My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4159: I am invincible, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Zipao's black hole divine fist entered the vortex of Chen Yang's Great Devouring Technique, and was immediately strangled by thousands of chaotic golden particles, shattering it and turning it into pure energy!

Chen Yang absorbed the pure energy in one gulp, and then shouted: "Great Chaos Thunder Fist!"


Chaos and thunder merge, and thousands of laws and rules merge into it!

Blast and kill!

This punch was extremely ferocious!

The purple-robed figure turned around, but also used the Great Devouring Technique.

His Great Devouring Technique also contains the power of the Five Grain and Sheji Divine Tree, the divine power of heaven and the divine power of chaos.

The strength of the two is almost the same!

The purple robe quickly dissolved and absorbed Chen Yang's power.

At this time, Chen Yang did not pursue the victory, but said: "Brother, you should believe that I am not a fake now. How can a fake have the same power as us?"

Zipao stopped.

He looked at Chen Yang and asked, "Does it really come from the so-called parallel universe?" Chen Yang said, "Not bad!"

The purple robe's eyes flashed with overwhelming hatred, and he said: "Even if everything you said is true, you are the one who attracted the man in white. You can also be regarded as my biggest enemy who killed his wife and daughter."

Chen Yang couldn't help but be startled, and then thought to himself: "This is a normal reaction!"

Boundless murderous intent surged out of Zipao's body.

Ye Qingming couldn't help but said: "The behavior of the man in white is beyond our control. Only by joining forces can we avenge your wife and daughter. If you fight with us now, it will really hurt your loved ones and hurt your enemies!" The grudges between us can be resolved after we kill the man in white."

"I'm going to kill all of you!" Zipao refused to listen to dissuasion, and the aura of madness on his body became stronger and stronger.

Then, Zipao took action again.

He roared loudly and then punched out.

Suddenly, the Black Hole Divine Fist erupted fiercely, the majestic holy power rolled in it, and the chaotic divine power was even more ferocious and boundless!

In one breath, ten black hole divine fists exploded!

Chen Yang had no choice but to welcome Zipao's attack. He shouted deeply, jumped into the void, and then punched out.

The Great Chaos Thunder Fist strikes out with lightning!

The two people's fists violently hit one place in the void.

Then, Zipao slashed out a sword from the east, and Chen Yang responded with the Cangsheng Jie Finger!

Afterwards, the two of them performed the Sword Art of Creation at the same time.

In the process of fighting this purple robe, Chen Yang also discovered the difference between himself and him.

Although many of their moves appear to be the same, they can still see their differences.

The difference is that his moves are full of majesty, awe-inspiring righteousness, and the vastness of the universe!

Zipao's moves are equally majestic and the universe is vast, but there is a pleasant evil spirit in them.

When you meet gods, kill gods, when you meet Buddhas, kill Buddhas, your thoughts will be smooth!

The way this purple robe behaves is very similar to that of the man in white.

When Chen Yang and Zipao were fighting together, Ye Qingming and Mo Yu did not take action. Both of them were always paying attention to each other. If the other party wanted to take action, they would definitely stop it.

Chen Yang and Zipao had an earth-shaking battle!

The two of them fought happily...

The mana on both sides seemed to be endless.

Within an hour, the two of them blasted each other with countless powerful divine fists. Their magic power surged, and the aftermath shook the heaven, earth, and stars!

It was hard to tell the winner at first!

But an hour later, Chen Yang's chaotic power became more and more fierce, and he really showed his true intentions. But Zipao began to run out of strength...

The purple robe's chaotic power begins to fail!

Obviously, Chen Yang's chaotic power is more authentic and powerful.

Although they all come from the same origin, there are big differences in the subtleties.

Chen Yang suppressed Zipao tightly. Zipao began to use the Great Devouring Technique to absorb Chen Yang's power. He knew that fighting hard was not an option.

Naturally, Chen Yang wouldn't let him absorb it in vain, so he also stopped his attack and retreated back.

He can actually use the Dharma of Heaven and Earth. Once he uses the Dharma of Heaven and Earth, he can definitely break Zipao's Great Devouring Technique and defeat Zipao. But in this way, his mana will be consumed very much. If the man in white were to attack again at this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

"You are not my opponent, so you can't kill me!" After Chen Yang stopped, he said in a deep voice: "Let's have a truce!"

After Zipao stopped, he felt a deep sense of exhaustion coming over him. He wanted to absorb the divine power of Chaos, but found that the divine power of Chaos had become extremely thin.

This is because the other party is absorbing the authentic divine power of chaos. But I can't compete with the other party!

Zipao couldn't help but be surprised and didn't understand why the guy in front of him was stronger than him. He also understood that the reason for his defeat was that the divine power of Chaos was not as pure and authentic as his opponent!

