My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4169: greater crisis, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

When Chen Yang and Zipao heard this, a chill ran down their backs. They couldn't imagine that Chen Yang from another universe could be so powerful.

Afterwards, Chen Yang was still a little puzzled and said: "When did he awaken to this sense of prophecy? How can he actually calculate how many children he should have? Can he calculate the calamity that the Eternal Star Territory will have to go through?"

Jueqing said: "In short, never look at Taoist Hongmeng based on common sense! Many times, when you get along with him, you will feel that he is a super computer without emotions. If it is said that it is difficult to calculate other people's trajectories and futures, but it is necessary to calculate It's easier for me. He is a freak since he was a child. He is very calm and has no tears! He is too precocious... After meeting Situ Ling'er, his heart was moved. That was the only time his heart was moved. , and therefore impressed Situ Ling'er. Then he married Situ Ling'er... This guy, when he was still a human being and a true immortal on land, in order to prove that he was the son of luck, he jumped off the cliff. Jumped Finally, he was indeed not dead!"

"Did he tell you?" Chen Yang said.

Jueqing said: "That's right! You don't have to doubt the authenticity of these words, because it is impossible for him to lie."

Chen Yang said: "How come he is so different from the rest of us?"

Jueqing said: "This is not something I can explain clearly. Maybe there will always be some mistakes when the Creator creates all things in the universe. Human beings, intelligent and intelligent animals, are born with the ability to evolve themselves. Once they start to evolve themselves, many things will happen. Incredible phenomenon. Once human artificial intelligence develops self-awareness, it will become terrifying! The wisdom of Hongmeng Dao Master is much more terrifying than that of Xuan Zhenghao. What’s more terrible is that Xuan Zhenghao had no feelings in the early stage, but later developed feelings. . And Hongmeng Taoist had emotions in the early stage, but as he learned more about the universe, the human emotions and emotions in him disappeared. The current Hongmeng Taoist does not love Situ Linger, nor does he love No one has any feelings for his children! What he has to do is to gather all the luck of the three thousand universes into one, and then use this to open a way, stand on the top of the three thousand universes, and see what is higher up. What the Creator is like.”

Chen Yang said: "Once a cultivator loses his feelings in the end, won't he turn into mountains, rivers, or stars and seas?"

Jueqing said: "That is inferior, and it is the direction of most people. The Great Emperor of the Universe is also lost among all living beings... but the pursuit of Master Hongmeng is different from everyone else. Therefore, he is transcendent!"

Ye Qingming said: "Just to see the truth of the world, you would kill three thousand universes? Disrupt everything? Oh my God! Isn't such a person more terrifying than Yuan Yunzhong's people!"

Jueqing said: "Ha, Yuan Yunzhong is only assigned to Hongmeng Taoist Master to carry shoes! Maybe we think Hongmeng Taoist Master's idea is ridiculous and very cruel. But he thinks that he is a person who has transcended low-level taste and everything in the world Emotions and human existence are just sequences of numbers! He is pursuing the infinite truth of heaven and earth. What’s even more frightening is that maybe he is right and what we insist on is wrong.”

Chen Yang said: "I still don't understand. How could he think that gathering the fragments of us can open a new avenue?"

Jueqing said: "He believes that every creature, even every person, and plant is connected to the ultimate of the universe. But for a single person, even if he has cultivated to the extreme, the connected thread is not enough to reach the ultimate! So then , he wanted to find out the person with the strongest luck in this era. He finally believed that Chen Yang was the person with the strongest luck, that is, the son of luck. If he swallowed all the sons of luck, This can make this thread leading to the ultimate of the universe become extra strong, and thus we can reach the ultimate!"

Zipao said: "Is his theory really tenable?"

Jueqing said: "He was the first person to confirm the existence of the multiverse, and he was also the first person to break the dimensional wall of the multiverse. Do you think his theory is tenable?"

Zipao said: "This..."

Chen Yang said: "Then how many Chen Yang have you swallowed?"

Mo Yu also said: "When I sent out the Demon Slash to you, I felt that there was a world of golden light in your mind. So what happened?"

Jueqing said: "I have only swallowed two Chen Yang in total, and Hongmeng Daozu has already swallowed a hundred." After a pause, he said to Mo Yu: "After I swallowed two Chen Yang's chaotic powers, I made a fragment of Chen Yang into a puppet, and then he snatched it away." This person naturally refers to Chen Yang.

"The other one, I set up a big formation in my brain! Because this Chen Yang's brain fragments and mine are of the same origin. So, in times of crisis, I used his fragments to create It has become a brain world! And my real brain is hidden in the center of the formation!"

"You're good enough!" Chen Yang said speechlessly.

Ye Qingming said: "But the first time I fought with you, I didn't seem to feel that your brain was so strong."

Jueqing glanced at Ye Qingming and said: "The first time we fought, because I was in the passage, I was also injured. In order to kill you quickly, I integrated all the power into my body. But you That finger is also very strange, very strange, it makes me feel like I am really going to die soon... The power of your fingers behind me is not as powerful as that finger."

Ye Qingming said: "That finger of mine was also made with my hard work, and my injury has never healed!" Jueqing said: "That's it!" Chen Yang said: "I'm wondering, we came out of the passage Why did you wait until a day later to take action! If you had taken action directly, I wouldn't have been able to do it. It turns out you were also raising it."

Jueqing said: "Not bad!"

At this time, Zipao said again: "After you killed those two Chen Yangs, did you not embarrass their families?"

Jueqing said: "No!"

Chen Yang said: "Tell me, how did you kill these two Chen Yang?"

Jueqing said: "Killing is actually very simple, not difficult at all! You are all slower in comprehending the divine power of chaos. To be precise, you are the slowest." This you are still talking about Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "Why am I the slowest?"

