My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4171: The Big Bang, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chapter 4171 The Big Bang

Jueqing said: "That doesn't matter. Taoist Hongmeng doesn't mean that he must absorb all Chen Yang's fragments! What he needs is to kill all Chen Yang. In three thousand universes, there are three thousand Chen Yang Everyone has his own luck.

Every time one Chen Yang dies, the luck of the remaining Chen Yang will increase! "

Chen Yang immediately said: "I understand, it's like sharing the cake.

Everyone has his own piece of cake, and if he dies, his cake will be divided among the rest.

Everyone is dead, only Taoist Hongmeng is left, then he will monopolize all the cakes. "

Jueqing said: "Yes, that's the truth!"

Chen Yang asked: "Does this theory stand up to scrutiny?"

Jueqing said: "I don't know if it can stand up to scrutiny, but Taoist Master Hongmeng thinks so. I think it must be right."

After saying that, he said to Chen Yang: "It's really useless for you to hold those fragments, because the energy of these fragments has been fused with me.

These fragments are now things without spiritual consciousness, so you don't have to pity them.

If there is really a fragment missing from my body and Taoist Hongmeng finds out, the consequences will be serious! He found it by following the clues, and that would be your common disaster! "

Zipao pondered for a long time and said to Chen Yang: "I think it's better to give it back to him. His words do make some sense!"

Chen Yang still couldn't completely trust Jueqing.

Zipao said: "Master Hongmeng wants to kill all of us, so he is our real enemy.

Since we have a common enemy, we can now be said to be friends! "

Jueqing said: "Not bad!"

Chen Yang said to Zipao speechlessly: "Don't forget, just now, he was planning to kill you and devour you."

Zipao said: "This moment is the same as that moment!"

Chen Yang said: "You are really not afraid that after I leave, he will turn around and swallow you."

Jueqing smiled bitterly and said: "I really am not so shameless and shameless! After all, I was once the king of destiny and had my own glory.

The reason for taking action before was because each had his own purpose and plan.

Now it can be considered that we don’t know each other without fighting. "

Chen Yang said: "Then do you plan to continue to devour Chen Yang from different universes?"

Jueqing said: "I won't swallow it anymore."

Chen Yang said: "Change your mind and plans so easily?

This doesn't seem to be your character! We are all sensible people, there is no need for you to fool around here. "

Jueqing said: "Before, I was full of hatred and wanted to swallow more Chen Yang at all costs to strengthen myself! Especially after meeting you, I felt that if I swallowed you, I would be beyond Taoist Hongmeng's will." Unexpectedly, I had a good chance of revenge.

But now, I have understood that it is impossible for me to take revenge.

I have to rely on you for revenge, so there is no need for me to continue killing people. "

Zipao said: "Aren't you afraid that Master Hongmeng will cause trouble for you?"

Jueqing said: "It is still difficult for Hongmeng Dao Master to travel through the gate of chaos to reach other universes.

But he can communicate with me across the universe.

After I leave here, I will still go to other universes to confuse his vision.

I will try my best to hide the matters in the main universe and try to buy more time for Chen Yang in the main universe.

This is the only thing I can do. "

Chen Yang thought about it carefully and felt that if he killed Jueqing.

Then Master Hongmeng will definitely feel something unusual and investigate.

There is really no need for me to do this

After thinking about it, Chen Yang returned the fragments to Jueqing.

After Jueqing got the fragment, he was extremely happy as if he had found a treasure.

Looking at his look, Chen Yang felt that he might continue to kill Chen Yang in other universes.

"If I let him go now, wouldn't it mean that Chen Yang from other universes would suffer?

But if I don’t let him go and let Master Hongmeng find me, it will be a very bad thing! Although it will take another hundred years for Hongmeng Taoist Master to travel back and forth, if I don’t kill Jue Wuqing, Hongmeng Taoist Master will not notice me. A hundred years later, he will only look for people in other universes.

Three thousand universes, with my luck, it's not that easy for him to find me.

The premise is that I can't take the initiative to leave clues! "

Chen Yang felt embarrassed and said to Jue Qing: "There is a saying in Buddhism that if I don't kill Boren, Boren will die because of me.

It's easy for me to let you go today, but after you left, you went to kill Chen Yang from another universe? This is also my sin.

Therefore, I want you to make a solemn oath here. From now on, you will never kill Chen Yang from other universes again. "

Jueqing was stunned for a moment, never expecting that Chen Yang would make him swear.

Chen Yang then said: "Master Hongmeng just wants you to kill people, why do you need to fall into his trap?"

Jueqing said bitterly: "I am definitely not the only person arranged by Taoist Master Hongmeng. From now on, all Chen Yang will fight each other.

The stronger I am now, the more I can protect myself in the future.

We are not like you, the protagonists who are born with luck. We not only have to be manipulated by fate, but also by Hongmeng Dao Master. "

The purple-robed man looked grim and said, "If you think about it this way, wouldn't I also start killing people in order to protect myself?"

