My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4158: The truth is lost, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang gave some of the energy fragments to Ye Qingming, and he studied the rest himself.

Ye Qingming also used his magic power and rubbed the energy fragments in his hands.

Chen Yang entered a state of extreme tranquility, running his magic power and letting those energy fragments flow in his magic power. The slightest hint of movement was clearly detected by him.

Time passed quickly, and another three hours passed in the blink of an eye!

Three hours later, Chen Yang had enough understanding of these energy fragments. But the more he understood, the heavier his expression became. Ye Qingming also found some information from the energy fragments and said to Chen Yang: "The energy in these energy fragments is very strong and very pure. More importantly, there are many battles in these energy fragments." Wisdom includes the understanding of laws and experience. If we can completely surrender and integrate these fragments, and then pour mana into it, we can also make it into a powerful puppet! This is a good thing." After saying this, Then I noticed that something was wrong with his expression, so I was startled and said, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Chen Yang's eyes flashed with complexity and confusion, and he said: "This energy fragment is very weird, very weird!"

Ye Qingming said: "It's really weird. I don't know where the man in white got it."

Chen Yang looked at Ye Qingming and said: "These energy fragments make me feel a little familiar. When my mana enters the core of these energy fragments, the energy fragments and my mana are extremely integrated. It's like a part of my body's flesh and blood …”

" could this happen?" Ye Qingming was puzzled.

Chen Yang said: "I have a feeling that these energy fragments are like what was left after I was killed. Including the man in white... I seem to understand his identity now."

Ye Qingming felt a little creepy and said: "What do you think his identity is..."

"Multiverse...parallel universe...there may be many parallel universes. Countless parallel universes make up the multiverse...and he is Chen Yang in other universes. These fragments were caused by him killing Chen Yang in other universes and then absorbing them , to strengthen his own power. Because only our fragmented energy can be perfectly integrated with him! The reason why he wants to kill me is because he wants my energy fragments. When he comes here, he also wants the Chen of this universe. Pieces of Yang!”

"No way? This is incredible!" Ye Qingming couldn't believe it and said: "If he is really Chen Yang from another universe, but you all have your own destiny trajectory, why would he completely deviate from the trajectory and then come to devour others? Where is Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang said: "This is all just my guess, but if my guess is correct, all the mysteries will be solved."

Ye Qingming said: "Then next, will he go find Chen Yang in this world and kill him?"

Chen Yang said: "It's very possible. I'm afraid that he has already killed Chen Yang in this world."

Ye Qingming said: "The current situation is too complicated."

Chen Yang said: "It's really complicated."

Ye Qingming said: "It's hard to tell what's true and what's false. I think we both need to set a secret code. If the other party pretends to be you and sneaks up on me, it'll be hard for me to tell the difference."

Chen Yang said: "We really need to set a secret code!" He immediately began to communicate with Ye Qingming through sound transmission. He said: "The secret code I have set now will be easy for them to know. Because my personal habits will be very similar to theirs... So this secret code is up to you."

Ye Qingming said: "Okay! When I doubt your identity, I will ask you, do you want to eat a fairy peach? Then you answer me, I want to eat the Nine Transformation Soul!"

This answer is really irrelevant, but the secret is to achieve this effect!

Chen Yang said: "Okay!"

Afterwards, Ye Qingming asked Chen Yang: "What do you plan to do with these energy fragments? Do you want to absorb them, strengthen your own strength, and turn them into puppets at the same time?"

"This is an evil path, I can't do this!" Chen Yang said: "If I taste the benefits of this, maybe when I am in a difficult situation in the future, I will also want to absorb Chen Yang's energy fragments from other worlds!"

When Ye Qingming heard this, he was immediately in awe, feeling that Chen Yang was indeed different from ordinary people. Immediately he said: "You are right!"

Chen Yang said: "Such devouring will inevitably lead to cause and effect. Let these energy fragments disappear into thin air."

Ye Qingming said: "I support your approach!"

Although this energy fragment has great effects, there are also great benefits after swallowing it.

But Chen Yang still chose to destroy it!

Then, he used the Chaos Divine Fire to refine the energy fragments!

But what made him feel depressed was that no matter how he refined it, these energy fragments were indestructible and would not change for a long time.

"Yes, this energy fragment is the same as my power, and it is impossible for me to refine it." After Chen Yang figured this out, he said to Ye Qingming: "You come and refine it! "

Ye Qingming nodded, and then used the Death Fire Refining!

She practiced for three full hours, but those energy fragments were still indestructible and unchanged.

"Can't be refined?" Chen Yang was a little depressed.