Jueqing said: "In so many universes, Chen Yang, you can be said to be the most magical existence. You are passionate, but also dedicated. No matter how the world changes, you have always kept your heart. After being passionate, you have always been dedicated. . So, your path is the most upright, but also the slowest. For example, he..." This time he pointed at the purple robe and said: "He didn't die at all in the battle of the Holy City in the fairy world. The calamity fire detonated. When he was young, he forcibly refined the Tiandao Brush. Why do you think this is so? Because he had already refined the Chaos Spirit Vine. He was cruel enough... so he had mastered the divine power of Chaos early on."

Zipao also touched his nose and said with a strange expression: "How do you know so clearly?"

Jueqing said: "After I come to this universe, I can use the power of chaos to calculate your trajectory. Because my genes are mostly the same as yours, it is easy to calculate your trajectory based on me. That's it. Can understand many things! However, I can figure out yours clearly, but it is difficult to figure out his. Because all the luck in this main universe is full of mystery. I stayed in the fairy world of the main universe for a long time before I figured it out. Issues."

"Using the power of chaos to calculate the trajectory?" Zipao found it unbelievable and said, "How to calculate it?"

Jueqing said: "Master Hongmeng told me the sequence algorithm of a small part of the universe. Through the sequence and genes, plus you also have the power of chaos, so I can calculate some of your past!"

Zipao suddenly realized.

Chen Yang looked at Zipao and said, "Did you really kill the Chaos Spirit Vine so early?"

Zipao said calmly: "I was troubled by the Taoist pen of that day, and then I just decided to refine the Chaos Spirit Vine. I didn't expect it to have a miraculous effect..."

Chen Yang said: "You...okay!" After a pause, he said: "Has the Emperor Xuan of your world gone to the fairy world?"

Zipao said: "Of course I went. He didn't know until he went that I had solved the crisis by myself!"

Chen Yang was thoughtful, and then remembered a key thing, and said: "I have always forgotten to ask you, I came to Earth because I wanted to find the Sun Poison Fire to rescue Su Su. Since you have not died, your Su Su has not died either. I will go to the fairy world with you. Then what are you doing back this time?"

Zipao said: "Things in the fairy world have come to an end and everything has settled down, so I just want to come back and take a look."

Chen Yang said: "How did you come back?"

Zipao said: "Mo Yu and Li Changye are cooperating."

At this time, a trace of undetectable panic flashed in Ye Qingming's eyes. But no one found anything.

Chen Yang didn't think much about it, and then said to Jueqing: "You pretended to be him to kill me before, but you have never been to the earth, how do you know about the earth?"

Jueqing said: "I didn't go to the Earth because I knew that if I went to the Earth, I would leave a lot of traces behind. I was still afraid of the God Emperor on the Earth. Later I went to the Danube Star, and then I discovered the Danube Star. Something happened. I also used some clues from the Danube to deduce what happened on the earth, so I knew something happened on the earth as well."

Chen Yang and Zipao suddenly realized. After that, Chen Yang said again: "You haven't said how you killed the two Chen Yangs in other universes?"

Jueqing said: "When Taoist Master Hongmeng found me, Old Man Hongchen happened to come to Earth. He helped me kill Old Man Hongchen. I thought it was the great savior who had arrived. Unexpectedly, he slaughtered all my family members. I am in pain. To the extreme, he refined my Tiandao Brush with me, and directly grabbed the Chaos Spirit Vine to help me refine the Chaos Divine Power. It turned out that he first went to my fairyland, took the Chaos Spirit Vine, and then Just came here."

"After I gained access to the divine power of Chaos, he gave me a magic transformation Gu, which was completely refined by me! After that, when I fight people like you again, after you absorb my magic, your power will There will be problems." Jueqing said.

Chen Yang said: "In other words, you have already mastered this kind of thing?"

Jueqing said: "Not bad!"

Chen Yang said: "But when I fought with you, I absorbed your power and didn't feel any power transformation Gu!"

Jueqing said bitterly: "So, the Son of Destiny in the main universe is different. Your chaotic divine power is too overpowering and authentic, and it also purified my Transformation Insect."

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Zipao said: "Why did Master Hongmeng come to you?"

Jueqing said: "He just randomly found me. I was unlucky to be picked by him. He didn't just attack me alone, he was also cultivating other Chen Yangs."

Ye Qingming said: "Why doesn't he come to dominate the universe?"

Jueqing said: "He can't go to any universe now and can only stay in his own universe. I have said this before. Besides, no one knows which main universe is... Only by traveling here can we know for sure. !”

Chen Yang said: "When you were traveling over, someone warned us that he was coming, danger, danger, danger!"

Jueqing was startled and said, "Could it be him?"

Chen Yang asked: "Who?"

Jueqing said: "Xuan Zhenghao... Xuan Zhenghao of our universe!"

Chen Yang said: "What's going on with your universe now?"

Jueqing said: "I haven't been to the fairy world, so I don't know much about the situation in the fairy world. Everything should be as usual, but many orders seem to be changing. There are also many extreme weather events, and the earth's three In a thousand worlds, weird things happen one after another. It’s probably an adjustment that occurs after the normal trajectory is disrupted!”

Chen Yang sighed, feeling that things were getting more and more complicated and difficult to deal with.

He just wants to live a peaceful life, why is it so difficult?

Jueqing said: "Theoretically speaking, it will take another hundred years for Hongmeng Taoist Master to travel through the multiverse again. But Hongmeng Taoist Master is constantly improving and evolving. Maybe he can successfully travel through the multiverse in a few years. So. , you can’t take it lightly. Once he comes, he will kill all your family members. Because he knows that only by arousing your hatred to kill him will you continue to devour Chen Yang from other universes and take revenge!"

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