My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4170: Do nothing, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Jueqing said again: "Three thousand universes are arranged together, like a super powerful formation. Each universe seems to be the main universe, and even we used to feel that we were the only universe. So even Hongmeng The Taoist master cannot accurately find the main universe from the three thousand universes. The three thousand universes are grouped together, huge and complicated, and there is endless cosmic spiritual energy entangled like purple mist. No divine eye or Dharma eye can see through it. The truth of these universes. Therefore, based on this, Taoist Hongmeng cannot find you directly. Of course, this premise is that I do not leak it. If you kill me and I cannot go back, he may think about whether I touched When it comes to Chen Yang in the main universe, that’s why he failed.”

Zipao said: "We are all the same person, and no one is inferior to the other in terms of wisdom in our heads. Don't fool us!"

Jueqing said: "You should be able to understand whether this is a lie or not! Killing me is definitely not a good thing."

Chen Yang said: "But letting you go back doesn't seem to be a good thing."

Jueqing said: "I came to the main universe by chance and just caught the opportunity! My original intention was to swallow you in the main universe, so as to enhance my luck and use the most authentic chaotic divine power to deal with Hongmeng. Tao Master! But now, this hope is shattered. So once I leave here, I will hope that you are alive, and I am even more afraid that Hongmeng Taoist will find you, because you are the hope of defeating Hongmeng Taoist! If Hongmeng Taoist gets you So angry, what good does that do to me? I am not Taoist Hongmeng’s lackey, Taoist Hongmeng is my biggest enemy!”

Chen Yang and Zipao looked at each other and felt that Jueqing's words made sense!

Afterwards, Chen Yang said: "Do you really think that after swallowing my energy, you can defeat Taoist Hongmeng? Why don't I feel that I am so powerful?"

Jueqing said: "After swallowing your breath, my Chaos Divine Power will become the king of the Chaos World! Hongmeng Dao Master also uses Chaos Divine Power. Although he is powerful, once my Chaos Divine Power successfully suppresses him, at least I won’t be so embarrassed!”

Chen Yang said: "Then what do you think of me facing off against Taoist Hongmeng?"

Jueqing said: "Of course you are no match for Master Hongmeng now. Master Hongmeng has devoured so much of Chen Yang's chaotic power and fragments. In addition, he is a saint and has realized the heart of heaven. In front of him, I have no chance at all." Fight back! You probably can't do much better than me."

Chen Yang said: "Even if we face a saint now, we won't have the power to fight back, right?"

Jueqing said: "You don't understand. Hongmeng Taoist master realizes the heart of heaven and controls the sequence of the universe. He can control your Qi and make you unable to use it! It is a large-scale genetic calculation technique based on the entire three thousand universes. "

Chen Yang didn't understand this kind of large-scale computational gene technique, but he could somewhat imagine it. After hearing what Jueqing said, he couldn't help but change his face and said: "So, isn't he invincible in the universe?"

Jueqing said: "It can be said that he is invincible in the universe. The main reason is that no one can break his big calculation gene technique. Even the Tao Ancestors and Yuan Yunzhong are already submissive in front of him. And the divine power of chaos is It is a power of origin and a power that integrates all things. Hongmeng Taoist calculates the universe based on the divine power of chaos. Therefore, he still cannot completely restrain the divine power of chaos. Your chaotic divine power is the most authentic divine power in the chaotic world, so he I definitely can’t restrain you. But your skill is far less profound than his, and his holy power is more powerful, so you still can’t beat him!”

Chen Yang said: "Is it possible that I have beaten him?"

Jueqing said: "When you fully understand the genetic sequence of the multiverse and reach the level of a saint, and then swallow some more Chen Yang fragments from other universes, you will definitely be able to defeat him by then."

"I will not swallow any of Chen Yang's fragments!" Chen Yang said firmly.

Jueqing was startled and said, "Is it because of compassion?"

Chen Yang said: "This is not a question of mercy or not, it is the difference between humans and animals. I was planning to refine the fragments I got from you, but found it difficult to refine them, so I stayed here. It is a violation of moral ethics to devour your companions. Once you start, you can't go back."

Jueqing said: "Have you ever thought that if you don't do this, one day all your family will be killed by him?"

Chen Yang said: "If I am afraid that my family will be killed, so I do such a thing, then my family will be living a sinful life. I know that ants still want to survive, and it is right for people to want to live, but if they live by any means, It’s better to die!”

Zipao couldn't help but said: "You are standing and talking without pain in your back. Do you represent your family? Have they ever said they don't want to live?"

