmic energy and thunder power.

In an instant, a purple thunder vortex appeared above everyone!

This purple thunder vortex covers an area of ​​three hundred square kilometers, covering the entire sky.

After that, there was thunder!

Thousands of terrifying purple thunder lightnings formed, crackling towards Chen Yang and the others to kill them.

These purple thunder lightnings contain the divine power of nine levels of thunder and calamity, and the supreme laws of the universe are injected into them.

The cosmic energy between heaven and earth is still pouring into the purple thunder vortex...

Chen Yang and the other three immediately moved, gathered together, and used a golden light shield to block the thunder's blast.


The thunder power blasted behind the golden light shield and was immediately bounced away.

The excess thunder immediately reached below the crowd and formed a vortex!

In all directions, purple thunder flashes all around!

This is an absolute ocean of thunder!

Every thunderbolt is powerful and boundless!

These thunders seem to be endless and never dry up.

Obviously, if the three of them stay in this thunder formation, it will be a dead end.

Ye Qingming was unable to help at this time.

Chen Yang asked Ye Qingming to enter Xiaoyao Hall, and at the same time, he and Jueqing looked at each other and nodded together.

Then, the two of them performed the method of miniaturization, shrinking in size, and then performed the Great Devouring Technique!

They are hiding in the center of the Great Devouring Technique!

Two golden vortexes formed, and all the thunder power entered the Great Devouring Technique.

Chen Yang and Jueqing worked together to purify this thunder.

While purifying, Chen Yang noticed something was wrong.

"This kind of thunder seems to be the thunder on Bai Suzhen's body. He killed Bai Suzhen and swallowed Bai Suzhen." Chen Yang said with a pale face.

Jueqing said in a deep voice: "There's nothing strange about this. There's nothing he can't do."

Chen Yang suddenly felt mixed emotions in his heart, feeling that Bai Suzhen was finally free. But then he thought that Zipao was dead, and his family and loved ones were all dead too.

The rabbit is dead and the fox is sad!

I don’t know if I will have such a day in the future.

The two of them violently absorbed this thunder power...

The Taoist Master Hongmeng was not stingy either, he just let them **** as much as they could.

Finally, both Chen Yang and Jueqing felt that the power in their bodies had reached its peak, so they shouted loudly together and used Sword East to Come together!

The two of them merged with the sword light coming from the east and rushed towards the outside world.


Finally, they tore a huge hole in the thunder whirlpool, and then left the thunder formation!

After all, Taoist Master Hongmeng did not come in person, so it was impossible to defeat Chen Yang and Jueqing with just such a move.

After Chen Yang and Jueqing came out, they looked towards Taoist Hongmeng and saw that Taoist Hongmeng had taken the three hundred square meter thunder ocean into his hands. The thunder ocean shrank rapidly and finally turned into a ball of energy. Crystal ball!

Then, Master Hongmeng drove this purple energy crystal ball to kill the general!

The energy crystal ball came directly towards Chen Yang, extremely powerful!


The energy crystal ball was still violently absorbing the vitality of the universe and the power of thunder in the void, and was also traveling through the void, arriving in front of Chen Yang in the blink of an eye.

This time, I was very caught off guard!

Fortunately, Chen Yang has very rich combat experience and can point out the situation at the critical moment!

But it quickly folded the space in front of him.

Hongmeng Taoist's space folding method allows the opponent's attack to travel directly to another place.

Chen Yang's space folding was just to buy himself some time.

A three-hundred-kilometer space barrier formed in front of him!

The energy crystal ball directly smashed the space barrier into pieces!

At the same time, Chen Yang retreated 100 million kilometers away.

The energy crystal ball continued to travel through the void with lightning, and kept absorbing energy. This posture is like the law of heaven and earth.

Chen Yang was already ready for the battle at this time, so he instantly unleashed ten Chaos Thunder Fists!


All ten terrifying divine fists struck the energy crystal ball. The energy crystal ball rumbled and defeated all ten great chaos thunder fists.

In the void, countless golden energy fragments splashed everywhere like pear blossoms in a rainstorm!

Fortunately, it is in the universe. If it were on the earth, every fragment landing on the ground would cause great damage to the ground.

The energy crystal ball is rotating violently, constantly absorbing the surrounding energy. Then, they came to kill Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang has already felt that the Great Devouring Technique cannot stop the energy crystal ball. Because the penetrating power of the energy crystal ball is too strong, it will directly break his own Great Devouring Technique.

Right now, he felt like he was dealing with his own golden elixir!

"Great Chaos Thunder Sword!" Chen Yang immediately condensed an extremely powerful Great Chaos Thunder Sword in his hand.

At this time, Ye Qingming also came out of Xiaoyao Hall, drove a black divine sword, and killed the energy crystal ball.

Jueqing was not idle either, but he was killing Taoist Master Hongmeng.

Chen Yang's Great Chaos Thunder Sword slashed fiercely at the energy crystal ball. Huge and terrifying divine power erupted from the energy crystal ball, knocking the Great Chaos Thunder Sword away.

Ye Qingming's divine sword struck the energy crystal ball and was immediately knocked away.

Chen Yang continued to kill the energy crystal **** with the Chaos Thunder Sword, while dodging left and right and fighting with the energy crystal balls.

The energy crystal ball is getting stronger and stronger, and it becomes more difficult for Chen Yang to resist!

What he is most proud of is the supreme divine power and the art of devouring, but now, the supreme divine power cannot deal with the energy crystal ball at all. The Devouring Technique also doesn't now, he is very passive!

Ye Qingming chased after the energy crystal ball to kill him, but to no avail.

Chen Yang was extremely embarrassed.

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