Jueqing said: "This is a fight between animals trapped in an iron cage. If you don't take action, the enemy will not hold back! The main thing in Hongmeng Dao is for all Chen Yang to kill each other.

Of course we know this is a trap.

But this is not a real trapped animal fight. In the real iron cage, everyone can communicate with each other and persuade each other.

How can we contact each other and communicate when we are separated by the universe? "

Zipao said: "Indeed, you can't ask us to give up on survival just because your chaotic power is the most powerful and you can sit back and relax.

I met Jue Qingwu, who was no match for me, and then I met other Chen Yang who came to kill me. What should I do? "

Chen Yang was immediately speechless.

He is not the kind of character who can stand and talk without pain in his back!

I just feel in my heart that this approach is too cruel for Chen Yang who is still ignorant of other universes!

Zipao said: "Many things are beyond our control!"

Chen Yang sighed and said: "Okay, what you said has its own truth! I really can't impose my own standards of life on you.

I don't care what you do. "

Jueqing and Zipao suddenly looked happy.

The two of them also knew in their hearts that Chen Yang was the real son of destiny.

They have to survive under the sword of Taoist Master Hongmeng, and at the same time they have to have a good relationship with Chen Yang.

This is the real way to survive!

Zipao said to Jueqing: "Can you give me some transformation insects?

If I had the Transformation Insect in hand, I could successfully kill Chen Yang from other universes.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to kill them! "

Jue Qing shook his head and said: "It's not that I don't want to give it, it's that I can't give it to you.

The transformation insect has been integrated into my body. You can go to Xuan Zhenghao in your universe and talk to him about these things.

Maybe he can help you a lot. In the end, you should be able to succeed if you calculate with intention and without intention.

Also, if you want to pass through the Chaos Gate, you can't do it for the time being. "

Zipao was immediately dumbfounded!

What Chen Yang is most concerned about is the passage through the Chaos Gate, which is the key to his return.

So he said: "How can we independently pass through the gate of chaos?"

Mo Yu said from the side: "Weren't we talking earlier about finding the murderer quickly?"

Everyone was startled!

Ye Qingming coughed dryly and said, "Don't we still have no clue about finding the murderer?"

After a pause, he said to Mo Yu: "Don't worry, we will leave after we find the murderer!"

Chen Yang also assured Mo Yu and said, "Not bad!"

Mo Yu was slightly relieved.

Chen Yang looked at Jueqing again.

Jueqing said: "It is extremely difficult to pass through the gate of chaos. You must explode the mass to a certain extent, and then use the divine power of chaos to squeeze, absorb, and dissolve it, and finally it can be opened! What's more terrible is that it is difficult for you to pass through. Go back to your own universe! Every time I travel, I just walk around randomly. My family is no longer in my universe, so I can go anywhere.

The reason why I came to the main universe is that I suddenly felt a big explosion in the chaotic world, and a singularity appeared in the big explosion, so I quickly used this singularity to open a gate to chaos! "

Chen Yang said: "You can feel the big explosion in the chaotic world, so why didn't Master Hongmeng come here with the help of this big explosion?"

Jueqing said: "The big bang is small in the entire chaotic world, and it is fleeting.

I've been paying attention, so I just happened to notice.

Furthermore, Dao Master Hongmeng cannot travel through it. His energy body is too strong and will collapse the Chaos Gate! "

Zipao said: "Do you have to find an opportunity for such a big explosion every time you travel?"

Jueqing said: "This is basically the case, but it does not necessarily mean the Big Bang of a chaotic world! The origin of the universe is because of a Big Bang, also called the Big Bang! In fact, both the solar system and the universe are It started with an explosion.

After the explosion, the matter scattered and expanded, plus gravity and so on! I look for all kinds of big bang opportunities in the universe, immerse myself in the big bang, and then take the opportunity to open the door to chaos! Of course, there are risks involved.

Maybe I'll die in the big explosion. I took action when I came here, and I didn't expect to follow you into this universe! "

The you he is talking about is Chen Yang.

Chen Yang touched his nose and said with lingering fear: "I felt very dangerous at that time. I was thinking, if you don't take action, will I die?"

Jueqing said: "I will die! But I will also die. I don't want to die, so I can only help you open the gate of chaos! This is how tyrannical a child of fate like you is."

Chen Yang suddenly thought of something and said, "How did you cling to the passage we came from without even noticing?"

Jueqing said: "I have been checking since I entered the main universe, and later found out your situation through some methods. I know that it is not possible to go directly to find you. There are too many masters around you.

Later, I learned that you were going to Earth, so I calculated your trajectory, and quickly climbed onto the passage after it left the place surrounded by saints.

My chaotic power can be integrated well with the channel, so I ended up hiding in the channel.

And Li Changye himself has turned into a passage, so he can't give you a warning. "

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming suddenly understood. Afterwards, Chen Yang changed the topic and said: "It seems that opening the door to chaos also requires skills."

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