For so many years, Zipao has always felt that he is the absolute destined king and the authentic protagonist!

But when he saw the other person, he began to doubt his identity.

Chen Yang did not expect that Zipao was thinking about the identity of the King of Destiny at this moment... He said: "I can swear on my family that I never killed your family, let alone tarnished Mingyue Immortal Lord. Your wife and I Shen Mo Nong did have a relationship, but I didn't know about it. Later, I went to Mingyue Palace just to confirm whether Mingyue Immortal Lord was alive. Because in my world, Mingyue Immortal Lord was no longer alive, even my father Chen Tianya also died to save me. After I saw that Mingyue Immortal Lord was indeed still alive, I quickly found an excuse to leave. Brother, you are no match for me at all. I have no reason to kill your family. I If he is really a bad person, he should kill you and then become you and integrate into your family, right?"

Zipao said: "That's not necessarily the case. The Demon Emperor lost all his family members back then, but didn't he also kill Senior Chen Ling's family and friends?"

Chen Yang said: "In short, I understand your mood very well. The man in white was indeed brought here by me, but this is not what I thought. If you want to get angry at me because of this and come to kill me, then I can't just die without letting go." .”

Zipao's anger had been vented a lot in the battle just now, and he finally calmed down a little now.

He looked at Chen Yang and said, "Who is the man in white? Why did he want to kill my family?"

Chen Yang said: "I can't give an answer now. He also came from the Chaos Gate, probably from other multiverses. He followed our passage and had great murderous intentions towards me. He initially treated me He took action and was repulsed by us. Just a few days ago, we were going to find you on Earth... but he appeared in front of us pretending to be you. If I hadn't been alert enough, I would have been killed by him." It would have been a few days ago now. He talked about being booby-trapped by men in white and so on.

Zipao fell into silence after hearing this.

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming looked at each other and stopped disturbing Zipao's thoughts.

While Zipao was meditating, Chen Yang couldn't help but look at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu was always quiet, and her true emotions could not be seen at all. Chen Yang couldn't help but his eyes turned red...

He remembered his little words...

Mo Yu also noticed the change in Chen Yang's expression and couldn't help but feel slightly strange, saying: "You...what's wrong?"

Before Chen Yang could speak, Ye Qingming said: "In our universe, Xiaoyu is no longer alive."

After hearing this, Mo Yu suddenly trembled and couldn't help but ask, "Why isn't she here?"

Ye Qingming said: "I was attacked and killed by Yuan Yunzhong and Li Changye together, but I lost in the end and died!"

Mo Yu was immediately puzzled and said: "I have been with my godfather and the saints, and I have not given them a chance to attack and kill them! Moreover, the fairy world has turned into a world of demons. I have gained access to the demons, and the entire world of demons is here for me. But she can come and go as she pleases. Doesn't she...don't have a Tongtian Demon?"

Ye Qingming said: "It's a bit complicated."

At this time, Zipao spoke and said, "Let's find a place to discuss how to deal with the man in white!" His mood had stabilized a lot.

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming both agreed.

Immediately, the group of people quickly returned to the earth and came to the world of Shennong.

In Shennong's world, Jialan Palace has been destroyed!

At the original Jialan Palace site, Zipao had already buried all his disciples, as well as Ling'er and Chen Ruoran.

Chen Yang couldn't help but ask Zipao: "Have you gone to Danube Star? I'm worried about them..."

Zipao closed his eyes in pain and knelt in front of Ling'er's grave, but couldn't say a word.

Mo Yu said: "After we discovered the problem here, we immediately went to Danube Star. There was no one alive on Danube Star, and all our relatives were killed. Including Uncle Qin and his family!"

Chen Yang's body shook violently, and a look of extreme pain and hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Hateful, hateful, deserve to be killed!" Chen Yang was extremely angry.

Zipao never spoke.

Chen Yang, Ye Qingming, and Mo Yu stayed with Zipao, silently paying homage to the deceased...

After a long time, Mo Yu suddenly spoke and asked, "Are you really sure that the murderer is the man in white?"

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming were both stunned.

The two of them identified the man in white as the murderer, and also felt that the murderer was unlikely to be anyone else. I can’t find anyone else. Who else on earth can do this? The only one who can do this is the God-Emperor, but the God-Emperor will definitely not do this...

But now, Mo Yu's question confused the two of them.

Because they didn't see the killer of the man in white with their own eyes! Therefore, we cannot be absolutely certain that the man in white is the murderer...

Chen Yang pondered for a long time and said: "This is our inference and guess, and we really can't think of anyone else. But if you want to be absolutely sure, I dare not say it because we haven't seen it with our own eyes."

Mo Yu looked at Chen Yang and said, "Then you'd better pray to God and pray to the Buddha to bless the murderer who is the man in white."

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