Ye Qingming collected the Death Fire and said, "What should we do now?"

Chen Yang said: "Although we did not successfully refine this fragment just now, the good news is that the aura belonging to the man in white has been refined by us. So he cannot find us through these fragments. Since it cannot be refined for the time being, Then I can only collect it first and talk about it later."

Ye Qingming said: "That's all we can do."

Chen Yang said: "Now let's go to Earth first."

Ye Qingming had no objection, and the two of them flew out of the Death Star again and flew towards the earth.

This journey has been extremely smooth.

Three days later, we arrived at a place five thousand kilometers away from the earth.

At this moment, a figure flashed in front of him.

This scene is exactly the same as a few days ago.

But this time it was not just one person, but a man and a woman.

The man was wearing a purple robe and looked exactly like Chen Yang.

When the man in white pretended to be Chen Yang from this universe, he was dressed exactly like the man in front of him.

Presumably the man in white first figured out some of Chen Yang's habits in this universe, and then started pretending.

Chen Yang was not surprised when he saw this purple robe. But when he saw the woman next to him in purple robe, he couldn't help but be surprised.

The woman was wearing a plain white dress, elegant and quiet, she was exactly... Mo Yu!

"Xiaoyu..." Chen Yang shouted with trembling excitement. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately understood that she was not Xiao Yu in his own universe, but Mo Yu in this universe.

Mo Yu, who was wearing a plain white dress, glanced at Chen Yang, surprise flashed in her eyes. When she saw Ye Qingming again, she couldn't help but said in surprise, "Aren't you no longer alive?"

A flash of panic suddenly flashed in Ye Qingming's eyes, but she did not answer Mo Yu!

At this time, the purple-robed man's eyes were blood red, his fists were clenched, and he was staring at Chen Yang.

The aura on him was crazy and desperate, as if he would take action at any time.

Ye Qingming quickly calmed down and sent a message to Chen Yang, saying, "Could he still be the man in white and want to repeat his old tricks?"

Chen Yang quietly replied: "It's unlikely. How can there be whispers around the man in white?"

Ye Qingming said: "That's true!"

Chen Yang looked at Zipao and said solemnly: "I am also very sad about the tragic death of your family. But I did not kill the person. I hope you can give me time to explain."

Zipao said word by word: "Say it!" Although he was extremely angry and desperate, he had not completely lost his mind!

Chen Yang said: "I came from the fairy world. I originally wanted to come to the earth to find Sun Poison Fire for Su Su to heal her injuries. Unexpectedly, when I came, I was attacked by a man in white. Our passage was damaged..."

He told in detail how he passed through the Chaos Gate, and then went to the earth and found that Su Yanran was very strange. I also found that Shen Mo Nong was also weird...

But he didn't dare to tell Zipao that he also slept with Shen Mo Nong.

But Zipao didn't give up, gritted his teeth and said: "Mo Nong's corpse has your breath, and I saw what you did to her based on the breath. What, you want to deny it?"

Chen Yang was stunned, but he didn't expect this to happen. Feeling helpless at the moment, he said: "I thought she was my wife at the time, so there was a misunderstanding. If I had bad intentions, then you should also have seen the body of Mingyue Immortal Lord!"

"She also has your aura on her body!" The murderous intent in Zipao's eyes became more and more intense!

Chen Yang immediately understood that this guy didn't even know that he slept with Shen Mo Nong, he just extracted his breath from their corpses!

But when he was wandering like this just now, Chen Yang felt guilty and admitted it.

"Ling'er also has your aura, but it's very light!" Zipao said coldly: "Ling'er has always had a grudge against me. If it weren't for this, you would have ruined her too."

"But no matter what, you shouldn't kill them!" The murderous intent in Zipao's eyes became more and more crazy, and he said sternly: "Who are you? Why are you pretending to be me? Why do you want to kill my family, saying..." He said the last It came out with a roar.

Chen Yang wanted to explain something more, but Zipao had already attacked him.

In the purple robe's fist, the black hole crystal appeared.

The chaotic vortex behind him also appeared...

Gathering all the skills, the ferocious divine fist came towards Chen Yang's eyebrows to kill the general angrily...

This punch shook the heaven and the earth, cutting off the stars for eternity...

Chen Yang did not dare to underestimate him and quickly retreated. At the same time, a golden chaotic vortex appeared behind him!

He frantically absorbed the divine power of chaos, and then used the Great Devouring Technique.

The Great Devouring Technique, the divine power of heaven, and the power of the Five Grains and Sheji Divine Tree are all integrated.

Led by the power of chaos!

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