Chen Yang said: "I really can't represent them. They have their standards, and I have mine. I try my best to protect them. This is the only thing I can do. I can endure endless pain and humiliation for them, but I can't Because they go and kill other people innocently."

These are his words from the bottom of his heart!

Although when he is furious, he will say that he doesn't care whether people in the world live or die!

But deep down in his heart, he always has a ruler when doing things!

Zipao and Jueqing looked at Chen Yang together, feeling that there seemed to be a huge chasm between themselves and him!

Jueqing said: "For my family, I will do whatever it takes, even if the world is destroyed."

Zipao said: "Me too!"

Chen Yang's eyes were complicated and he said, "I can't do it!"

Ye Qingming was full of praise and said: "Chen Yang, I think your principle is right. In life, you should do something and something not to do. Of course we feel sorry for our family and loved ones. But in this world, we should do something and something not to do. Every living creature has a family and a loved one. The greater our ability, the more we should cherish a grain of sand, a grain of dust, or even the life of an ant! If people like us ignore life, it will be a disaster for the entire creature!"

Mo Yu looked at Ye Qingming, nodded in agreement, and said, "Not bad!"

Jueqing and Zipao looked at each other, but were speechless for a moment.

Chen Yang didn't intend to kill Jue Wuqing anymore, so he said: "Okay, Jue Wuqing, I'll let you go! But you'd better not try to trick me again."

Jueqing smiled bitterly and said: "Don't worry, I know in my heart that I have no ability to influence your ideas. Now I understand your importance, and it is impossible for me to replace you. Therefore, when it comes to dealing with Hongmeng Taoist Master, we must I leave it to you. He will definitely find you, but it will only happen sooner or later, so you must be prepared!"

Chen Yang felt a little hesitant and said: "I don't know how to prepare!" After a pause, he said: "If I reach over and let him kill and swallow it, does he not have to embarrass my family?"

Both Jueqing and Zipao were startled.

Jueqing said: "This... can this kind of operation be done?"

Zipao said: "Are you really not afraid of death at all?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course I am afraid of death, but when I have to die, I can die."

Ye Qingming said: "Chen Yang, you can't give up on yourself like this."

Jueqing said: "No one can guess the thoughts of Taoist Master Hongmeng. If you take the initiative to die, maybe he won't do it either. He is very conceited and may think that you are the son of fate and ask you to kill Chen from other universes. It's easier for Yang. So what if you kill your entire family and arouse your desire for revenge? This is all possible. So even if you take the initiative to die, it may not work! Of course, I don't mean that you must rise up. I’m just telling you that there is a possibility. Maybe Taoist Hongmeng will really kill you, devour you, and then let your family go? This is all possible!"

Zipao said: "But can you afford the gamble? You are more sentimental than us. Let me tell you, the pain of having all your family members killed can really make people collapse!"

Jueqing said: "The reason why I am still alive now is because I want revenge! If it were not supported by this belief, I would have gone crazy and died!"

Chen Yang fell into deep thought.

Ye Qingming said: "Based on what I know about Chen Yang, he will never devour others. So, in this case of not devouring, is it possible for him to defeat Hongmeng Taoist Master?"

This is absolutely cruel.

Jueqing said: "I don't know about this. Anyway, every time he swallows Chen Yang, his skill will increase greatly. If he doesn't swallow it, it will be difficult for him to catch up with Taoist Hongmeng in skill. Although his chaotic divine power is very authentic, if the magic power If it’s not enough, it’s still hard to get a chance!”

Zipao said: "I don't think there's any need to be overly pessimistic. We've gone through so many difficulties before. We can get through them now too... Moreover, what I think is even more terrible now is that we have to find the murderer! Otherwise, we won't be able to do it." Well, his family has been killed. Then there is no need to worry..."

Ye Qingming rolled his eyes and said, "You are really good at comforting people!"

Zipao said: "I'm just telling the truth!"

Chen Yang also perked up and said, "Yes, the most important thing now is to find the murderer! But how do we start?"

Jueqing said: "I can't help you with this, and I have no clue." After a pause, he said to Chen Yang: "Can you return the fragment to me?"

Chen Yang said: "This is not possible!"

Jueqing made a sad face and said: "If I lose this fragment, after I go back and be found out by Hongmeng Dao Master, the consequences will be disastrous. That person is already dead, and it will have no effect whether you destroy or keep the fragment. "

Zipao thought of something and said: "If we kill some Chen Yang and break them into fragments, wouldn't it be impossible for Taoist Hongmeng to gather three thousand fragments of Chen Yang?"

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